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German Community - Private Shard / Whitelist server there?

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not sure if I am allowed to write in German in the forum so I do it in english. Me and ~ 4-5 friends are looking for a German community Server best case with a wthitelist.

We are tired of getting killed by hackers over and over again teleporting from out of nowhere.


So we are looking for a, in the best case, German private shard to have some fun.


Most of the Servers listed here seem to be in US so maybe there are any German or EU Servers having some room.





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To find German servers search <  [GER]  > or search <  [DE]  > there are plenty.

I count 89 German servers online this morning - about 50+ of them of them are "clan" or "join" or "active admin" servers.

A lot of them kick players who are not members so I think they do not have big  problems with hackers (white list auto-kick or admin kick)


Many give TS addresses (when you log in) and/or they have a website.

I do not know if the example I give you is a  good server because I am not a member

It is whitelist - The TS address to join is in the server description ATM.

Edited by pilgrim

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to find German servers search <  [GER]  > or search <  [DE]  > there are plenty.



Thanks. Yes I know that ;-)


But I am not interested in public 40/40 Servers where u get a Fire Axe in your face because a kid decided to teleport to you.


We are looking for a community private shard Server where we all know each other and the risk of having hackers is reduced a lot and also have a community to plan e. g. Role Play Events or smth.

Edited by exec85

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None private shard seen yet.

Edited by umberfive

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I am not a member of any private group. I speak very little Geman. : 2300


These people say they are a ' German Private Shard Master Server '


To find out what this means ( is it a private shard? or a private public shard? ) you can look them up, or log in, or contact the German-language TS on the German-located EU server in my first post and ask members for advice on other servers. Also - you speak very much better English than my German, so you should also do well on whitelist EU servers located in DE with a low ping. Good luck in all cases.


If your main reason to search is you want to avoid hackers - then it sounds to me that you want a private high-population server, because hackers usually "play" on high-pop.


I think the only advantage of a private shard ATM, unless it is your own, is to give you two different characters - one on the private shard and one on the public shard.

There are many private German-language servers ATM, with whitelist, but perhaps they are not high-pop at your playing-time.

Edited by pilgrim
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i am in a german dayz/bf4 clan! Patience. we are working on Setting such a Thing up!

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