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Idea to increase the need for teamwork...?

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Sorry if this has been suggested before, but here goes.


1. Nuke the max sprint with reduce run times and a period of recharge at which point you are reduced to normal run speed). 


2. Introduce item weights, and possibly reduce carrying slots by 10-20%.


3. Item weight reduces max movement speed, and turning (slightly) speed. It also allows through prolonged carrying, and running, the ability for your character to move as the game is currently setup (when not carrying over a certain max weight), increasing the importance of that particular character as an investment (less suicide, etc.).


4. Make non-soft cloth equipment like helmets, heavy machine guns, ammo crates/piles, and some clothing create way more noise.


5. Introduction of actions that require two or more people to carry out. Such as erecting the wall of a shack.


Why all of these things?


Well for several.... no more jack of all trades, and master of them all players having a high grade military sniper, smg, pistol, several case worths of ammo, an axe, several slots of food and water, sticks, medkit, etc...


Although doable, you'd have to be way more specialized, and careful if on your own.


Benefits would be distribution of equipment over teammates who wouldn't want to bogged/slowed down by carrying everything (Unless you assign a pack mule status to a teammate). More reason to keep the armor light for quick snatch and grabs, or sniper movement. Specialized your team members for a complete package.


And stuff...


These are my two cents, but feel to free expand on or deconstruct any of this.

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Nothing wrong with any of it, although as you stated yourself, they are all ideas that have been floating around for some time

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1. Nuke the max sprint with reduce run times and a period of recharge at which point you are reduced to normal run speed). 

Wonder if you will still be so keen when being chased by a Loony with an axe who wants your flesh from breakfast.. ( I think not)


2. Introduce item weights, and possibly reduce carrying slots by 10-20%.

Some of the new packs already have less slots. And its Allready hard enough to carry everything you need.


3. Item weight reduces max movement speed, and turning (slightly) speed. It also allows through prolonged carrying, and running, the ability for your character to move as the game is currently setup (when not carrying over a certain max weight), increasing the importance of that particular character as an investment (less suicide, etc.).

Tho this doesn't make much sense im sure it would probably be hard to implement. Its already crazy enough now.


4. Make non-soft cloth equipment like helmets, heavy machine guns, ammo crates/piles, and some clothing create way more noise.

Guns and boots and heavy equipment DO make noise.


5. Introduction of actions that require two or more people to carry out. Such as erecting the wall of a shack.

We DONT erect shacks. Let alone tasks that require 2 people. And even if we did. Orchestrating two people moving 1 item across two characters that maybe on opposite sides of the planet may cause mass dev suicides.



Organized groups already DO specialize. 1 of our team carries meds another food another water. Etc etc As well as fundamentals each character needs.

Also Should the Ammo carrier get sniped. WHO do you suggest runs into the line of fire to retrieve his pack so the group can fight.?

Or the medic.?


My 2 cents

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Stamina (and probably weight too) is coming Q2, Its going to be hard to get right and there will be lots of complaining but hopefully they'll stick to their guns on this.

Having things clanking around in your backpack is a great idea.

I much prefer this way of specializing to having inherent skills that not everyone can access, which other people have suggested and i think is totally against the spirit of the game.

But to be honest most lone wolves i meet are pretty friendly, its the groups that are the problem.

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From my personal experience I can say that carry weight also increases my energy needs and water needs.


It's good to hear more people want to see weight play a more realistic role.


On last example of something I find very unrealistic are bike helmets, these things weigh more then 3lbs / 1,5KG and wearing that on your head all day is really heavy. Add to that a reduced FOV, hearing!, and increased heat there are a lot of real life arguments for not using them. In the military special forces who cover a lot of terrain behind enemy lines choose to go without helmets too.


Love the idea of needing two people to do certain things. I'm thinking about pushing a car to get the engine running.

Hauling big parts like tyres should be different then it used to be. I would like to see it tied to a backpack's exterior. A car wheel is very heavy, so a buddy is very helpful to carry most other items to cover the distance. If a player has something like 40 lbs, his sprint is like a jog, and his jog is like a fast walk. He'll be hot and sweating if dressed too warm, he'll need more water and food.

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While your ideas are indeed good,i really doubt that the majority of them if implemented,would push player interaction.

Allow me to expand on this.


1. Increase the zombie numbers tenfold and make them deadly predators,so that even a single one if close can easily knock you down and overpower you.

That way survival would be made almost impossibly hard without relying to stealth and survivors would band together to face their primary antagonist.


2. Implement overpowered weaponry that requires 2 or more people to set up.

For example to set up a mortar,requires one survivor to carry the base and the other the shaft (backpack slot is lost).

In the same principle have 50cal machine guns where in order to set it up,one survivor would carry the weapon and the other the tripod in expense of their backpack slot.


3.Implement a variety of professions.For example care taking - construction  -  mechanic.


- Caretakers can perform special actions.From first aid and skinning to building farms and tend to livestock .

- Construction oriented can construct things.From furniture and tents to houses and underground facilites

- Mechanics can repair and create machinery.From crafted explosives,and basic repairs,to armored weaponized vehicles and machinery from scratch.


Have your picked skill 50% from capped and place no restrictions if you desire to advance in something unrelated to your profession.

This system is sure to make the individual survivor worthy and people will have to rely more on each another.

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I'm sorry for the long delay. I was busy with work.



1. Nuke the max sprint with reduce run times and a period of recharge at which point you are reduced to normal run speed). 

