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First DayZ artwork attempt

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Made a pretty nifty, if I do say so myself, banner. It's not perfect, but then again, I super imposed the giant dayz all with ms paint, and had to hand draw in pixel by pixel the skyline and clear the borders around "DAYZ" to make it look natural. First attempt at ever making anything like this. 






Edited by IngloriouslyBad
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Original size of the image? 

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Theres nothing really in focus ... would probably be a better idea to have the player and rocks have a solid silhouette, in which case the tree and far background could stay blurred as it is now.

I also think the dayz logo it too big and in the wrong place. It blocks out the nice vista/sun you are trying to capture...


Good attempt for being your first try, if you are interested in this type of thing stop using MSpaint asap and give GIMP  a try, its the freeware version of Photoshop

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Ok, thanks for the input so far! Where would the DayZ logo be better placed? I'd like to see if I can make this better.


Edit: Here is a higher Res base photo in 1080 like I said, should help out with the silhouette and overall quality. I'll work on this later though. Today is ma' Birthday!



Edited by IngloriouslyBad

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Nice work man, looks good. IMO it looks a little small, but it's much better than ultra-large and skyline obscuring

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