ZomboWTF 527 Posted December 30, 2014 I just can't relate to the people that have problems with hackers, as I haven't encountered a single one in my whole time playing. Even on full servers. Luck I guess?are you referring to the obvious hackers that get banned after a day?because i know someone who spawns in gear and has ESP on all the damn time, he has not been banned for half a year now Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jedslather 4 Posted December 30, 2014 The game had a way to long development time. It's build on a fossil of an engine, and the success of the game was just realized to late by Bohemia. Still, what we see is now positive not negative. The reviews will change and even with all the negative community posts focus will stay on the game. DayZ is the reference and bends mark of survival gaming period! Its complicated, it's unforgiving hard. If and when the landscape expands, it will only get harder and more difficult.They already sold millions of copies and when it hit gold and release you can add that number. The big question are if the dev can add content and game complexity or are they going to leave as is and collect the profit? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cap'n (DayZ) 1827 Posted December 30, 2014 The engine has problems, but I don't see any other modern engine running a map of this scale and detail this well on the market. I think we just wait until optimizations come into play with the new renderer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Highlander007 249 Posted December 30, 2014 Only kids 7 to 14 love Dayz nowdays. Because it's so Kos and hack friendly. Hopefully the climate will change some day. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
baron334 17 Posted December 30, 2014 Yep totally agreed. Its kind rare to see one in the SA. Its used as an excuse far too often. It really is. I am sure there are cases were it is true, but they need to film it and report it. Otherwise its just a claim. You did that right thing then and handled it right, you filmed it. Get there name and report them. There out there, theres not as many as people think though. I have seen 2 since I have been playing. I saw a map glitcher and I mean my god he covered about 400 meters in about 3 seconds. Glitched in front of me then behind shot me dead. Real easy to tell on that one...I remember even my game started slowing down when he got near me. But Its pretty rare for me to see one. Almost like a ufo sighting. The biggest problem is unless you kill them you can't get their name. I have a recording that shows someone hacking but it doesn't show who. We were on a server on a private shard but the admins can't even see the name of the guy that killed me. I truely believe that admins should have a death log that just says. "Johnny Killed Stewart with a Knife" Then at least people have a chance to battle hackers since battleeye is ineffective. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CJFlint 357 Posted December 30, 2014 (edited) The biggest problem is unless you kill them you can't get their name. I have a recording that shows someone hacking but it doesn't show who. We were on a server on a private shard but the admins can't even see the name of the guy that killed me. I truely believe that admins should have a death log that just says. "Johnny Killed Stewart with a Knife" Then at least people have a chance to battle hackers since battleeye is ineffective.Right, it seems there should be more accountabilty then there is. Thats part of the problem. Legit cases of it would be easier to find out who was behind it. Right now you cant even take anyones word for anything, with out it documented. I think thats one of the reasons why people tend to blame hackers for all there deaths, is becuase there no way to prove it wasnt or was. They dont have to fess up to there own mistakes. Me presonally I think that his subject has stired up allot of negative talk about this game, for me it seems that the issue is blown way bigger then it should be. I think accountabilty is what this game needs, legit cases can be investigated, none legit cases can be easlily debunked. Edited December 30, 2014 by CJFlint Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeatHTaX 1217 Posted December 30, 2014 Right, it seems there should be more accountabilty then there is. Thats part of the problem. Legit cases of it would be easier to find out who was behind it. Right now you cant even take anyones word for anything, with out it documented. I think thats one of the reasons why people tend to blame hackers for all there deaths, is becuase there no way to prove it wasnt or was. They dont have to fess up to there own mistakes. Me presonally I think that his subject has stired up allot of negative talk about this game. I think accountabilty is what this game needs, legit cases can be investigated, none legit cases can be easlily debunked. Idk I'll have to disagree. I think the average gamer knows when they've been killed by a hacker or not. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 8 Posted December 30, 2014 I've seen those numbers:3 million subs in DayZ SA1 million subs in DayZ Mod Which literally means that a considerable part of those 2 million players bought DayZ-SA expecting a more or less finished game with possible bugs. Another reasonable part has been expecting the SA to become on par with the Mod in a year.But I'm pretty sure that around 500k DayZ players are a loyal fanbase that waits patiently for their perfect game =) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeatHTaX 1217 Posted December 30, 2014 I've seen those numbers:3 million subs in DayZ SA1 million subs in DayZ Mod Which literally means that a considerable part of those 2 million players bought DayZ-SA expecting a more or less finished game with possible bugs. Another reasonable part has been expecting the SA to become on par with the Mod in a year.But I'm pretty sure that around 500k DayZ players are a loyal fanbase that waits patiently for their perfect game =) I'm just awaiting the shit storm that will be the move to the new engine. I foresee immense difficulties and angry nerd rage backlash in the following weeks of that implementation. