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Was the game better or worse with bandit skin?

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Everybody who thinks the bandit skin was a bonus and that taking it out has reduced variety are talking baseless self serving nonsense. Anybody advocating a very flawed binary system as a means of variety need to seriously rethink their priorities.

Rocket even said that as soon as he can come up with a non flawed humanity system he will begin implementing it, so all this bleating is not only stupid, but pointless.

Everybody who even mentions CoD in regards to anything about this mod deserves to have laughing scripted into their game constantly.

It made no change, people occasionally trusted bandits and survivors and people occasionally trust survivors and bandits now.

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Game was worse with bandit skin, in real life you can take any clothes off and this is still a simulator right? I believe a good humanity system will eventually be implemented but it should not be about recognizing friendly people and bandits by the way they appear. Should have to do something with killing another player be very unfruitful compared to teaming up with him. More zombies would be one way to go.

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I didn't get to play while the bandit skin was around, but I feel like I would've liked it.

Bandits/marauders in other media are generally pretty distinctively marked/equipped, you know, the dirty, bloodied, fur wearing group flailing their guns about, yelling and laughing while they chase down a group of scared survivors.

I guess that's for a different game, I just like the idea of a bandit squad roaming the lands, robbing people of everything and leaving them with nothing to fend themselves with

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  'Cavan said:

It made no change' date=' people occasionally trusted bandits and survivors and people occasionally trust survivors and bandits now.


but it did make a change, a BIG change.

how many survivors kos compared to now??

then it was less than 10%< maybe less

now its >98% no kiddin

So yes, the bandit skin made a difference for the better, and it was a nice "us vs them" feel. Survivors sticked together and avoided bandits.

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  'zalman said:

What little trust in fellow their fellow man players did have was lost at bandit skin removal. Most players simply shoot on site or alt+F4 when they see see me approaching. The game is still fun to play and is not any worse' date=' just the only people I play with now is my vent crew.


exactly, i think rocket should at least have done a community/majority based vote before deciding to remove the bandit skin. It may not be 100% realistic, but this game isn't realistic anyway, and more importantly, its a game.

Your right it is A GAME but watch out their are delusional people (similar to the religious people who protest ignorantly on things) who follow the one messiah and view everything he says as law.

I am of course referring to the people who counter your statement by quoting rocket in saying that this mod is an ANTI GAME....

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  'zalman said:

It made no change' date=' people occasionally trusted bandits and survivors and people occasionally trust survivors and bandits now.


but it did make a change, a BIG change.

how many survivors kos compared to now??

then it was less than 10%< maybe less

now its >98% no kiddin

So yes, the bandit skin made a difference for the better, and it was a nice "us vs them" feel. Survivors sticked together and avoided bandits.

My guess is that 95% of the people spewing garbage like this never played when the bandit skin was in the game. Let me tell you, I got shot more times by a survivor skinned player than a bandit during those days.

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  'SeptusCap said:

all i know is' date=' when the bandit skins where in, i did not get shot by every person i met...


It's called repeated games in game theory. People started off friendly, and learned through repetition that not KOS'ing led to them getting shot in the face more often than not.

There is simply no way to make a bandit skin system that isn't gamed. Heal your buddy who's not a bandit to regain humanity. Kill in between PvE jaunts so you retain positive humanity. Force survivors to kill you and make them bandits. Use a sniper rifle so your skin doesn't matter, you're not even in sight.

If you want to approach a stranger, have a trusted buddy keep his sights on him while you get in close, stay behind cover, and try to talk to him. Test him to see if he betrays you or lures you into a trap. Keep your friend on overwatch. Try and figure out what this player's intentions are. (Is he trying to draw you out so HIS buddy can kill you? Is he just trying to figure out if you're going to betray HIM? etc)

Bandits do this with every mark they kill. Do you think it's magic when you're running through a city and a bandit shoots you in the head the second you round a corner? No, they're staying concealed, figuring out what's going through your head and getting a step ahead of you.

it has nothing to do with trust, its them just not careing at all, and play the game as it was quake... you could tell those people apart before you got close to them, now you cant...

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  'LumberBack said:

it has nothing to do with trust' date=' its them just not careing at all, and play the game as it was quake... you could tell those people apart before you got close to them, now you cant...


This. Everytime someone brings up this topic, they ignore the fact that some people dont want to shoot everyone they see. This isn't counter strike ffs. They have it drilled into their brains that anyone that doesnt kill on sight = bad/noob/carebear.

It's ridiculous even attempting to debate it anymore, as you get more insults than information.

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I personally liked it more with the skin.

But I think what would really help is having more things to do ingame. Since after a while killing players is the only thing that is any fun.

Also, I would like the survival experience to be much, much more challenging.

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Basically this mod is now reduced to your average arcade shooter: get better gear, kill anything you see.

Not judging or anything, at times I like and play those type of games, too.

