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CGNoodlePot (DayZ)

Ability to collect gun powder from ammunition!

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With the use of pliers, we should be able to detach the bullet from the casing and collect the gun powder to use as recipe for anything explosive. The lead can be collected too to be melted into something.

Or perhaps we can also add super rare items to the game like the ancient Arquebuses used by old russian soldiers to use the gun powder from.


Since we can a have a loot spawn of a sword from the castles why not ancient guns too?

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Agree. Generally DayZ should try to get away from the "finished item attitude" and make crafting more a thing - at least a alternative item for every "finished" one would be a way to go - it seems they see that since they implemented for example the knife made out of stone.

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This would be a cool feature. But I don't think it'll work in DayZ unless you can only craft very week bombs that only kills zeds (assuming that you only have planted one bomb) I think another way of balancing it, is to make so that you need a lot of bullets to get enough powder to graft anything since unexperienced hands would drop a lot of it when opening them. Like maybe a full package of ammo with let's say 20 bullets in i would maybe be "enough"t, depending on how big the bullets are of corse.

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How about you need to find a plastic pipe (casing), some fireworks (to delay the explosion), a couple of nails or small metal scrap (improvised splinters) and extract gunpowder to craft a small pipe bomb?

The damage should still be rather weak (hurting, bleeding, maybe a broken leg, but no insta kill). I would like to see that kind of improvised explosives being used for defensive traps in baricaded buildings (yeah I've been playing metro recently :P ) or to attack a baricaded position

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With the use of pliers, we should be able to detach the bullet from the casing and collect the gun powder to use as recipe for anything explosive. The lead can be collected too to be melted into something.

Or perhaps we can also add super rare items to the game like the ancient Arquebuses used by old russian soldiers to use the gun powder from.


Since we can a have a loot spawn of a sword from the castles why not ancient guns too?

I can imagine emptying a whole bunch of ammo boxes in a backpack than dropping it in some street. Someone goes to investigate, I take a shot at the backpack... BOOM!

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With the use of pliers, we should be able to detach the bullet from the casing and collect the gun powder to use as recipe for anything explosive. The lead can be collected too to be melted into something.

Or perhaps we can also add super rare items to the game like the ancient Arquebuses used by old russian soldiers to use the gun powder from.


Since we can a have a loot spawn of a sword from the castles why not ancient guns too?


I would think Shotgun Shells would provide the most in terms of gunpowder AND the remaining bullet tips could be recollected and added to bombs as extra shrapnel. If it goes THAT far, perhaps players can reuse old ammunition by recollecting spent cases and using them via a special tool which can be found.


The containers for bombs could be anything from empty tin cans, soda cans, glass jars or bottles and the fuse, well the fuse could be something like a piece of gunpowder laced twine or a rag for example.

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