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64bit and multicore/threading

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I get what you are saying and I did not ping and speedtest the closest servers to me. Had I done that the results would have been even better. There are many DayZ servers that are hosted from Dallas, TX (USA) Which are the ones I used in these examples. I am in Oklahoma City, OK.


And just for shits and grins here is a speedtest and pingtest from across the "pond". Which while the latency is as expected a bit worse, it is still adequate for light gaming. 







i have quite alot folks from NA since my clandays and i cant play dayZ with them. Its a shame but the hitreg/walking up stairs ect. is just fucked beyond 120 ping...

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I got a ping of 17 to most NL servers about 25 to most UK servers... Fibre Optics FTW eh



Play on a +300 server for a while and you start to feel like Nostradamus, reading the future of where the zombie will be so you can axe him.



You guys should start using satellites instead of using cables going through the ocean.


That chinese word i don't think you know what it means.


Hi JackSparrow, hope your head feels better soon. "a person's internet connection, doesn't mean anything..."  I'm glad the pain's in your head not mine, old buddy. Don't try reading stuff past your tech level (this is not rocket science) or learn up and join the conversation like an adult.


I like to check my internet hops - It's a hobby and something to do when my DayZ ping goes past 300. It's easy to do, you can try it.

From my pc to my ISP's local server, the ping varies between 7 and 400

-this depends totally on the time of day, and the day of the week

.. also it depends on the time of year - because this is a big tourist area and in the tourist season the local population of internet users goes up by x10 or even x30

Now I DO mean that I can PREDICT ACCURATELY what ping I will have depending on the exact HOUR and the day of the week, OK ?

So, Weekend, evening after 3pm, France: I do not want to fall of roofs or run through 2nd floor walls when I'm standing still..a lot .. or get shot by people I haven't seen yet - because this evening my ping varies between 300 - 700, or more (can be MUCH more)

 - so I play at route tracing instead ... and the first hop to my ISP local server is now 300 (Friday evening), it will slide up to 500, then the ISP will switch me to a different local server (further away, yes..) and maybe switch me back after a few minutes, or switch me to one even further off..

At peak hours it hires server bandwidth off other suppliers and routes through those..

[on the hop listing the server code for a loaned server routing is just my ISP's code written backwards, means I'm hopping through a loan, so it's easy to tell what's happening]

SO - still inside my ISP server network I can then do 3 hops, or as many as 7 hops, before I get OUT of my ISP network and reach AMS-IX or DE-CIX

(Im located in Rhone-Alps, France) - and you know where AMS (NL) and DE are ?  ... good.

So just to get OUT of my ISP network on Friday or Saturday night takes me 300-800ms. Cool hu? And at LEAST 300ms of those are FIRST HOP...

once I get to (eg)  DE-CIX I'm ok - I mean .. REALLY OK -  I can go straight to DE-CIX New York or to UAE-IX (Dubai)

ya know ? going those big routes takes me 7ms or 11ms per hop. Then one or two more hops at the local level at the other end of the line. Those could be 15-30ms each (Weekends) but they dont change much at any hour or day.

Now: When I do the same at 2 am, I get a 7-15ms connection hop to my local server, get two hops of 11ms to AMX-IX and one hop from there to a NL DayZ server.. or I stay in France and do 4 hops to an FR server for about 10ms less ping. So at 2am I'm on 40-60ms to plenty of places around Europe. Same in the mornings.

At 2am: 200-350ms gets me to almost anywhere in the world except Australia/NZ. I used to play the Mod with friends in Saudi Arabia regularly (ping around 210), until the admins set the max ping to 100 to cut down the huge number of out of town hackers wrecking their game. I used to visit a Moscow server often - very fun people in Moscow. At ping 500 I've played on a Tokyo server.. but Japan is now about unreachable, and you have to go through the pacific rim IX to reach Austalia.. so no chance

See, what happened was, 2 years ago, my ISP had the great idea to offer 25 TV channels for only 15 euros a month, through the same ISP service, comes from the ISP's own network origin, through your local server, and right to your TV, just plug your USB connection into the internet box.. and a LOT of people took it up..  

OK - you know what Bandwidth is, you know what bit-rate is.. work out the difference in bit-rate, between playing DayZ and watching streamed TV. The dudes watching TV get it from the ISP here (regional) not from DE-CIX or beyond. I'm the only sucker who needs to get to DE-CIX fast (once I reach DE-CIX, they can handle 3.4 terabits per second, so I'm cool ATM) ..and I don't need to move a lot of bits through there to play,  unlike folk watching a streamed TV game on the same shared bandwidth I'm using - as provided by my local ISP through my local server. So weekends I'm screwed from 3pm to 00:30 or 1 am. This is ISP policy, not "the way the internet works". Systematic prioritizing options are programmed by ISPs who get no money out of game-players except the standard connection fee.

check it out

ps Yazar8: your satellite don't work well when it rains or heavy cloud cover, maybe will be a good gaming option soon (one day), but not yet. am I right?

pps Massacre: you're sitting on top of Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMX-IX), bet you have a 2 hop connection from your pc to your local DayZ servers. Thats cool, dude... I'm jealous for sure (remind me to shoot you next time we meet, if I can see ya in time to aim)

ppps Demongroover: - It's the ones that hit you after you see them fall down dead.. that's .. hard on a man.

p.etc.ps Pokerguy10: TATSU (Japanese kanji hand drawn expressionist style, not Chinese).  Did ya have to quote the WHOLE post to ask? Aint you seen enough of me already?


sorry to bore everybody, except Jack.. in fact I don't smoke or drink, .. anyone wants to know.


xx pilgrim


Edited by pilgrim
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*incoherent babble and bullshit removed*


I just want to take this moment to thank you SO MUCH for teaching me the ways of the intarwebz! I had no idea! 


I know better now.. Thank you OH SO MUCH!




*may the force be with you*

Edited by JacksSparrow

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pps Massacre: you're sitting on top of Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMX-IX), bet you have a 2 hop connection from your pc to your local DayZ servers. Thats cool, dude... I'm jealous for sure (remind me to shoot you next time we meet, if I can see ya in time to aim)



I'll stand still for ya!  ;)


On a more serious note, you are correct intrestingly enough, how did you know i'm dutch and how do you know we're so close to the intercontinental pipe? Are you dutch to? And are you a network techie like me?

Edited by Massacre
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