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A question here..

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Im new to the forum and bought the game a week ago,

it works great im very happy with it.

i played this week and didnt really had any problem

so today i start and played a little, found myself warm clothes, food, drink, and guns

next thing i know, im getting colder and colder, eventually ending up with hypothermia

standing in the sun with dry warm clothes, being energized and hydrated

i got unconscious and died..


this never happened to me before and know when im respawning i keep dying because of it

anyone know if this is new or something because i was cold days ago but being warm helped enough.


hope anyone can give me more info and/or help me with it


my regards, Karma

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Did you stand out in the rain? That usually lowers body heat by quite a bit.


Best thing to do in these situations is build a fire. Just make sure it's in a place where other players can't see it.

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WOBO has some pretty in-depth videos on temperature and hypothermia.



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Hey thnx guys, i already kinda knew about the data and ins and outs, but what should i do when im in a building its raining but my clothes are dry and i keep getting the message : i am freezing?

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Hey thnx guys, i already kinda knew about the data and ins and outs, but what should i do when im in a building its raining but my clothes are dry and i keep getting the message : i am freezing?

Build a fire under a tree outside, fires do not work inside. Sticks + Rag for fireplace kit, chop down a tree with an axe for fire wood, use matches after putting the wood on the kit.


A raincoat is a very important item it will protect you from being wet and getting colder even faster.


A wool coat is one of the warmest items in the game but is not waterproof.


The quality of your gear seems to effect how warm it is. A pristine set of pants is warmer than a worn set.

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 fires do not work inside


They do, just not all the time. I can only get them to work on ground floor or single story buildings. I think its a bug wherein the 'heat source' is sent to grass regardless of which level you are on, usually imperceptible to the players due to the elevation off the grass by the building foundation.


Anyway, it does work... sometimes

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They do, just not all the time. I can only get them to work on ground floor or single story buildings. I think its a bug wherein the 'heat source' is sent to grass regardless of which level you are on, usually imperceptible to the players due to the elevation off the grass by the building foundation.


Anyway, it does work... sometimes

Well it almost always works under a tree :) If he doesnt want to fiddle around with moving it between 4 different spots in different houses!

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Im new to the forum and bought the game a week ago,

it works great im very happy with it.

i played this week and didnt really had any problem

so today i start and played a little, found myself warm clothes, food, drink, and guns

next thing i know, im getting colder and colder, eventually ending up with hypothermia

standing in the sun with dry warm clothes, being energized and hydrated

i got unconscious and died..


this never happened to me before and know when im respawning i keep dying because of it

anyone know if this is new or something because i was cold days ago but being warm helped enough.


hope anyone can give me more info and/or help me with it


my regards, Karma

So I know exactly what your experiencing, either your clothes are in a bad condition, and you are in a really cold in-game environment, or the server you are on is a bit buggy. what I do when this happened to me (two times) I joined another server, made a fire, got warmed up and when I left the fire warm (when I was wearing warm clothes) my character wasn't glitching anymore. for future reference, since this game is in alpha its going to have a lot of bugs, it is ESSENTIAL to learn how to fix those bugs when they happen, to keep your DayZ experience as fun as possible.


Stay warm and don't lose your beans! ;)  :lol:  :beans:  :thumbsup:

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thnx alot guys!

with all your help i now am able to keep a fine temperature.

have fun!!

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