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Hicks, this Steam review should probably be addressed publicly?

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* ****************spammylinkremoved**************


This review makes a lot of wild claims about unfair banning and wrongful review flagging. A "review" like this might not be such an issue, if it weren't for the fact it's the top review with a disproportionate amount of votes ("4,553 of 5,356 people (85%) found this review helpful"). The visibility and prominence of this review only acts to damage the credibility of the project.


I'm thinking the claims need to be publicly addressed and clarified in very visible way in order to quell any assumptions of wrong-doing by the DayZ Staff.


Note : * (not OP's fault).

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You should bring up the subject in the correct place (Steam DayZ Hub).

These Forums / reedit & Steam are independent.

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