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12 mb update?

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Like the engine the IDE they are using is 2 years out of date... *zing*

That's really not that uncommon, especially for Microsoft stuff. Almost noone wants to be bleeding edge, everyone usually waits at least a year before upgrading. 2 years behind isn't anything I'd consider "behind". If they were still on 2008 or 2005, well, that would be something one might raise an eyebrow at.

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That's really not that uncommon, especially for Microsoft stuff. Almost noone wants to be bleeding edge, everyone usually waits at least a year before upgrading. 2 years behind isn't anything I'd consider "behind". If they were still on 2008 or 2005, well, that would be something one might raise an eyebrow at.



It was intended to be more of a throwaway comment. "why so serious" .. ;)

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It was intended to be more of a throwaway comment. "why so serious" .. ;)

Captain no-humor oblivious at your service. What is this sorcery of words you've tricked me with, survivor?

... i r stewpid.  :blush:

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Most games today are built on engines that have been around for half a decade or more they just keep getting updated.

Just because a Thermonuclear bomb was designed in the 50s doesn't mean it is any less deadly.

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