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Fun Trap ideas ;)

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I think this is a feature we should expand on to help protect our camps etc as well as for plain old shits and giggles.

The tools needed to create traps are already in-game and just need designed and the mechanics added, here's a list of things I can think off...

Using rope or wire with various in-game items:-

Trip wire.

Trip wire + Grenade.

Trip wire + Ducktape + Grenade.

Trip wire + Sticks + Tree Branches.

Interior Traps:-

Wire/Rope + Ducktape + Shotgun + Door.

Pit Traps:-

Shovel + Sticks + Leaves (guille/gunwrap parts).

Shovel + Sharp Sticks + Sticks + Leaves.

Feel free to add to the list using in-game items only...you can however alter/craft an item using another in-game item...for example:-

Sticks + Knife = Sharpened Sticks.

Edited by TheWeedMan
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I may be imagining things, but weren't the MOM-50/Claymore-type mines confirmed? Presumably these would be used with trip wires.


Or, have I missed your point. Are you specifically interested in home-made booby traps?

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Pull the pin on a grenade and stick it underneath a smersh vest ontop of the spoon.

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Yeah just booby trap ideas in general but to keep it more interesting your ideas must consist of in-game items, including confirmed items only.

Edited by TheWeedMan

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Yeah just booby trap ideas in general but to keep it more interesting your ideas must consist of in-game items, including confirmed items only.

Cooking pots and rope would make a nice alert device to hang over a doorknob while looting a building, or between two ferns to guard your campsite.

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Yeah just booby trap ideas

God dammit, you wouldn't! This is a crime against humanity! Now, go out and kill some bambies along the coast and feast on their flesh, teabaggin them like a normal postapocalyptic survivor.


Cooking pots and rope would make a nice alert device

Id prefer a brand new item; a coin as an early warning alarm system(didnt they say we will get some kind of currency? hopefully its coins, not paper). Also, pot+rope is like 5 slots. I would like never use it. I would use a rope+ sawed off to wait for whoever opens up the door. I dont know how that would work out if a group of players would just server hop every prison, traping all the doors from the inside...


All the improvised grenade+rope/stick/wire traps seems awesome ideas to me. Id much rather see these instead of claymores & antipersonel mines.You just take possible crafting away with these.

The explosive is here already, we should just get more options on how to blow ourselves up with it.

Edited by halp

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Flare Gun + Rope or Metal Wire = Trip Flare Trap


Nice thing to put around a camp site or in an area you are looting. 

hell yes, this is the first trap I think of when ever traps come to mind

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