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cryonic (DayZ)

Performance issues...

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Just got DayZ a couple days ago.

And the fight for the FPS started, i was fighting the poor optimization harder than zombies and other players. 


Here my rig:

i7 5820K @ 4,5GHz

GTX 970 Windforce OC (1586Mhz GPU, 3800MHz VRAM)

16GB DDR4 2400 CL10 RAM (even OC`d this, nothing happens)

Samsung 840 EVO SSD (DayZ on HDD right now, gonna try the SSD later).


1080p, startup settings: cpu=6, threads=11, maxVRAM=4, maxRAM= 16gb. 


Low settings, edited config...

Goddamit i still drop below 30FPS in a city. How is this possible? The hardware is way over the top for 1080p, the damn game has 6 cores and 12 threads to work with.


Guys just tell me how can i get this game to min. 60FPS with mid/high settings for sniping, so i dont have to look at minecraft-like trees and shit spawning right under my ass?


I know its early access, alpha whatever. But anything else runs like a charm. Evolve alpha? 50-60FPS. With stream running at the same time.

Metro Last Light on Nvidia Surround, 5760x1080? Fine, 45-60FPS with settings cranked up. 


The next thing i will do, is to grab a second 970 for SLI and a 1440p Monitor with 120Hz+, so i expect to play at least at 100FPS to actually enjoy it. 

What should i do to get it working and stable without making it look like minecraft? O_o

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The next thing i will do, is to grab a second 970 for SLI and a 1440p Monitor with 120Hz+, so i expect to play at least at 100FPS to actually enjoy it. 


This wont help. 


Turn off PP, Lower object detail to medium, Turn off vsync(if that's acceptable). And edit your configs and launch params ala:


Hello, in this guide you'll learn how to properly set your game options, gain a FPS boost and fix some issues with your mouse for example, without losing graphic quality.

Note: i'm not responsible if the settings you apply to the game will cause its malfunction. However these problems can commonly be solved by reinstalling the game or cleaning the settings files. Follow this guide at your own risk.

Said that, i hope this guide will work for you too, good luck fixing your issues and improving your FPS!

Game Launch Parameters

First of all, open Steam, then click Library, find DayZ and right click on it. Select Properties, under the General tab click Set launch options. There you will add the Game launch parameters.

Now you can add multiple commands which will help improving game performance.


# This command might increase your FPS a lot. Warning: If you're already using Windows Xp don't use this command. Sometimes it could make the game crash (for example if you press Alt+Tab and then reopen it), but it will grant you about 10 fps in cities and 20 fps in the other places. If you encounter this problem, just remove the parameter. This command will make the game run in windows xp compatibility mode.If the game crashes, try lowering the HDR to very low, by starting the game without the parameter, and setting the hdr in the rendering options. Then try to add the -winxp parameter again and start the game. If you encounter any problem and your game doesn't start anymore, just remove it. Also, remember to not change any settings while you're ingame or the game will crash. If you want to change your settings, just exit the game, remove the parameter, run the game, change the settings, exit again and re add -winxp.

If -winxp parameter still makes your game crash, you may try running it in windows xp compatibility mode manually. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\DayZ, program files x86 if your system is 64 bit. Then locate DayZ.exe, right click on it, Properties, click on the Compatibility Tab, then Run this program in compatibility mode for:, select Windows Xp, and press OK.

With and without -winxp parameter comparison:

37 FPS

46 FPS


# How many cores your CPU has, for example: for a dual core cpu the number 2 (-cpuCount=2), for a quadcore 4 (4 is the maximum value). If you got a CPU which has more than 4 cores, see -exThreads parameter info.


