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Fix V3S control bug

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So yeah, long story short, fully geared character, rocking around to my 3rd heli crash site in 10 minutes.

get out of truck. find out that truck acceleration controls are still bound to your character for a good 3-5 seconds after exiting truck.

so I get out. run to helicopter. meanwhile hear the truck accelerating behind as I run on foot.


squish, into heli-crash by my own truck.

i shit you not.


rage quit.




no its not lag.


tested it on 3 trucks now.


get out of your truck. you can run on foot for 3-5 seconds and still drive the truck 

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Are you aware that this mainly happens when you press / hold "W" whilst you're getting out?


Other than that - have you bothered making a post on the Feedback-Tracker at all?

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Ever heard of turning the engine off before getting out ?

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A friend of mine parked his on a Hill slope . He got out and the Truck fliped over and crushed him underneth it.  "You are dead"  

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A friend of mine parked his on a Hill slope . He got out and the Truck fliped over and crushed him underneth it.  "You are dead"  

so im just a friend ???? 







Edited by Munson_fry
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Are you aware that this mainly happens when you press / hold "W" whilst you're getting out?


Other than that - have you bothered making a post on the Feedback-Tracker at all?

no i rage quit uninstalled.



j/k yeah ill do it tomorrow, its 130am here,  i usually do.



Ever heard of turning the engine off before getting out ?


no, why would you turn the truck off, esp at a heli site. i wantd to jump out. get the lootz. jump back in. door open engine running.


i did it @ 3 previous site inside 10 minutes.

I know you can say yeah dont hold down W while getting out. its a bad habit yes. ever since doing it to fix drinking/bandaging/crafting split bug. but this time

i waited til i could see my guy. tapped w and i could move straight away. held it down after then though. so did the truck =( it was like that 3/4 of a second of. "no no no no nO!!!!!!". black screen.



i bet who ever is on that server @ heli crash is laughing so hard right now. fully geared guy infront of truck. next to heli. PROFIT!

Edited by R0B3RTF1SH3R
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I found a dead guy outside a police station with a running truck yesterday (shit gear), got myself getting in a day or 2 before. I had a bad habit of opening the door, starting the engine as the getting in animation was happening, and then closing the door once moving. It was way to easy to fumble "get out" instead of close door.

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