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Needs To Be WAY More Gritty

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Ok. So currently, the game is AMAZING and really realistic when it comes to "weather" and "graphics" and "the beautiful horizon" but there NEEDS to be a few things to make it feel more "scary" and "gritty" and "apocalypse"


1.There needs to be more of a "cloudy" aroma with "the sound of leafs when they roll by"


2.This will REALLY spice up player's senses in the game: "your walking through a big field, and the wind starts whistling and howling." players will really stay on their edge


3.Simple BUT VERYY effective; flags.. there needs to be "torn flags blowing on their poles in the city's"  the animation could be like a gif, or it could be complicated and move when "the wind blows" players could look at the flag and "reminisce" which will increase realism in curtain factors


4.When its cold, the player needs to be able to "exhale those Smokey clouds" because in reality if its cold, you do that when you exhale out your mouth.



Just a few things that would make the game a bit more realistic. And add new factors to the game, with more new possible experiences for players.


Cheers! stay warm and don't lose your beans! :lol:  ;)  :beans:  :thumbsup: 

Edited by therandomredstone
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I think they do have that puff of air come out of your mouth when it's really cold, or they used to at least.


And I THINK they plan on re-working the map and whatnot to make it more apocalyptic, read it somewhere I believe, just not sure where.


But yes, we need more of a horror element to it, at least in my opinion. As of right now everything looks to clean and fresh to be the apocalypse.

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They have number 4, it's just that all servers are set to September(?) currently.


I agree that I want more gritty and creepy atmosphere for example a rework of the interiors of buildings. These are things that'll appear in late development I think.

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I think they do have that puff of air come out of your mouth when it's really cold, or they used to at least.


And I THINK they plan on re-working the map and whatnot to make it more apocalyptic, read it somewhere I believe, just not sure where.


But yes, we need more of a horror element to it, at least in my opinion. As of right now everything looks to clean and fresh to be the apocalypse.

heyy its you! I see you everywhere.

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They have number 4, it's just that all servers are set to September(?) currently.


I agree that I want more gritty and creepy atmosphere for example a rework of the interiors of buildings. These are things that'll appear in late development I think.

I agree. everything just looks "abandoned" currently. The only real "ruin" is the crashed plane in the hotel in chernogorsk. and broken windows and such. nothing else.

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1. Sound of leaves? They have wind blowing through trees noises, like when there's high wind.


2. I feel like they could add more wilderness noises, like wolves howling in the distance, but they should save that for when they add animals, and you could...like... run into the wolves and get into a gunfight.


3. I think that all cities should have the Chernarussian flag, and the city's own flag next to it. Good idea.


4. I think they already have those, they may have removed them with the new "heat" system.


Good ideas! :D

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Make the roads worse too

The mod went a little overboard with that. I don't like every single road in every single town roadblocked off.

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The mod went a little overboard with that. I don't like every single road in every single town roadblocked off.

Not blockaded just more decay and plant growth

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I think they need to fast forward the apoc at least 5 more years, add overgrown plants on building, and an immense sense of decay. To walk into an abandoned town is one thing, but to experience a decayed town.... I want a city to look like New York in crysis 3, thick grass and vines everywhere. This game is only getting better with every update, but to add something like this would be amazing.

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