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A new breed of bandits

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I mean, I would have run up the stairs all Kung fu fast and shit, absorbing .22 rounds like its nothing. Then, I would have knocked them both out with my fists, cause killing is for fucking noobs. Then, I would have taken the gear I needed, and told them that the real bandits of chernarus run this town. THEN you can put the sunglasses on and walk away. But that's just my style.

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Lol black sunglasses on a black background doesn't really get the point across xD


man, click the pic and deal with it...



I mean, I would have run up the stairs all Kung fu fast and shit, absorbing .22 rounds like its nothing. Then, I would have knocked them both out with my fists, cause killing is for fucking noobs. Then, I would have taken the gear I needed, and told them that the real bandits of chernarus run this town. THEN you can put the sunglasses on and walk away. But that's just my style.


Yeah, walking fists ups the stair and taking .22 to the head. I'm so noob for taking cover and kill the two guys that were trying to shoot me :/

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they're just giving you adrenaline rush, should be thanking them instead of insulting............. :D

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This isn't a new breed. Infact a freshly spawned player is far more likely to behave wrecklessly and without any fear becuase they have nothing to lose. The other night I was up in one of the cherno tower taking pop shots, and I heard something behind me, I turned around and there was a unarmed player with his fists up swating at me, I quickly shoot him dead. I think he was hoping to knock me out, vary foolish on his part. He didn't even get a punch in. I also dont think he understood you might not wanna try that on a player with a helmet on, and has a .357 in hand. LOL guy was a complete fail idiot. I mean complete fail idiot, I was wondering is the guy on the other end even awake....jesus. I going to use him as example of ass hattery for now on. But yes that happens all the time now, its nothing new..


Dont expect fresh spawn to be afriad..again there far more likely to behave wrecklessly, more likely to troll and even try to rob other players when there just starting there new life....There is also allot of jack asses and idiots out there....serously is. Im so quick to shoot an ass hat. I dont even think twice...pull any shit with me your going back to the coast. Any misleading coments on prox chat, any hostile postures, any ass hatery what so ever, and its back to the coast! There the same people that die like for or five times a night.


I have been forced to shoot freshly spawned players quite a few times, for trying to pull shit. Nothing to be proud of, but better them then you...right? You can kind of see why there fresh spawn in the 1st place...not becuase there new, becuase they die allot. So I dont view fresh spawns as being any more freindly or less freindly then anyone else. They get the same treatment as anyother player from me.

Edited by CJFlint

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Had a funny scenario today- came across my second person today. (first one shot one across my bow while I was tucked down in a field... ran to the orchard to save myself and he hunted me down- blamo... ) This second encounter happened about 10 minutes after respawning from the first. I had nothing- he had an axe out at least... not sure what else. 


Of course being new, I couldn't remember which key was the hands up key... so I was sitting down... clapping... pointing- accidentally gave him the finger but hoped he understood when I looked away. Anyway, I was rehearsing that after the NEXT respawn (I survived that encounter- he left me alone... so I could later be killed by zed.) 


I'm very, very certain I'm going to come across all kinds in here- hopefully as I get more familiar with folks in the forum I'll see you guys in game. 

You should go to this link I am about to give you and memorize the controls, just stare at it for a good 5 minutes. then do something else, then 10 minutes later stare at it some more. http://guides.gamepressure.com/dayz/guide.asp?ID=15595

I am going to tell you this now, DayZ takes place in a zombie apocalypse, there are so many killers and bandits that even the good guys don't know who to trust and have their hand on their gun whenever they see you. If you find someone, it's best to avoid them unless you want to kill them and take their stuff. Or if they look like they are in trouble, you could go up and help them, take it as an opportunity to stab them in the back, or still avoid them.

Before you make any decisions that involve player interaction, always think of the possible outcomes and what to do in each situation. Also think of the gain and loss of what happens if you try to help, avoid, or kill someone you find. It takes a lot of thinking when you play this game, especially if you want to stay alive for as long as possible. Watch YouTube videos, I recommend https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_vT9JXBStNOchHwN5cYkqw he has videos on different situations and might train you and give you some 2nd hand experience on situations.

 Stay Safe.

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