Wonder if you will still be so keen when being chased by a Loony with an axe who wants your flesh from breakfast.. ( I think not)

They would have the same limitations...


2. Introduce item weights, and possibly reduce carrying slots by 10-20%.

Some of the new packs already have less slots. And its Allready hard enough to carry everything you need.

Everything you need? Kind of missed the point. You don't get to carry a... rifle, 2 handguns, an axe, several crates of ammo and still have room for a weeks worths of consumables.


One of your articles of clothing gets damaged, and you didn't carry a sewing kit to repair because you took the ammo instead? Replace it or run into town (risky) to look for one.


Out of food because you filled all of your slots up with military gear, hunt some animals and hope you have a way to cook them, or raid a town for food.


4. Make non-soft cloth equipment like helmets, heavy machine guns, ammo crates/piles, and some clothing create way more noise.

Guns and boots and heavy equipment DO make noise.

Not nearly enough say in comparison to a pair of sneakers and a hoodie.


5. Introduction of actions that require two or more people to carry out. Such as erecting the wall of a shack.

We DONT erect shacks. Let alone tasks that require 2 people. And even if we did. Orchestrating two people moving 1 item across two characters that maybe on opposite sides of the planet may cause mass dev suicides.

The server browser should limit your server results unless you already have a decent enough ping to connect planetside. Besides there are already plenty of games out there with this feature (ie - Resident Evil)

Organized groups already DO specialize. 1 of our team carries meds another food another water. Etc etc As well as fundamentals each character needs.

Also Should the Ammo carrier get sniped. WHO do you suggest runs into the line of fire to retrieve his pack so the group can fight.?

Or the medic.?

Who said one person should carry all the ammo? You could do that if you wanted to.



Stamina (and probably weight too) is coming Q2, Its going to be hard to get right and there will be lots of complaining but hopefully they'll stick to their guns on this.



Having things clanking around in your backpack is a great idea.


I much prefer this way of specializing to having inherent skills that not everyone can access, which other people have suggested and i think is totally against the spirit of the game.




From my personal experience I can say that carry weight also increases my energy needs and water needs.

Good idea


On last example of something I find very unrealistic are bike helmets, these things weigh more then 3lbs / 1,5KG and wearing that on your head all day is really heavy. Add to that a reduced FOV, hearing!, and increased heat there are a lot of real life arguments for not using them. In the military special forces who cover a lot of terrain behind enemy lines choose to go without helmets too.

The reduced hearing is a great idea



While your ideas are indeed good,i really doubt that the majority of them if implemented,would push player interaction.

Allow me to expand on this.


1. Increase the zombie numbers tenfold and make them deadly predators,so that even a single one if close can easily knock you down and overpower you.

That way survival would be made almost impossibly hard without relying to stealth and survivors would band together to face their primary antagonist.


2. Implement overpowered weaponry that requires 2 or more people to set up.

For example to set up a mortar,requires one survivor to carry the base and the other the shaft (backpack slot is lost).

In the same principle have 50cal machine guns where in order to set it up,one survivor would carry the weapon and the other the tripod in expense of their backpack slot.


3.Implement a variety of professions.For example care taking - construction  -  mechanic.


- Caretakers can perform special actions.From first aid and skinning to building farms and tend to livestock .

- Construction oriented can construct things.From furniture and tents to houses and underground facilites

- Mechanics can repair and create machinery.From crafted explosives,and basic repairs,to armored weaponized vehicles and machinery from scratch.


Have your picked skill 50% from capped and place no restrictions if you desire to advance in something unrelated to your profession.

This system is sure to make the individual survivor worthy and people will have to rely more on each another.


I agree with the two first points, but since there is a weight system in the pipeline.... I'm done.


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I'm sorry for the long delay. I was busy with work.

In the REAL world. You CAN carry two pistols a rifle and an Axe. But Obviosuly NOT several crates of ammo.

My Point was that the smaller packs force you to choose.


And I for one would rather have enough food to last me from scavenge to scavenge. Which in reality would be how you as a loner WOULD exist.

And hopefully enough Ammo to fill the weapons bc I couldn't carry 2 tons of it.

And that's HOW it should be. The fact that some have found ways to circumvent this is inventive but.

HOW do you penalise them..? Lower run speed.? Faster exhaustion.?


Im NOT one of those with 6 ammo cases full of supplies and 6 sides of whatever animal I cross paths with.

I have a mix of enough food to get me from location to location. And 2 or 3 reloads incase of trouble.

Knife can opener bandages and rags Canteen.

Luckily if your careful there are enough water sources around.


Hunting isn't as daunting as it seems.. ALL you need is an Axe and a box of matches.

Make sticks. combine with paper make fire. Kill creature. Cook and eat.

Clothes WILL damage regardless of how many times you SEW or repair them. Decay is inevitable.


But rather than RISK the larger towns I prefer the smaller ones in outlying areas.

Less fools/Zombies/Danger.


I know this makes me a minority and your points were aimed at the killing machines carrying 2kg of everything including the kitchen sink.

But I wonder HOW you could implement the ideas. 

Zambies can see you from the nearest adjacent town/Village Weve all emerged from a treeline and been met with a Zomb running headlong at us.

So noise is kinda Mute. LOL ( Pun Intended )


I look forward to a time when you CANT carry a 17 person village setting plus armaments and still outrun trucks.

But one step at a time :))

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