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Make the Game Harder

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At the moment the game is too easy even with increased difficulties. Once you know how to play DayZ it's easy getting advanced gear: simply run through hordes of zombies into houses, quickly grab the gear and run out the back entrance. In it's current state I'm more afraid of bandits than zombies.

IMO, the game should be a true simulator. What I would recommend is the following:

1. Allow zombies to run in-doors

- It seems silly that zombies can chase after you full sprint outside but as soon as they come to an enclosed area they slow down. This would make buildings safe havens but also hell if you're not equipped to take on the zombies chasing after you

2. Make all loot scarce and rarer

- It's easy to find everything you need to survive. There should be tension going between locations, trying to spare what bullets you have and reasoning whether you have enough food or water to run to the next city.

3. Turn off third-person

- I understand this is a preference and I usually play with 3p on. However, it ruins dynamics of the game being able to look around cornres, see people on the street while you're safely hidden on a rooftop. First person should be the standard.

4. Fix some current game-breaking mechanics

- Such as disconnecting whilst in a battle or being chased in zombies. I'm sure we're all aware now that if you disconnect all the zombies that were following you disappear. Fix this, and also implement a system that allows you to disconnect instantly if you're not agroed, allows you to disconnect after all zombies that have agroed you are killed, allows you to disconnect if you are not in the vicinity of a gun battle (this would need to be defined by gun fire being shot near you). If anyone force quits their game their character will remain there for a minute.

5. Change combat mechanics entirely (probably won't happen in Arma 2)

- I'd like to see a battle system more a-kin to other games out there such as skyrim. It seems like in DayZ Zombies can damage you without actually having physical contact. Change this so that melee battles with AI and players is realistic.

Hopefully, with all of these points being made the current PVP idea of "shoot-on-sight" will be thrown out and people will be more inclined to help each other survive. It seems almost abusive how everyone you meet is ready to kill you. I imagine a Zombie Apocalypse would demand a lot more co-operation between peoples.

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1. I think this is a problem with the engine, not by design.

2. Supported.

3. Yes and no. I like third person, but it is too easy to use it to spot people without showing yourself. But the lean ingame doesn't lean enough, and half the time I have to show a large portion of my body just to see around a corner (which is a major pain when you are trying not to get shot).

4. They are trying to fix stuff.

5. Game Engine and all that jazz. You want Skyrim, play Skyrim. They can't port Skyrim's engine into Arma2. Melee isn't something that is really in Arma2, so zombies, melee weapons and the like are a major pain to get working.

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Everything will be balanced in the end. Its just alpha :)

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2. Would only lead to more pvp, obtaining loot is a goal in this game finding none would make it boring.

3. First person is already standard on most servers

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  1. Allow zombies to run in-doors
    Maybe not run like outdoors in full speed, but definitely faster.
  2. Make all loot scarce and rarer
    Finding loot is part of the game, if I'd change something it would be the discrepancy of the type of loot you can find, so that everyone is on a similar level once they've found a decent automatic rifle - no fancy stuff like electronic gadgets without any batteries or electricity to run them.
  3. Turn off third-person
    Nope - see sig.
  4. Fix some current game-breaking mechanics
    This has been acknowledged that it needs to be fixed by the devteam and I think everyone concurs.
  5. Change combat mechanics entirely (probably won't happen in Arma 2)
    Hmm - "like in Skyrim" do you man a system where you can parry / evade etc. or just how close up melee combat is? Anyway I think that for a game that originally does not support melee combat, what we currently have in this unpolished alpha stage works pretty nicely, could need som more tuning.

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*facepalm* Make the game harder for 1% of hardcore people with lots of free time? Hell yea!

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*facepalm* Make the game harder for 1% of hardcore people with lots of free time? Hell yea!

I am far away from hardcore and I think some aspects of the game are to easy. Mostly how easy it is to get decent gear and a nice amount of ammo to supply it. I never fear running out of supplies.

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I think the lack of ability to run in doors is actually a known bug that they plan to fix.


But I really hope they don't fix it XD

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The thing is its a game and I wanna shoot things and not just crawl everywhere.That said its easy to do this by making sniper/assault rifle ammo very rare and spawn alot of crossbow bolts,enfield,shotgun,pistol ammo etc.

I was also thinking that there should be a difficulty or two with one being a slightly harsher weapon sway.This will make it so that after a set amount of time you get a perk that makes sway what it is now to signal you have gotten better at firing.This will help out against being sniped and very important will make losing a character hurt even more if its a long lived one.

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Some of those are engine problems, but the game is definitely too easy. Outdoors a horde of zombies is actually frikkin scary, but just run indoors and empty your infinite ammo into slowly shambling train of zombies..

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The thing is its a game and I wanna shoot things and not just crawl everywhere.That said its easy to do this by making sniper/assault rifle ammo very rare and spawn alot of crossbow bolts' date='enfield,shotgun,pistol ammo etc.

I was also thinking that there should be a difficulty or two with one being a slightly harsher weapon sway.This will make it so that after a set amount of time you get a perk that makes sway what it is now to signal you have gotten better at firing.This will help out against being sniped and very important will make losing a character hurt even more if its a long lived one.


Currently at least, you're playing the wrong game.

This isn't a run and gun shooter,.. Perqs? Ugh....

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The thing is its a game and I wanna shoot things and not just crawl everywhere.That said its easy to do this by making sniper/assault rifle ammo very rare and spawn alot of crossbow bolts' date='enfield,shotgun,pistol ammo etc.

I was also thinking that there should be a difficulty or two with one being a slightly harsher weapon sway.This will make it so that after a set amount of time you get a perk that makes sway what it is now to signal you have gotten better at firing.This will help out against being sniped and very important will make losing a character hurt even more if its a long lived one.


Currently at least, you're playing the wrong game.

This isn't a run and gun shooter,.. Perqs? Ugh....

LOL my post has nothing to do with run and gun.I want more weapon sway at start means I want COD?Just a touch more weapon sway that gets removed to where it is now if you survive for a good while.....to signal learning to shoot actually maikes the game harder in a few ways.

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The thing is its a game and I wanna shoot things and not just crawl everywhere.That said its easy to do this by making sniper/assault rifle ammo very rare and spawn alot of crossbow bolts' date='enfield,shotgun,pistol ammo etc.

I was also thinking that there should be a difficulty or two with one being a slightly harsher weapon sway.This will make it so that after a set amount of time you get a perk that makes sway what it is now to signal you have gotten better at firing.This will help out against being sniped and very important will make losing a character hurt even more if its a long lived one.


Currently at least, you're playing the wrong game.

This isn't a run and gun shooter,.. Perqs? Ugh....

LOL my post has nothing to do with run and gun.I want more weapon sway at start means I want COD?Just a touch more weapon sway that gets removed to where it is now if you survive for a good while.....to signal learning to shoot actually maikes the game harder in a few ways.

It was the "want to shoot things" and the mention of perqs. I know there are a lot of guns in the game, but that line sounds like someone that wants that run and gun experience. Nothing wrong with that, I just don't prefer it.

I played for a couple hours yesterday. Granted, I am gearing up, but I shot once. At a cow. But that's part of what I enjoy in the game. I can have tension from a player to player encounter without it being a firefight...

As far a perqs go, so far nothing on the horizon that shows that the mod is going in that direction. People have gone so far as to suggest skill sets and classes, but I doubt they will be implemented. Suddenly, the debs would have to focus on balance.

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agree with all

When i play dayz i want to experience the fear and desperation the main character in 28 days later experiences in every encounter.

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