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About larkinwc

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Nerdcore Gaming is now recruiting. We are a Bandit clan and will use anything against survivors to ensure our survival. This includes using the knowledge of survivals against them, and attempting to make them believe we are NOT bandits. Being a bandit is not killing everyone you see on-sight, it is about stealing whatever you can, any way you can. This does not mean that we do not shoot on sight. We are looking for new and experienced players to join our clan., we are a national clan which means we have a lot of different time zones, which usually means someone is on almost all the time. We are a growing clan, as such over time if we gain more members there will be moderator/admin spots available. We hope that you will help our clan grow as a whole :). Also we are a multi-gaming clan, that means we don't only play dayZ. We have a dayZ server (us 1208) and we are planning on getting more servers :) Requirements - Be mature Have Teamspeak 3 and the ability to use it Don't expect super seriousness/We mess around a lot Play to have fun, not to win Respect all members Joining - If you are interested in joining you can head towards our forum for application info: http://www.nerdcore-...read.php?tid=84 After posting a application in the dayZ section hop onto our teamspeak ( ts.pcrpg.org:9989 ) for the interview process so we can get to know you. Other Games We are putting together a CS:GO competitive team and LoL ranked teams as well.
  2. larkinwc

    People be cheating + Proof.

    I have more proof that rick was scripting (video of him spawning a heli on our server, we have since banned him and his friends). we will look through our script logs as well. i'm going to put together a massive report on rick grimes and his group of friends (which his friend "Soulraiser" recruited through the fourms with this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/70'172-clan-war-recruitment/ ) we have chat logs of rick discussing his scripting program with another person named "WhiteWidow" i also have video of a NPC spawned by rick grimes
  3. larkinwc

    Come Join Us!

    A good friend of the clans hosts the server, his name is particle.
  4. larkinwc

    Come Join Us!

    We do have automatic restarts, i think the server box we are hosting it on is currently undergoing maintenance
  5. larkinwc

    Come Join Us!

  6. larkinwc

    Clan War Recruitment

    I cannot believe you would attempt to deny you or any other of your "Friends" involvement with these scripts (we know what they are). Also i believe that this accusation of me hacking is absurd. Do not embarrass your self anymore for the sake of you and your friends. I see that doffe was a worm from the beginning, i'm glad you helped weed out the weak ones too i would rather you have them :). BTW have fun finding another server to script on
  7. larkinwc

    Clan War Recruitment

    Just a quick update today here's what soul & friends have accomplished today: Teleporting to our base and taking me and another clannie out with a KSVK (was obviously a KSVK since the tracers were yellowish...) I then respawn in elektro and make my way over to the firestation to find this: interesting... when we have the only ural i wonder why there's one in the middle of elektro.. then we attempt to drive it back to base(on our way we spot a Grey GAZ and a blown out ATV), only to be shot by a teleporter after reaching as far as around lopatino. i'm then back in elektro (lucky spawn IKR?) i make my way to the GAZ just to get photos... really nothing to do now that the kiddies are gone.. (obviously spawned in..) we also have video proof of one of your members teleporting named "borrisson" (we will run his GUID to find the real username..) attempting to kill another member in our base, it was obivously teleporting when he kills you and about 2 minutes later you are back to attempt to kill him again.. i also understand your tactics trying to use only one or two people to script(must be really expensive scripts huh..) and the rest attempting to appear "legit" Hopefully these skiddies will come back for more after server restart @6 :)
  8. larkinwc

    Clan War Recruitment

    lets see about that hacking... It is interesting how i have proof of you skiddies, the AS50 TWS's we have are all weapons we have looted from killing skiddies like you. When you say we ghosted was actually everyone bailing because of the transportation of other members, spawning an heli in the middle of elektro isn't scripting ether?
  9. larkinwc

    Clan War Recruitment

    not to be a party killer but 1. you don't have a server. 2. you were kicked out of our clan for running around and gunning down our own clan members for fun or "a training regiment". Have fun attempting to kill us all :)
  10. larkinwc

    sum kewl storeez

    Ok lets assume you do have proof (which you don't) and said proof proves that playerID A wasn't hacking but then all of a sudden another player comes on with the name [Thc]Kody (which seriously who would use YOUR name if it wasn't you?) then he leaves and you come back? interesting Kodine, NCR Killer and also stealing Souls username trying to then blame it on him? its seriously embarrassing . but then you probably have wasted more money on ANOTHER CD key so then you can say that it wasn't you.
  11. larkinwc

    sum kewl storeez

    i want this to be public sir, all shame is on you :)