However ppl need to know and expect this, too - a lot of them still have the "early" more cooperative dayZ in mind when they hear about it or watch some older video footage. But these times are no more and any attempts to still talk it in now is just a big fat lie.

Of course a lot of them are disappointed if they find out that random teamwork went out the window together with the bandit skin.

Sure, you can still have your teamwork and all the nice stuff but not with the "default" game setup - you need your trusted crew, you need an external voice com of sorts and then you can have a shit load of fun in dayZ if you like to play DM style games. I have.

But honestly, without my crew I would not be playing it anymore; for the random casual player there's pretty much nothing else left than becoming a camping bandit himself.

Not everybody wants or can play this way, that's cool. And if you can and like it that certainly does not make you a sociopath or any more "hardcore" either. It's only a video game. No, scratch that, it's only a alpha version of... of... well.. no one really knows of what exactly. But anything it might be now can change any time...

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There would be lot to improve on the bandit skin, like that it would follow you after death. but it was a good start imo, and it DID make a difference for the better.

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I think it was perfect.

This is one of the features that i would love to have in the game, again.

A lot of people complain about how "unrealistic" it was, but please, can you really use the words "realistic" and "zombies" in the same sentence? Because if you can, well, i'm sorry.

It made the game more balanced, in my opinion, i really liked it better :)

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I've had some interesting interaction with players even though I started playing after the update though. Once I were running away from zeds without any ammo left and an unknown stranger saved me from a distance. We teamed up for a few hours

One other time I bumped into another player in a castle, we both stared oneanother down and decided not to shoot, both looted the place and walked away. If either one of us had had bandit outfit we prolly woulda just shooted without asking so IMO this is fine as it is. Would be cool though if the bandit outfit was findable outfit like the camo suit as it gives a nice survivor look

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  'zalman said:

Im interested in your opinions.

Also' date=' why do you think the times with bandit skin only about 10%< shoot on sight?

You didn't want to be a bandit cause you knew you would 100% be shoot on site, this led to survivors co-oping and a balanced and fun game.



Maybe at first when you played you thought this was the case but when you shoot some guy not intended and you become bandit while your not then you don't care anymore.

Btw even when i had bandit skinm, still not all shoot me at first sight.

Im almost convinced also those who where affraid become bandits are the main killers now so maybe yes bring back bandit skin lets see if they still got the balls to murder people...think NOT pansies:P

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I'm a big fan of the bandit skin. I think it should persist across deaths and only go away if you don't murder someone for a certain amount of time. When rocket gets a full humanity system implemented they can switch to that, but for the time being I think the bandit skin is good.

And this is coming from a bandit. If you have a weapon and I see you, you will be killed.

They should also make it so if a player deals you damage first you can defend yourself without taking a murder. And, yes, this can be abused by shooting at a survivor and intentionally missing then killing them after they shoot you. If you have the balls to let them take a free shot at you, you deserve the opportunity to grief.

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My experience since the mod first came out that a bandit skin was more of a mark of time played instead of how often you coldly murdered people.

I got mine after 3 days and I was playing as friendly as possible.

Survivor skin generally just meant you were a newbie who hadn't had to kill other newbies yet. lol

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It was worse with the bandit skin.

I am not a bandit, but I prefer the "IM NOT SURE IF HES A BANDIT OR NOT" aspect with how it is now when I see someone.

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  'sye73 said:

The dark side of the human psyche came into it's own once the bandit skin was removed' date=' i say bring it back...


That is exactly why it needed to be removed, its a survival simulator. The "Bandit" skin put a label on the player. In order not to loose immersion it had to go away. People don't wear good or bad labels.

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I liked it. Added consequence to murder in a game that lacks that real life risk factor. Promoted cooperation and negotiation.

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  'zalman said:

Im interested in your opinions.

Also' date=' why do you think the times with bandit skin only about 10%< shoot on sight?

You didn't want to be a bandit cause you knew you would 100% be shoot on site, this led to survivors co-oping and a balanced and fun game.



It wasn't any better or any worse. It did make me want to keep killing people though so I can keep the bandit skin, which was camo unlike the survivor skin. So in a way I was more likely to shoot someone on sight (especially survivors) instead of avoiding them. Never worried about being shot on sight with a bandit skin. Did worry about being shot on sight with a survivor skin though, they stick out.

It didn't promote anything, it was a useless feature with the way it was implemented.

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I'm glad we have different skins now and we sure will get more clothes. No need for Survivor/Bandit Uniforms.

Almost all long-term Survivors were wearing bandit skin anyway. The price of survival.

Was a useless feature.

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It's really hard to say honestly it being off and on did have its perks. I enjoy not being able to know if someone has an intent on killing me...then again I'd probably shoot them first. But on the other hand if they had a bandit skin...Well I'd still shoot them first. You can't really decide if the Dayz is better off without one or the other. You just gotta play with what you got. No butt's about it. :P

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