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So darn SICK of hackers!

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Since the last patch, seems like there's been more hackers...Got killed 5 times within one week.  Wall hackers, invisibile hackers, and today, some flying/teleporting dudes that mocked and shot us from above...ugh...almost unplayable now.  At least me and my crew killed three of them but nonetheless, they killed me.  So annoyed.

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Since the last patch, seems like there's been more hackers...Got killed 5 times within one week.  Wall hackers, invisibile hackers, and today, some flying/teleporting dudes that mocked and shot us from above...ugh...almost unplayable now.  At least me and my crew killed three of them but nonetheless, they killed me.  So annoyed.


They have of ways of knowing when you make a second account to rage about stuff, just sayin....

Edited by B@ker
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