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CJFlint 357 Posted December 30, 2014 (edited) Idk I'll have to disagree. I think the average gamer knows when they've been killed by a hacker or not. Aww this goes back to what I said on the last page. Sure a seasoned player, but newer players tend to be the ones crying hacker more then anyone. They don't really know. I have heard it on TS before. "Man hackers keep killing me, like 3 times today."........Really??? How is that posible. The reason they do it, is becuase they dont want to admit they still have some learning to do. They also know that there is no way to prove it wasnt...so what better excuse to blame ones short coming on. I see right through it. The reason I rant about it, is becuase dayz has got a way worce rap then it deserves. There are people on the forums, and on TS , that make it sound like dayz is completly infested with hackers....I think it is a cop out, and really negative counter productive crap. Im not saying there not there, there are legit cases. Im saying there are allot of people that use it as an excuse. I bet you with some kind of accountablitly on who does what in game, the hacker claims will die down......But ohhhh man they will need a new boogie man to blame there short comings on......wonder what that will be.......Ghillie suited ninja snipers.....yeah yeah that it...Statistics show the avarage dayz player only live 1 hour and a half....why not just expept that something is going to kill your avatar at some point...its part of the game. Edited December 30, 2014 by CJFlint 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 8 Posted December 30, 2014 (edited) I'm just awaiting the shit storm that will be the move to the new engine. I foresee immense difficulties and angry nerd rage backlash in the following weeks of that implementation. You know, it sometimes hurts to see how some superloyal fans of DayZ and ARMA franchises leave sarcastic comments: not because those comments ARE sarcastic, but because they have a valid point. For example, Wycc220 (Shustrila\Шустрила) (his DayZ letsplays brought thousands of new Russian-speaking players to community), has recorded hundreds of hours in DayZ-Mod, most of his vids have over 100k views, some had 500k-700k. His recent video about DayZ-SA was bitter and full of sarcasm/skepticism. Edited December 30, 2014 by Zak Preston Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Highlander007 249 Posted December 30, 2014 (edited) So, what kind of a future does a game have without a single player mod when nothing can be done against hackers online except everyone locks and whitelists their own server in which naturally admins abuse their privileges to the max?! CAN This handing over of intellectual property to amateur modders and server admins work for Dayz? Anyone has any serious thoughts about the future of the franchise? Edited December 30, 2014 by Highlander007 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aasand 92 Posted December 30, 2014 (edited) . "Man hackers keep killing me, like 3 times today."........Really??? How is that posible. The reason they do it, is becuase they dont want to admit they still have some learning to do.That stuff actually happens. Ok, this one time a month ago me and some friends were sniping people from the tall building in Cherno. Suddenly we se this flying bambi with a SKS jump from the firestation and over to me. Shot me midair headshot and fly back. When i respawn in the corner 30 sec later i stumble upon a bambi bleeding from every bodypart. From 20 meter away he punch me maybe something like 50 times in 2 sec and im dead. I respawn again and by this time im really pissed. Then while trying to recover my gear in Cherno the whole city explodes. There were at least two. This all happened in 5 min. Edited December 30, 2014 by aasand Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Highlander007 249 Posted December 30, 2014 That stuff actually happens. Ok, this one time a month ago me and some friends were sniping people from the tall building in Cherno. Suddenly we se this flying bambi with a SKS jump from the firestation and over to me. Shot me midair headshot and fly back. When i respawn in the corner 30 sec later i stumble upon a bambi bleeding from every bodypart. From 20 meter away he punch me maybe something like 50 times in 2 sec and im dead. I respawn again and by this time im really pissed. Then while trying to recover my gear in Cherno the whole city explodes. There were at least two. This all happened in 5 min.Sounds like a good Avengers sequel. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aasand 92 Posted December 30, 2014 Sounds like a good Avengers sequel.Could be ;) The tsunami hack is actually kind of scary, but you can't outrun it.. I've tried. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
