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Constant Rain

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Hey guys,


I'm super new to this game and to this forum, and I would like your opinion on the amount of rain in this game. Can anyone shed some light so that I can understand why we're seeing so much rain in DayZ? I have browsed through many forums with similar complaints, yet I feel like they're falling on deaf ears. I don't dislike the idea of having rain, snow, etc, I just don't appreciate the fact that we cannot travel for several minutes on end while we wait for the rain to die down. I spend hours collecting loot, only to lose it to hypothermia while running around in the rain. I understand that I can use the cover of trees and buildings to avoid hypothermia, but this constant raining is making this game unplayable. Thanks


Your thoughts? (devs are welcome to comment as well)

Edited by hacknet
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Raincoats work, also light a fire now and then. Just remember this isn't COD, slow down and take your time, it's a survival game after all.

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The rain isn't constant. Since you are "super new to the game" you might have hit just a longer period of rain on your servers/sessions. There might be a lot of rain, but there are also long sunny/non rainy periods. Anyway, you need to look for a raincoat or Gorka military clothing and a drybag or a Tortilla (how however they are called) backpack. With the Gorka clothing and a waterproof backpack you can walk for hours within rain without getting wet (swimming or walking through ponds still soaks you instantly).


Further, use the sun and the estimated daytime (until you find a compass) and the online map (http://dayzdb.com/map) to navigate properly and equip quickly.

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I have been playing for a while and I'd have to agree that it does rain a bit too much. It's not so much dealing with the consequences of rain (hypothermia, wetness, etc.) that bothers me, it's the constant sound of rain. It drowns out everything else. It gets old hearing it for hours at a time. It also affects voice chat for me, as I play on a laptop with no headset, so I use my laptop's internal mic. It picks up feedback from everything in game but the worst of it is the rain. So when I meet someone and try to talk to them, all they hear is 'PSHHHH' from my mic picking up rain. I have other things going on besides this game and can't afford to shut out sound from the rest of the world by wearing a headset or headphones while I play.


I'm not suggesting getting rid of rain or even changing it much. I'd just prefer an audio option to turn down ambient noises. I'd rather not turn down SFX because it's a lot more critical for me to hear gunshots, doors, footsteps and zombies than it is for me to hear rain for hours and hours.


This also brings me to another problem. I enjoy the environmental hazards. Hypothermia, starvation, sickness, all that good stuff. I do think that it's all way overblown though. I'm wearing clothing that, realistically, would keep me warm in a blizzard. Yet somehow I'm still freezing to death? I drank a bunch of water and ate a few cans of beans but somehow I'm simultaneously stuffed and starving. Yes, yes, I know. Alpha. I'm sure all the fixes and balancing are in the works. Just doing my tiny part to bring these issues to attention as I'm sure countless players before me have already done.

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The servers are set to a time of year, which changes every now and then with updates. I don't think it can be set by server admins yet, or if it ever will be - there might be a plan to have the (main hive, at least) servers set to real-time seasons to match the real world eventually.


So, it might be that it's currently set to a particularly wet time of year. Or it might not. But either way, you can change servers if the rain is getting too annoying, or you can deal with it. It takes quite a long time to actually get serious effects from being wet, anyway - it's not as if it's an instant killer or anything and you have plenty of time to dry off and warm up if you do get wet.


At the moment, raincoats, wellies and boonie hats seem to be very abundant in the little boats that spawn loot along the beach, so get yourself togged up for wet weather and just play.

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Rain aint the problem it is the 45 mins sitting in front of a fire to fix the shaking that is driving me mad. 

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Actually the sound of the rain is more annoying than the ingame wetness issues. When you've been playing for 30 minutes in rain end then close the game... it is an incredible sudden relief for the ears...

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I also feel that it rains far too often in this game, I get it that they want a change in the weather for further immersion into the game and such, but it gets tiresome after a while of always spawning into a server that's raining and listening to that loud as hell rain.

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