# How many extra cores/threads your CPU has, see the list below:

Amd cpus:

-Dual Core: -cpuCount=2, -exThreads=1

-Quad Core: -cpuCount=4, -exThreads=3

-Six Cores: -cpuCount=4, -exThreads=5

-Eight Cores: -cpuCount=4, -exThreads=7

Intel cpus:

-Dual Core: -cpuCount=2, -exThreads=1

-Dual Core with 4 threads: -cpuCount=2, -exThreads=3

-Quad Core: -cpuCount=4, -exThreads=3

-Quad Core with 8 threads: -cpuCount=4, -exThreads=7


# The amount of Ram the game can use, if you got 2GB of Ram set it to 2048 - 1024(-maxMem=1024), 4GB 3072, 8GB 7168 and so on. By the way, the game shouldn't use more than 2048 mb of ram, so it's up to you to decide.


# How much ram your GPU has, 512MB, 1024MB, 2048MB, etc (-maxVram=1024 for example).

-nosplash and -noPause

# Will simply remove the splashscreen at game start and let the game work in background.

The startup line will look like this for example:

After you've finished, click on OK.

In game settings

Now we'll set up the in game settings. At the Main Menu, click on Configure, Video.

Now set the Rendering resolution to your native resolution, the resolution next to 100%. Overall quality to Custom, VSync disabled if you don't have a 120Hz monitor.

Now click on the Quality tab, here you'll see 4 options:

Objects - decrease it if you haven't got a powerful CPU, Very low should be ok for 2-4 cores Amd Cpus and 2 cores Intel Cpus (2 Threads), low and normal for 2-4 cores Intel Cpus (4 Threads) and 6 cores Amd Cpus, high for 8 cores Amd Cpus and 4 cores Intel Cpus (4-8 Threads) and very high for 4+ cores Intel Cpus (8+ Threads).

Terrain - it affects GPU, increase it if you got a powerful video card

Clouds - leave it on Very low or disable it.

Shadows - affects both CPU and GPU, turn it up if you got a powerful GPU.

After you set up the quality settings, click on the Textures tab, here there are 3 settings:

Video Memory - set it to Auto

Texture Detail - If you got a good GPU set it to Very high or high (it doesn't cause FPS drops), otherwise turn it down.

Texture Filtering - This is the anisotropic filter, it doesn't have a high impact on performance, so if you got a good GPU, set it to high or very high.

Now, the last one, click on the Rendering tab

Antialiasing - i suggest keeping it on because it smoothes the game, but if you get low FPS disable it. Disabling it you'll get a good fps boost. For the ones who have a good gpu: You should disable the antialiasing and increase the resolution, this will improve the system usage and grant you some more fps.

Alpha to Coverage - if you didn't disable the antialiasing this option will be available, setting it to All trees + grass will not cause significant FPS drops if you set Antialiasing on low.

Edge Smoothing - Leave it Disabled or set it to whatever you like, it doesn't affect the performance too much.

HDR Quality - Set it on Very low

Ambient Occlusion - Disable it for a good FPS boost in open areas and cities (about 15-20 FPS).

Post Process Quality - I suggest to disable it, it has a medium impact on performance. If you disable it you won't see the blur effects anymore and so you won't be able to understand if your character is healthy or not. You should check how many fps you're getting with it disabled and then enabled to see which value suits best for your system.

Bloom -Set it as you like

Rotation Blur - Disable it or turn it up a little bit, it doesn't affect performance too much.

Cfg settings: video and mouse tweaks

In this section, you'll learn how to properly edit the configuration files, in order to gain some more fps.

Max Frames Ahead. This fix will smooth the game, so open DayZ.cfg with the notepad (you can find it in C:\Users\Username\Documents\DayZ\), find the lines GPU_MaxFramesAhead=# and GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=# and set them to the same value (between 1 and 4) (GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1/2/3/4 and GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1/2/3/4).

These settings won't increase your FPS but will give you the feeling as the game is running at higher FPS.

Other improvements:

Open the file named YourName (.DAYZPROFILE) located in C:\Users\Username\Documents\DayZ\ with the notepad. Now find the following lines:

sceneComplexity=# - set it to a value between 200000 and 50000 (other values are 1000000, 750000, 250000 but they require a high end cpu), it will draw less elements and reduce CPU load.

viewDistance=# - set it to a value between 1800 and 1200, it reduces the cpu and gpu load.

preferredObjectViewDistance=# - it decreases CPU load, set it to 1000 (or between 800 and 1600);

terrainGrid=# - Set it to one of these values: 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25, 3.125. Higher value = Better FPS, Lower value = lower fps but a better graphic quality. I suggest setting it to 25 or 12.5 for the best performance/quality ratio.

shadowZDistance=# - set it to a value between 100 and 200 (100 is the best for me), reduces gpu and cpu load.

For example, my parameters are:

(AMD System)






(Intel System)






Mouse X and Y speeds problem fix. Probably you've seen that mouse x and y speeds are different, you can fix this issue by setting the lines mouseSensitivityX=# and mouseSensitivityY=# (located in the YourName .DAYZPROFILE file), to the same value. Also you can disable mouse smoothing.

mouseSmoothing=# - This is optional, set it to 0 to disable mouse smoothing.

Note: After you edit these files, don't change any of the in game settings, otherwise, those settings will overwrite the .cfg ones. You can avoid this by setting read only property to those files when you edit them.


I suggest you to close other programs before playing DayZ, even Steam windows, terminate the processes/applications you know you're not using, this will free up some Ram and CPU power and maybe pause your downloads/uploads. Also you'd better download Fraps and run it before adjusting your settings, to see which config gives you more FPS and update your video drivers.

It's recommended that you put DayZ.exe in high priority mode, so the system will leave all of its CPU power to it. You can do it by starting DayZ, when you're in the main menu press Ctrl+Alt+Del, open the Task Manager, there go to Details (Windows 8) or Processes (Windows 7-Vista), scroll down until you find DayZ.exe, right click on it, Set priority, click on High and then choose Change priority. (Note: this is not suggested for old systems.)

Installing the game on an SSD will improve the loading times and FPS by a lot.

Tested on:

CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 965 @3,4 GHz - OC to 4,3 GHz - 7 fps more

MotherBoard: AsRock 870 Extreme 3

GPU: Nvidia GTX 560 non-ti 1024 MB of vram @ OC 950 MHz - 4 fps more

RAM: 8GB @ 1333MHz

OS: Windows 8.1 64 Bit


CPU: Intel Core i7 4770k @3,5 GHz turbo to 3,9GHz

MotherBoard: Asus Sabertooth Z87

GPU: Nvidia GTX 560 non-ti 1024 MB of vram @ OC 970Mhz

RAM: Corsair Vengeance 8GB @1600 MHz

OS: Windows 8.1 64 Bit


CPU: Intel Core i7 4770k @3,5 GHz turbo to 3,9GHz

MotherBoard: Asus Sabertooth Z87

GPU: MSI Nvidia GTX 770 OC edition 2048 MB of vram

RAM: Corsair Vengeance 16GB @1600 MHz

OS: Windows 8.1 64 Bit


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You can't do much to fix this, more then the things mentioned on the list above. They are working on a new renderer that, we hope, will give us more fps and a lot of other things. They can then also start to opimize the game since there's no point in doing it right now with the current renderer. We will have to wait a bit.

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This is why you shouldn't build a high-end rig if you don't fully understand how hardware works with games

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Do people just start these threads anymore to buff their epeen about the new rig they just got?  There are a few of these posts a day and OP even states that he knows its unoptimized ...... and then bitches about framerates

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Do people just start these threads anymore to buff their epeen about the new rig they just got? There are a few of these posts a day and OP even states that he knows its unoptimized ...... and then bitches about framerates

"Oh look at my new awesome computer with GTX Titan and... Oh I mean why is there bad fps my rig is this: (look closely how good my computer is)"

Edited by MrCactusMan

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I build this rig specially for streaming, thats why i got the 5820k. 

Anything else is running great or at least fine. 


DayZ is the only game that drops below 30 fps even with low settings, so what is going on?

Its not about posting my rig and showing off, i try to fix the damn thing to get the maximum performance to actually stream the game.


I know its not optimized. This means for me - its just a bit too hungry and needs more power than it should use. That doesnt mean "the game will drop frames anyway, doesnt matter what hardware you use"... 


