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CyberVillain (DayZ)

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you are cold. Try to sit some time at an warming fire, this will help you.


and boy, GET OUTA THE RAIN my whise grandma would say  :rolleyes:

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Isn't that shaking because you're cold, considering it affects your aim in general?


Have you tried warming up at a campfire?

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It seems it is a bug, where your character behaves as if being cold but the status effect isn't there. Should be able to fix it by sitting by a camp fire.

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No its not that, its like that all the time.

Well, once you get cold it doesn't go away on it's own, ever.  It's constant jittering in the scope and binoculars.  You need to warm up properly, and that typically requires a fire.   Get yourself a thermometer, if it reads 35.5 or less then it is the cold jitters.

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Yep. Jitters are annoying when scoping  

Edited by Zeotrope

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Dunno if it has been fixed, but this can also be caused from an injury, it was bugged and sometimes your character wouldn't make the noises or anything like he was hurting, along with warming up, try taking some pain killers, and splinting once or twice, it worked for me! 

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