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Frequency out of range

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Hello, Im sorta new to the game got to play a few times, love it!! But.. Here lately ive been getting a frequency out of range where i have to restart my computer to fix it, any idea how to fix this?

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cant believe none is replying..

Edited by DrCoochie

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Sounds like your display frequency, maybe ..


Look at Control Panel/Display/Change Display Settings/Advanced/Monitor/ -  and see what refresh rate is set for your display.


If you look in Control Panel/Display/Change Display Settings/Advanced/Adapter and click on 'List All Modes' - you have a list of the valid display modes you can set (this is a list of what you can choose from that will work)... whatever you have set in DayZ has to correspond to one of these.. ok? This is a list of what will work with your graphics card on your screen. 


This is what I would look at  first, 'm not saying its the solution, but it's a place to start.


OK - if you have an Nvidea control panel (or some such) it will want to override these windows settings, depending on what you have told it to do.. but same thing there, your VDU wont deal with anything that is not in the list "List all Modes" above... so start off with standard basic settings that work  - eg like 60 Hz for frequency - and if those are ok (they will be) , then work up to the "cool" settings one change at a time. Tell your Nvidea Control Panel (or whatever it is) not to mess with any settings or "special game settings".. (you can play with those later when you want to experiment)


Now, in DayZ -   OK..for instance if you have Windows or Nvidea control setting your VDU frequency at 72 (another common setting)  -  and then in DayZ you have set some huge resolution .. then your VDU - or your graphics card - will not be able to deal with that many pixels at that speed and you get an error message when you try to play.


So - set DayZ resolution to one of the settings in "List all Modes".. Then if  you mess with the modes you CAN use, you will find one that gives you a DayZ screen that suits you.


xx pilgrim


[no one replies to you because everyone's waiting for DayZ to come back after the Wednesday morning break, so they all too stressed out - or it's just come back and they're too into starting to play and WTF-ing ..it's just player stress.. don't worry about it, the rest of the week everyone's OK ]

Edited by pilgrim

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Maybe no one knows the answer?

Seems like this is a pretty consistent problem, or the game just not working at all anymore. 

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Seems like this is a pretty consistent problem, or the game just not working at all anymore. 


Did you try what I suggested ?

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Did you try what I suggested ?

I did, it got me to the main menu of DayZ, then about 3 seconds later it shut down and went to the frequency out of range again. But, I guess me getting to the main menu is progress, so im still messing around with the list all modes and seeing what i can do, just time consuming since i have to restart my computer every time I get the "frequency out of range" message.

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I did, it got me to the main menu of DayZ, then about 3 seconds later it shut down and went to the frequency out of range again. But, I guess me getting to the main menu is progress, so im still messing around with the list all modes and seeing what i can do, just time consuming since i have to restart my computer every time I get the "frequency out of range" message.


From the main menu, you can open the options menu and change the video options on DayZ.. if you have time-  but I guess the main page is already at the wrong screen definition, I don't know how to reset this if the main screen crashes on you except by going into the DayZ files on your PC. I don't know where the video options are located in those.


Anyone know where the video config options are in the DayZ files, so DrCoochie can set his screen definition by hand, ..to help this guy ?


If you're in despair you could try deleting the config files which are located in your Documents folder. The next time you start DayZ it will not find the config files and it will automatically create new default ones, including the standard DayZ resolution. Make a backup of what you want to delete first, in case this doesn't work.

Just in case doing this gets you into a mess.. you can then get Steam to check your DayZ installation and replace any bad or missing files. That only takes 5 mins


xx pilgrim

Edited by pilgrim

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From the main menu, you can open the options menu and change the video options on DayZ.. if you have time-  but I guess the main page is already at the wrong screen definition, I don't know how to reset this if the main screen crashes on you except by going into the DayZ files on your PC. I don't know where the video options are located in those.


Anyone know where the video config options are in the DayZ files, so DrCoochie can set his screen definition by hand, ..to help this guy ?


If you're in despair you could try deleting the config files which are located in your Documents folder. The next time you start DayZ it will not find the config files and it will automatically create new default ones, including the standard DayZ resolution. Make a backup of what you want to delete first, in case this doesn't work.

Just in case doing this gets you into a mess.. you can then get Steam to check your DayZ installation and replace any bad or missing files. That only takes 5 mins


xx pilgrim

I don't think anyone is ignoring the OP, this is just a very unusual probem.


As I recall, there are only three files in the ~/My Documents/dayz folder (I'm on my Linux box right now, so sorry I can't give more specifics). All of the config files can be viewed with a text editor, but it may be difficult to spot an error, at first glance. Therefore, I agree with pirgrim. Start by renaming the dayz folder. Rename it to dayx, or dayz_original for example, so that you can easily return to a known starting point, if that becomes necessary. Start the game and it will automatically generate new, default config files. Go into the game menus and adjust your monitor resolution and other preferances. Let us know if the problem persists.


Also, don't forget to have Steam verify the local game files.

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I did, it got me to the main menu of DayZ, then about 3 seconds later it shut down and went to the frequency out of range again. But, I guess me getting to the main menu is progress, so im still messing around with the list all modes and seeing what i can do, just time consuming since i have to restart my computer every time I get the "frequency out of range" message.


If you are only changing the options in the Windows "List all Modes"  and you are still getting "frequency out of range" and you have to restart, then the problem must be with the frequency of your VDU.. try setting it to 60Hz  (the screen refresh rate)

Control Panel/Display/Change Display Settings/Advanced/Monitor/


60Hz is the standard base refresh rate for all the monitors I've heard of.. many won't do anything other than 60Hz.. If you have this problem just with windows (not even DayZ) when you change the screen definition, then the message must definitely mean your monitor is trying to run at a refresh rate it can't deal with... 

Like I said - your "Nvidea Control Panel  (or the Same Thing for whatever graph card you have)  might also have a bad refresh rate set in it, and it will override windows.. so check you have 60Hz in that.

If you got any literature with the monitor, look at it, see if your VDU is standard 60Hz refresh or standard 72Hz refresh.. (that covers about 90% of monitors)


If you have no problem with windows, and only a problem with the game, then do as BleedoutBill suggests -


when you've done that, you'll find on these forums how to get Steam to check your PC game files, in case you don't know yet how to do that.. but if its a problem with the DayZ resolution settings you should be ok following the steps suggested.

Edited by pilgrim

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