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where heli crash?

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hello ppl, i cant find helicrash, i remember before them was easy find. 

they spawn like always, or i mistake?

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I am probably feeding you but I am going to show my personal opinion


There are 3 chopper crashes that are randomly spawned every time the server restarts


There are always going to be 3 chopper crash sites in "normal" DayZ standalone servers


And out of all those sites there is going to be an incredibly low chance of finding a chopper crash site.

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I am probably feeding you but I am going to show my personal opinion


There are 3 chopper crashes that are randomly spawned every time the server restarts


There are always going to be 3 chopper crash sites in "normal" DayZ standalone servers


And out of all those sites there is going to be an incredibly low chance of finding a chopper crash site.



Dont be paranoic man, thanks for explain. I dont know about it.

Edited by Askasli

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hello ppl, i cant find helicrash, i remember before them was easy find. 

they spawn like always, or i mistake?

Hang around airstrips, you'll find one eventually.

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Sorry guys, I was being paranoid

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I am probably feeding you but I am going to show my personal opinion


There are 3 chopper crashes that are randomly spawned every time the server restarts


There are always going to be 3 chopper crash sites in "normal" DayZ standalone servers


And out of all those sites there is going to be an incredibly low chance of finding a chopper crash site.


Mmm. I don't think it works like that in 0.50. In 0.48 there were three UH60 (smoking, NATO) crashes per server restart. Life was sweet for crash hunters and traders like me. Then in 0.49 they were mixed in with new Mi-8 (crap loot, non-smoking, Russian), so chances of finding a UH60 fell. Life became hard.


In 0.50 the suspicion (as yet unconfirmed) is either that they have now also been mixed in with police car spawns (which seem to be dynamic again, as they were in 0.47), and/or that persistent servers aren't spawning them. This is, in practice, counterbalanced by what seems to be an enormous M4 duping industry around Electro/Cherno.


The only way to really run crashsites now is by doing so on non-persistent servers, with very long runs taking in the majority of the potential spawn sites (slightly easier, as many of the southern/Balota ones seem to have been deleted). Even then your chances are still significantly lower than in 0.49.


I basically don't bother looking for crash sites now - I just run around in the west doing other things, hoping to see one once in a blue moon.

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