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Weekly Maintenance

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Is there a plan to get rid of the Weekly Maintenances or will there be a persistence wipe every week even when we come into the Beta?

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Is there a plan to get rid of the Weekly Maintenances


I don't think you quite understand how this works.


While the persistence-wipes are a part of the maintenance it doesn't necessarily mean that it'll always be like that. Infact I doubt it'll stay like that for much longer.


Mind you, even WoW has a weekly downtime..

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There will always be server maintenance but in the future we wont get wiped.

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You can expect at least 1 more wipe - the day before DayZ goes gold.

Could you imagine the sweet sweet tears on this server, day1, of people complaining that all they can find is a strand of hair, while everyone else has rawcket lawnchus?

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