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Some fishy ping...

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Last night a group of us were playing in Berezino when we encountered some trouble.  There were 3 of us in a building and one of us got shot and then a second...now I'm all alone.  I hear a door open and I've got my MP5 aimed at the bodies and a player comes through the door!  I shoot the full 30 round mag into him and he tries to run and gets stuck on some furniture.  I stand there looking at him in amazement as blood is pouring out from him but he's still standing then about 3 seconds later he falls dead.  Now I understand lag and desync but this was crazy!


I know there is still one more bad guy out there so I switch to my shotgun with only one round, it doesn't take long before he rushes me with what I believe was a Mosin and I shoot him and he insta-dies...then 3 seconds later I'm unconcious and then die after about 30 seconds.  There were no more players in the area so I'm guessing the lag worked opposite of the way it did when I killed his partner?


To make things even stranger we had a pretty good idea who killed us because he posted in global he had just killed FOG members with a sporter.  While watching the server message we saw this same guy get kicked from the server for having a ping of over 4000 and then again for over 2500!  This guy owns the server and when we were watching his ping when he wasn't fighting us his ping was right around 40, is this something to be suspicious of or should I just chalk it up to the internet?


The reason I'm questioning this guys integrity is that on the weekend we were there killing people and I mean alot of people when I suddenly got kicked by the admin (this same guy).  When I came back I was a fresh spawn which I know happens.  My friends were still there and killed a guy that looked like he had my stuff so they went to see if they could find my body and they did.  It turns out they some how found me, kicked me and then while my character was spawning out they killed me and took my gear.


Now in this guys defense he "claimed" serveral people said that I was hacking so he kicked me and he did bring back some of my gear but still!  I actually recorded him telling me what he had done and I know it's a CLEAR case of admin abuse but if it was true I understand why.  My only problem is how they found me.


Would you say there is something fishy going on with this group or do you think it's all just coincidence?



Edited by Punisher-Sir

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Can't think of anything regarding the ping, except some insane, high-risk way of exploiting to check rooms etc.



On a side note, report servers that kick you like that. That's against the ToS of hosting a DayZ SA server and they could lose their hosting for that crap. Write an email to the provider (or if you don't know the provider, to all of them, they don't mind) with information such as: Name of server, IP, Port, abuse. Help us make farming kiddies lose their servers.

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I also got kicked for no reason. The piece of shit rule breaker even had the balls to warn me by global chat so i wish i was recording for evidence. But thus only happened once to me. Hacking has been the only big issue I have experienced.... Well and zombie wall collision.

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which shouldn't be discussed in public.


Everything should be discussed in public. Keeping things behind closed doors is horrible. Let the community know about issues like this.

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Everything should be discussed in public. Keeping things behind closed doors is horrible. Let the community know about issues like this.


I know right ! Give badmins and hackers a public stage where they can sunbath in the shining light of the players they have pissed off so bad.


You have to understand that those kids are trolls that do what they do for exactly this public attention. And on the other hand, we don't help when we discuss things like these. We just show what is possible to other potential trolls. If theres a badly administrated server, gather evidence and report it so actual actions can be taken, and if you encounter a hacker, file a detailed-as-can-be bugreport so the devs can find the loophole that is being abused.


Srsly, discussing those things publicly just to vent off helps not a single bit. It actually makes it worse because thats the intended effect.

Edited by ChainReactor

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Everything should be discussed in public. Keeping things behind closed doors is horrible. Let the community know about issues like this.

Why? What can the community about it?


How about instead of giving the hackers (if it wasn't just lag) more attention, we diligently report the issue to the developers so they can fix the problem.

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Why? What can the community about it?


How about instead of giving the hackers (if it wasn't just lag) more attention, we diligently report the issue to the developers so they can fix the problem.


Making a thread on the forums should be the equivalent of reporting the issue. Plus, players and potential customers should be able to know that shit like this happens.

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Making a thread on the forums should be the equivalent of reporting the issue. Plus, players and potential customers should be able to know that shit like this happens.

No, you are mistaken, the essential context of this Topic has moved to PM by the OP to which I have replied.


If :;: bad admin report server (read the Guidelines/Notifications).

If :;: hack related  (read the Guidelines/Notifications).

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