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Redrick (DayZ)

An attempted experiment...

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The only solution to this in the mods current state is to team up with others players outside the game. Then roll together in a server. Playing solo and expecting to group up with random players is a lost cause for the most part.

Maybe if these shoot on sight players are constantly killed by a team of survivors defending themselves they will lose interest.

Then they'll team up and that's when things get interesting :)

I started off friendly. I would give everyone the chance I wanted. After relentless pk'ing by almost everyone' date=' I now kill everyone I see with extreme prejudice with the only exception being the unarmed. If I start to feel bad about it, I just come read these forums. It's enough to make a saint rage.


It's just a game. Don't take it too seriously and maybe you'll even have fun!

I love how people keep saying its a game when even rocket said its not.

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You guys realize that most of the people killing you aren't COD kiddies, no matter what you guys want to tell yourselves....

You guys need to man up and stop telling yourselves its not you, but it is adults like yourselves who just need to stop doing whatever you guys thing is wrong, and if it is truly wrong, it will be stopped. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually it'll be back to how it used to be. It's happened with every game, and it'll happen with this one.

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You guys realize that most of the people killing you aren't COD kiddies' date=' no matter what you guys want to tell yourselves....

You guys need to man up and stop telling yourselves its not you, but it is adults like yourselves who just need to stop doing whatever you guys thing is wrong, and if it is truly wrong, it will be stopped. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but eventually it'll be back to how it used to be. It's happened with every game, and it'll happen with this one.


Well no. Lately the ones mostly killing me are cheaters. I've been playing fps longer than most of these fucks have been walking and talking. Yeah, I know, hipster etc...blahblah.

As I said in some other post, I stopped being friendly long ago. I now hunt the hunters(and whoever else crosses my path), and I am fucking good at it. I only bitch about the cod kiddies because they are still preying on the noobs, and thinking they are some kind of spec ops for doing so.

I still get the odd legit death, and it sucks, but I deal with it and move on. What I don't do is d/c when I get shot at, like almost everyone that I don't drop with the 1st few rnds. Killed some guy with the camo LMG(mk 48?) in Vybor(SAS server, all cheating bitches there) the other day, he logged twice in that fight, didn't save him though it denied me of his loot. Is ok, I just made due with my saw and 900 rnds. Yes I like lots of ammo, and I will dump it all on you if I feel the need.

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You sound kind of mad tbh.

And I'm pretty sure the cod kiddies don't think they are super cool for doing it (you're just mad), they are just doing it because they can.

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You sound kind of mad tbh.

And I'm pretty sure the cod kiddies don't think they are super cool for doing it (you're just mad)' date=' they are just doing it because they can.


I'm always mad lol, don't flatter yourself.

btw how would you know how cod kiddies feel unless you're one of them?

I will also say this about cod, It's actually a good game, at least MW1&2 was. The people playing it however....

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No' date=' what's telling is how you omitted the part where I said I didn't want pvp nerfed[/quote']

How do you reconcile that with supporting PvE servers? Getting gear on a PvE server wouldn't be comparable in the SLIGHTEST to a PvP server. It completely breaks the game; and it breaks the PvP b/c the main driver for PvP in a sandbox game is the PvE. Knowing that you might encounter a hostile while getting food/water/meds/gear, but going nonetheless because you HAVE TO drives the game's PvP. Otherwise you just have deathmatch with no points of interest on a giant 225km map, it's pointless.

and THEN completely fabricated the part about me wanting the makarov taken away. What the fuck are you talking about? I never said that. I just started posting here today.

Yea I tend to shift between talking to the guy I'm replying to (you) and the general "you" often. What I'm talking about is PvE players who request stupid shit. Even when it's perfectly clear what the results will be' date=' their heads are full of retarded pipe dreams. NO MAKAROVS MEANS MORE TEAMWORK!

I'd call you the dumbest person here, but it'd be a lie. You are a sack of shit all the same tho. Go fucking die somewhere away from everyone else.

Poor guy, I feel your pain :(

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if there were pve servers introduced just dont let the loot gained from them be used on pvp servers. or better yet lock characters to servers. this would also solve the server hopping problem.

