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Never Trust anyone even if u know them of Team speak or skype.

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To day, me and my friends that ive know for a couple of weeks and played with for 4-5 days (They only got it 5 days ago). We played a call of duty 4 game with they two new people and they ask if we would want to play Day Z with them so we said yes and of we went. We spend a hour looking for some guns, I found a M4A1 and my friend found a Double barrel shoot gun. After finding the guns we all meet up at cap Golove (The light house). So we meet up and started to wait for every one to get there, when they arrived at the light house we exchange some food and water, then out of know were they start to kill us while laughing there heads off in team speak and then they just left the team speak and hide the body's so we couldent get are gun back. In the end it wasn't the fact that i die and lost my stuff and gun, it was that i got back kill by some people i thought was my friends. Never Trust Anyone!

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Play alone or with a really good friend or friends

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That's why you get to know people before you start meeting them in game silly-billy

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I play with people I used to play OFP with about 9 years ago along with new comers I have met through them and some Arma 2 pals I made friends with in the past. So yes having a rapport with folks you play with helps a lot. Otherwise its just strangers you play with you do not know their intentions.

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I'm sorry to say, but you have VERY bad social skills. The people I know who can pull shit off, I'm not even teaming up with. Only with the serious guys.

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... then out of nowhere they start to kill us while laughing there heads off in team speak and then they just left the team speak and hide the body's so we couldent get are gun back. In the end it wasn't the fact that i die and lost my stuff and gun' date=' it was that i got back kill by some people i thought was my friends. Never Trust Anyone!


I feel for you, but you yourself summarize it best by saying "i got back kill by some people i thought was my friends.".

My advice is: KNOW instead of THINK who your friends are.

The nice thing is though, you can easily get all your gear back and probably a lot better :-)

Good Luck.

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Somebody you've known for two months isn't your friend, they're just an acquaintance... let alone two weeks. And this is talking about real life, not people on the internet who you've never physically met.

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I have a gaming group and there was a dude that we invited over around 7 months ago or something. He played other games with us and it was enough for us to trust each other.

A few days back I was playing alone and as always I come across guns which I don't like, promptly asking people if they want them or not. This guy said he wanted the weapon I had found and I started my adventure to the East of the map.

I was crossing a town when a zombie glitched on top of me and I started getting eaten. Feeling really mad at a glitch, I killed my game and I was bleeding, KO'ed and with low amounts of blood. I asked him for help and the guy just told me "Ahah, it's a trap, I'm not gonna fall for that one, good luck lol".

That was a goddamn backstab for me.

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my group i play with. if they are anywhere on the map they will stop what they are doing and come and get me/anyone in the group. if we are low on blood or are trapped we will go and assist (even if it is a very bad situation or we are ill equipped. IE heading into a town with m107 or as50's to rescue the guy with he slienced m4 or bizon.)

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I only group with people I know in real life and their friends.

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Thanks for the replays, ive started again with 3-4 mates that ive know for mouths and ive got much better gear, AK Kobra and DMR (Glitch out and lost it tho) Now on are way to the main land to get some more gear and hopeful a Bus. xD

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Play with people you know, period. Some one you met playing CoD4 isn't some one you know.

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all the people i know either want to grief or are retards.. looking for a proper banditry group

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Here's your problem, Call of Duty Player's. Never trust random Call of Duty player's. They will just end up killing you.

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