I have no expirience with the arma engine at all, but its not THAT old, it should be heavily multithreaded and have support for SLI profiles and nice scaling for resolutions above 1080 (for eyefinity/surround and up to 4k). So where is the performance going?`I mean DayZ takes up to 30% CPU - without giving me enough fps. 

Even WoW, a really old game, runs better - but its still uses 2 cores max. 

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I build this rig specially for streaming, thats why i got the 5820k. 

Anything else is running great or at least fine. 


DayZ is the only game that drops below 30 fps even with low settings, so what is going on?

Its not about posting my rig and showing off, i try to fix the damn thing to get the maximum performance to actually stream the game.


I know its not optimized. This means for me - its just a bit too hungry and needs more power than it should use. That doesnt mean "the game will drop frames anyway, doesnt matter what hardware you use"... 


I have no expirience with the arma engine at all, but its not THAT old, it should be heavily multithreaded and have support for SLI profiles and nice scaling for resolutions above 1080 (for eyefinity/surround and up to 4k). So where is the performance going?`I mean DayZ takes up to 30% CPU - without giving me enough fps. 

Even WoW, a really old game, runs better - but its still uses 2 cores max. 


As we all know and has been said, the game is still alpha so things like this can be expected. I know people keep hearing this over and over but its pretty much the truth, as time passes things will hopefully be resolved. I always have a little laugh to myself when I see these posts, because the computer I play dayz on is far worse than yours, doesn't even meet minimum requirements, is a decade old HP that runs on Windows XP and I generally get around the same fps as your minimum. Regardless, there are a few things you can do.


1) Turn texture filtering and texture detail on HIGH.

This may or may not work for you given your system with the CPU and all, what this does is use your GPU instead of CPU for some things and may significantly improve fps.


2) Unpark your cpu cores if you haven't already, assuming there are any that are and you are running windows 7. (Google it)


3) Turn off bloom, motion blur, postfx. (Motion blur sucks for streaming and general gameplay anyways, it hurts my face)


4) In your DayZ.cfg




5) In your User.DayZProfile

sceneComplexity=25000; (this is my setting for max performance, play with this and find whats best for you)

shadowZDistance=50; (same)

viewDistance=1200; (same)

preferredObjectViewDistance=1200; (same)


The ones above in #5 may decrease your quality, so you might not want to set them too low so its noticeable. Also, I have read you can play with this one for performance:


terrainGrid=50; (acceptable values are 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25, 3.125)


Though I have no idea what it actually does and haven't noticed any significant performance increase from it unless I did something wrong. If none of this works, do some intense googling for dayz performance guides, common fps problems and whatnot, alpha game problems aren't usually something you can fix simply. Either way, 30-60fps is well within playable, just be happy because some people can't even play the game at all no matter their rig.


Or you could just not stream the game.

Edited by Chzy

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5) In your User.DayZProfile

sceneComplexity=25000; (this is my setting for max performance, play with this and find whats best for you)

shadowZDistance=50; (same)

viewDistance=1200; (same)

preferredObjectViewDistance=1200; (same)


I don´t get it, I simply don´t have these setting in my user config?

I´m in my documents folder an there is dayz.cfg, user.dayzprofile and user.vars.dayzprofile.

Neither contains any of it.

What should I do?

Edited by VViking

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I don´t get it, I simply don´t have these setting in my user config?

I´m in my documents folder an there is dayz.cfg, user.dayzprofile and user.vars.dayzprofile.

Neither contains any of it.

What should I do?


AFAIK it should be in there, check all the way down at the bottom of user.dayzprofile.

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dude bra amd 6 core have been complaining for years about SA performance....its simply un optimized alpha.

it doesnt even begin to work on all 4 cores of a typical i7, let a lone our 6+ core brand new cpu's.


it sucks, ya...and i got better more consisten fps on my 4 core i7 930 ya...but the dev's wont respond to any of our threads....so im sure time and updates will fix this.


there is crazy stuff coming q1 2015 related to engine and renderer right? so chances are these updates will improve how SA deals with newer platforms, etc.


but ya it blows having 4.5 ghz 6 core intel and getting lower fps in cities or the same as old 4 cores rigs.


but who buys a $400 processor $200 ram and $300 motherboard for DayZ alone? stupid people...

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Its not for DayZ alone, but multiplayer games tend to last longer and eat more time so i want them to perform better.

If i have low fps in something like Lords of the Fallen, which takes 10-15 hours to complete - its OK.

But if my multiplayer games dont perform well, i cant enjoy them for months (thats the usual time window for a fix, if there is a fix at all). 


And dont call people stupid if you dont know what they do with the new hardware. 

My new rig has amazing performance overall, just a few games dont want to run well, all of them are not optimized.

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I have no expirience with the arma engine at all, but its not THAT old, it should be heavily multithreaded and have support for SLI profiles and nice scaling for resolutions above 1080 (for eyefinity/surround and up to 4k). So where is the performance going?`I mean DayZ takes up to 30% CPU - without giving me enough fps. 

Even WoW, a really old game, runs better - but its still uses 2 cores max. 

So you're asking for engine that was made approx 2007 to have had multithreading, SLI support and resolution scaling....


I want you to list all the games that had that technology back then

Edited by SFRGaming

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The engine is not from 2007. Bohemia does what every developer does - improve the engine with every game. Look at Crytek - thats how it works, they improve the engine every time they release a big title and its optimized for the newest hardware avaliable.


DayZ ist a "new" game, its not from 2007. So why the hell would they take an antique engine and make a multiplayer game with heavy load? The cant expect it to perform well today, its 2015 and hardware changed...


And the new engine for DayZ? They already working on it, but the older armaII engine should be capable of multithreading and have SLI profiles.

Edited by cryonic

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OK folks, as usually i have figured it out through extensive testing.


I now get 55 fps on arma 3 (which im still dissapointed with) but usage on all 6 (12) cores.


DayZ is now seeing 100 fps in the forest and 40-60 in cities!

with balls to the wall settings.


first and foremost there is no point of sacrificing quality when we have epeens. :)

That being said there are certain things that are useless in dayz and arma3 gfx settings. IE the blurry effect of AO was not to my taste, also SMAA is plenty and blooms and blurs are 0.


Another note, certain settings move workload from cpu to gpu so you have to play with certain things.

For me have certain texture and object details too low would take the work from my cpu, which i didnt want.

i noticed my cpu stepping down to 3300mhz in some cases, but some settings made it stick on 4300mhz which is what i prefer having 6/12 core OC'd.

i also prefer over rendering 120% or higher and not using AA, experimenting with these ideas changed my fps in both directions. found high render, less AA looked far beter @1080p for me.


launch params were most helpful.

all i changed in cfg was


Maxframesahead - 4 (i think 4 is better than 1, as it pre renders a few extra frames thus smoothing out the play, low end systems would use 1 i think)

max frames detected - 0


Launch Parameters

-cpuCount=12 -exThreads=7 -noPause -maxMem=8192 -maxVRAM=4096 -malloc=tbb64malloc_bi

-enableHT -exThreads=7 -noPause -maxMem=8192 -maxVRAM=4096  -skip intro -window -nologs -malloc=tbb64malloc_bi


Dayz doesnt use enableHT, so setting the CPUcount to 12 gave me 35+ fps. Malloc, not sure if it even works but it sets the memory allocation to that of 64bit.

it refers to a file in dayz/dll so make sure filenames match. I edited my filename so it match arma3 setting. less confusion for me.


maxVram shouldnt matter much, the guides say there is no guarantee anything over 2gig works, but i didnt see a diff so i left it.


Arma 3 benefits from enableHT, but you can not use cpucount at same time as it overides enableHT. So enableHT is great for any platform as it maxes out our hyper threading capabilities. this gave me 15 fps off the hop.