archamedes 238 Posted December 30, 2014 you will probably find that the most recent spate of trolling reviews on steam are more than likely hackers who eventually got globally banned & its the only thing they have left to hurt the community Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Highlander007 249 Posted December 30, 2014 you will probably find that the most recent spate of trolling reviews on steam are more than likely hackers who eventually got globally banned & its the only thing they have left to hurt the communityCould you sound any more delusional...Dave's gaming adventures...Does Dave play Dayz Sa at all or... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jubeidok 495 Posted December 30, 2014 (edited) Why do I get the feeling that people are running into these hackers on servers like "Super Duper Mega Uberizationated LOOTLOOTLOOT!!!!" or "COME JOIN MY SERVER PLEASE!!! 24/7 7AM | No Rain | No Cold | No Starvation | No Sickness | No challenge whatsoever!"? Also, you guys make me chuckle at your idea of what a Designer/Producer does and the game development process in general. It's understandable not to know if you aren't involved in it, just don't pretend to know. You just end up looking like a fool. Ok, I guess the above is off topic a bit for this thread so....I don't know where all the hate is coming from, but I'm sure each and every one of 'em has their reasons. Some may even differ from one another. Edited December 30, 2014 by JubeiDOK 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PongoZ 127 Posted December 30, 2014 I understand that he is leaving because they wouldn't let him implement rape in the game to go with torture and cannibalism, so he cannot complete his 13 year old hacker heaven vision.But that may just be a rumour. The game currently is deserving of neg votes compared to where it should be, compared to where it was 4 months ago it deserves cudos.Both can be true, its not that hard to understand. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Highlander007 249 Posted December 30, 2014 (edited) As for OP. The game sold out too early. With this pace, I think good starting point of EA would have been 2016 q1....Bohemia made 3 million people alpha testers but then closed eyes and ears to the actual testers feedback, following blindly already roughly set roadmap. And you fans aint helping either with your reaction to the feedback. "Reddit c*nts" OP says, well next time don't invite c*nts to test a game, make it a closed alpha... The only actual request that I remember from the playerbase, that I participated in on this forum was the introduction of cannibalism. And that worked out great, it's an awesome addition and conversation starter. Everything else, I think BI did what BI wanted. Edited December 30, 2014 by Highlander007 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
archamedes 238 Posted December 30, 2014 Could you sound any more delusional...Dave's gaming adventures...Does Dave play Dayz Sa at all or... could you sound any less of a prick when trying to make a point? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
solodude23 649 Posted December 30, 2014 (edited) As for OP. The game sold out too early. With this pace, I think good starting point of EA would have been 2016 q1....Bohemia made 3 million people alpha testers but then closed eyes and ears to the actual testers feedback, following blindly already roughly set roadmap. And you fans aint helping either with your reaction to the feedback. "Reddit c*nts" OP says, well next time don't invite c*nts to test a game, make it a closed alpha... The only actual request that I remember from the playerbase, that I participated in on this forum was the introduction of cannibalism. And that worked out great, it's an awesome addition and conversation starter. Everything else, I think BI did what BI wanted.Specific feedback is for the feedback tracker and otherwise the alpha is for load/volume/stress testing and gathering data on a large scale. I personally love the direction of the game but I'm not sure the community is entitled to adjust the direction of the game simply because they paid $30. You simply purchased the rights to participate in an alpha - not become a member of the DEV team. Edited December 30, 2014 by solodude23 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Highlander007 249 Posted December 30, 2014 Specific feedback is for the feedback tracker and otherwise the alpha is for load/volume/stress testing and gathering data on a large scale. I personally love the direction of the game but I'm not sure the community is entitled to adjust the direction of the game simply because they paid $30. You simply purchased the rights to participate in an alpha - not become a member of the DEV team.That "Finance me please, top to bottom and then just shut your mouth, you're a fool" is a very wrong approach imho. Many games out there have a close monitor on their playerbase heartbeat. BI makes the most badass military sim games, but I would reckon they could use some help in making a kickass zombie apocalypse sim. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeatHTaX 1217 Posted December 30, 2014 (edited) That "Finance me please, top to bottom and then just shut your mouth, you're a fool" is a very wrong approach imho. Many games out there have a close monitor on their playerbase heartbeat. BI makes the most badass military sim games, but I would reckon they could use some help in making a kickass zombie apocalypse sim. I would say for the most part that the dev team does a decent job of listening to their community and being involved with them. Not saying you implied the contrary, but just thought I'd throw that out there Edited December 30, 2014 by DeatHTaX 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Highlander007 249 Posted December 30, 2014 (edited) I would say for the most part that the dev team does a decent job of listening to their community and being involved with them. Not saying you implied the contrary, but just thought I'd throw that out thereInvolved, conversing, yes. Making decisions based on feedback, not really, no. Roadmap has been etched in granit and it closely mimics the mod and Arma series. Edited December 30, 2014 by Highlander007 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites