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Massive Fps Drop After Stable 0.50

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Hello guys,

Many Dayz Fan experienced massive fps drop after stable 0.50 patch.

This is obviously become after patche 0.50.

Personally my fps dropped to half.

Please support my Feedback at Official dayz Feedback platform:


Please dont flood this topic with "Alpha Alpha, optimization..." like alpha recommendations. This feedback may help new renderer optimization too. Devs can read and collect needed data from us, this means alpha, ok?

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Hmm.. don't agree to be honest, I would say it went up after .50 but has come back down (slightly) in .52


If you had taken the time to read this forum you'd know that the rendering engine changes (and it's relevant FPS) has been discussed quite a bit and absolutely no optimisation will be done until that's put out the way. Your submission, while admirable that you are using the bug tracker, is a bit pointless as it's not a bug and a little bit of research would see that your problem is not something that will be acted upon now.

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yeah my PC is no badass by any means but i can go to cherno and the other cities and its not that bad i think it has gotten better compared to when the game first released.

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of course i have nvidia latest drivers and also tried everything about fps problems on the net.

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