Edited by deebz1234

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Gonna try it. Moved DayZ to the SSD, this gave an amazing boost in load times and FPS are slightly higher, but i dont know what was it. Cranked up the graphics just because the GTX 970 OC is a beast. Looks great and i get my 25-30FPS in a city. That is still far away from what i should see, but at least its playable. I will leave HT enabled because my streaming software scales hard with it, its about 40% faster. I mean i could freeze my CPU with a 12FAN MoRa radiator and kick the voltage up to 1,35V, this should give me around 4,7-4,8Ghz, but the power consumption is already crazy high. 


I dont have Arma3, so i cant test it. DayZ should work better.


And i can play with DSR enabled and set to 4K resolution. Same FPS, my GPU is bored...

@1080p the GPU load is about 40-50%, thats just dumb, the GPU should get enough data to work at full load...

Edited by cryonic

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wow dude 1.35 is really high and unnecc.


im only at 4.3ghz ...you dont need 4.8ghz.


average for our chip is 1.2 for 4.2ghz.


i got lucky and am 1.13 for 4.3 ghz which is unreal.


1.35vcore is dangerously high on our processors. its just not work the extra stress/heat,


you have 4.5ghz, that is more than enough!


if im pullin 100 fps on dayz with just optimization, your rig is better in all areas and you just need to give it a little love and you will beat my fps.

actually you just need to stabilize your in city fps to above 35 and ull be fine. most people arent getting better than 30-35 in worst situations.

which is what you should expect, even with a 5820k

Edited by deebz1234

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Yeah i got really lucky with the cpu, i can get 4,5Ghz @ 1,26V which is really nice, most 5820K dont get that high or they need way more voltage. 


I gonna tweak the settings and find a working profile with at least 30FPS in cities. Standing in Elektro right now, so this should be the worst case.

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just leave it alone, even 1.26 vcore is pretty high for our chip. id say urs is to the right of average.

a good chip will do 4.5ghz with 1.2

0.06 is actually a lot of vcore increase.


but if you set the launch options same as I did you will be fine.


just watch that MALLOC64 setting, it has to match the file in dayz/dll

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motherfucker, just got arma 3 to 70 fps by simply using high power mode in windows.


i was stuck on balanced and it kept throttling the cpu to 3.3 ghz here and there, but it was just enough to rob me of like 10-15 fps on the switching.


wow im amazed now

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Well i use a hard overclock, the CPU will keep the 4,3GHz. The only way to throttle down would be reaching the TJmax, but i`m about 20°C away from it even with the highest OC settings on RAM, GPU & CPU under full load.

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im with you there, but i want eist enabled in bios because it tones things down when im not gaming.


power mode did the trick, i created 2 shortcuts on the desktop. 1 relax, 2 hyper-d

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The engine is not from 2007. Bohemia does what every developer does - improve the engine with every game. Look at Crytek - thats how it works, they improve the engine every time they release a big title and its optimized for the newest hardware avaliable.


DayZ ist a "new" game, its not from 2007. So why the hell would they take an antique engine and make a multiplayer game with heavy load? The cant expect it to perform well today, its 2015 and hardware changed...


And the new engine for DayZ? They already working on it, but the older armaII engine should be capable of multithreading and have SLI profiles.

The arma 2 engine was coded in 2007 and Arma 2 itself was released in 2009. Do your homework.

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The arma 2 engine was coded in 2007 and Arma 2 itself was released in 2009. Do your homework.


I do my homework and i know that the engine is constantly modified, optimized and even gets a full rework. 

What do you think how World of Warcraft works?

The engine is even older, but they manage to squeeze the last bit of performance out of it, even with multithreading, the last time i checked the engine, only the sound was offloaded to a second core. 

But sure if you take an old engine, dont do anything to optimize it for current & last hardware generation, it will run like horseshit.

I dont know much about Bohemia, never actually jumped on their games till DayZ standalone. But i have enough expirience with other projects that dont support multithreading, none of them perform that bad. You can see drops down to 40FPS in the worst places, but here i have constant 20-25 in a city, even without people running around and shooting...

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