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infected hives ("instance like" POIs)

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What about implementing certain areas (like goverment buildings that were used to experiment on infected, underground military hideouts etc) that would be multiple level structures but have tons of infected inside them (and maybe some new kinds of infected like mutated failed military experiments etc acting like dungeon minibosses) were a single player or a small group of 2 or 3 players couldnt possibly survive inside them but also with very good loot deep inside them (like chemical suits,armor,heavy weapons,explosives lots of ammo, vital medical gear and food/water reserves. etc maybe also an armored vechicle with a machinegun placed on top of it.)

So that people wont kill each other on sight frequently as they do now in airfields etc to get some action and gear but rather be encourage to cooperate in getting some basic gear from there and then raid those buildings to get the good stuff. Because only through teamplay this would be possible since as I mentioned 1 or 3 player groups couldnt possible survive this.

It should be like an instance/dungeon (I am using those terms to get the idea by other mmos etc) but with no loading screens etc meaning that you should be able to get in and out those places naturally as you could go in any other place/building/town.. the infected should agro you and chase you but withing a certain limit so that they could return again to their original positions eventually (to prevent a player acting like a baid training them outside the dungeon and empty it from infected etc making it easier for other players to get inside)

The deeper you get the harder it would be to survive but the better the loot. 

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that would be cool i always thought of the international hotel being used for an instance. i figured it would end up like the movie the raid: redemption having players actually having to get to the top to get rare weapons and loot and then having to fight there way out all the while zeds are pouring in the longer you stay stuff like that. i think instances like these would be nice like you posted camps would be great loading screen or not anything that makes me explore and get lost is a plus in my book.

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that would be cool i always thought of the international hotel being used for an instance. i figured it would end up like the movie the raid: redemption having players actually having to get to the top to get rare weapons and loot and then having to fight there way out all the while zeds are pouring in the longer you stay stuff like that. i think instances like these would be nice like you posted camps would be great loading screen or not anything that makes me explore and get lost is a plus in my book.

yea right?! :) but I think I must insist on the non loading screen because the entire process must be interactive with the rest of the world like if there is a loading screen means you are transfered to a different "dimention" of the game so to put it simply other players couldnt see you being there... but that wouldnt be nice imo... players should be able to join you in a later point (like friends who happen to spawn/log near the area) or bandits that would like to get inside and kill you or wait for you outside etc. 

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I believe I like the idea of zombie concentrations, guarding some valuable loot.

I'm ok with baiting, but I hope my friends have enough ammo and skill to hit the zombies and not me :)

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Maybe not with the "the government were experimenting on the zombies" thing, but places that have too many zombies for you to safely enter without backup would be great. I already made a thread on this you might like to read. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/215346-in-server-objectivesraids/?hl=raids

Also minibosses is a bad suggestion. DayZ is not meant to be "gamey". It's the "anti-game", which is what makes it so immersive. Bosses and minibosses are very "gamey" no matter how you spin it; I understand you realise this with not wanting loading times. The concept of an "instance" doesn't have to be, though, it can just be more zombies collected in an area than usual.

In my opinion the most tough enemies we should be facing are bears, or riot cop zombies wearing kevlar [making them take 4-6 more bullets at the most]. I guess you could ostensibly call them minibosses, but they'd be spread around randomly, not put in a neat little set piece which is easily recognisable as one.

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well there was (or is dont know if its still in the standalone) a miniboss kind of zombie in the mod 


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