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No' date=' what's telling is how you omitted the part where I said I didn't want pvp nerfed[/quote']

How do you reconcile that with supporting PvE servers? Getting gear on a PvE server wouldn't be comparable in the SLIGHTEST to a PvP server. It completely breaks the game; and it breaks the PvP b/c the main driver for PvP in a sandbox game is the PvE. Knowing that you might encounter a hostile while getting food/water/meds/gear, but going nonetheless because you HAVE TO drives the game's PvP. Otherwise you just have deathmatch with no points of interest on a giant 225km map, it's pointless.

People are going to get their stuff, one way or another, and how the fuck are you going to know the difference? I should know, I've spent the better part of my 160+ hours into Dayz FARMING(and walking....lol). It's not a locked server. Go fucking kill them if you think it's a problem, or do some recon. Really, there are way bigger issues than this to cry over. Like hacks. D/c'rs. Dupers. Locked servers. Outdated servers. etc...

and THEN completely fabricated the part about me wanting the makarov taken away. What the fuck are you talking about? I never said that. I just started posting here today.

Yea I tend to shift between talking to the guy I'm replying to (you) and the general "you" often. What I'm talking about is PvE players who request stupid shit. Even when it's perfectly clear what the results will be' date=' their heads are full of retarded pipe dreams. NO MAKAROVS MEANS MORE TEAMWORK! [/quote']

Ah yes teamwork. Wtf are unarmed players going to do to help each other? ..other than aggroing more zeds than neccesary, killing everybody?

"I'll lead the zeds off, you go find an axe. Then we meet back here and you kill them all." lol let me know how that works out....

I'd call you the dumbest person here' date=' but it'd be a lie. You are a sack of shit all the same tho. Go fucking die somewhere away from everyone else.[/quote']

Poor guy, I feel your pain :(

I have a cat.

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On the one hand i think there is just to less content to handle with. You can easily survive on your own, even if group up is much more fun.

On the other hand its the distrust to random people, if u got something u dont wanna loose u will defend it.

First time i found a sniper rifle, i just climbed on a good position and killed everyone i saw (ended up by 15-17 players killed, somewhere on this size). I did it just for no reason so on this i was like a "CoD kid", which just want to get a good "score". And i dont even feel bad for it, bcuz in this 2-3 hours it was just fun to me.

But I also have gone the friendly way in DayZ, grouped up with randoms and helped each other. But then we found some other player who called out "friendly" and shot our group down after a short while.

So in my opinion most players atm are bandits, for reason which were called alot. Iam sure rocket will keep changing the way of playing and force to get some content to handle so we dont need to just play as distrusting bandits which fear to loose everything again.

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The big issue is it's called DayZ. Z not A. It needs to be more about the zombie's. I mean it's the NAME of the game.(yes, it's a game, idgaf what rocket says. Life is said to be a game too...)

A penalty for killing good players IS needed. Like showing your LOC on the map for 30 mins after killing a friendly, or something like that. Take away the sickness, and add a guilt meter that fucks up your vision. etc...

Killing bandits should be zero penalty. All part of the game. You want your challenge, right? Suck it up then.

Can you imagine the rush after killing a friendly(maybe by accident, trigger happy, etc..) and knowing that the whole server(only those with maps of course..) can see you? Of course, most of the pussies here would log instantly, but that's another issue.

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Lol thread about "why people don't team up and SoS", a few pages into it:

"Go die far away from everyone"

"Eat shit douchebag"

and so on, now i know why people don't team up, everyone is an asshole, even the one that try to be friendly and team up in the first place.

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This isn't a rant thread' date=' this is purely a research thread that I hope from it's contents I can learn a little something:

The Experiment:

Every time I spawn, I wouldn't seek out any items, nor weapons. My objective was simple: To find another player along the coast, and make friendly contact with him. 8 times, 8 times in a row this happened, and I'd like to know why:

I'd approach a player with nothing in hands, clearly unarmed, and obviously the player could kill me if he wished to in the time it took me to draw a weapon if he so speculated that much. I'd claim friendly, type it out, do everything in my power through direct chat (which works now mind you) to make it clear of my intentions, but I am immediately shot at or killed.

Now mind you, I'm not mad, I am sincerely curious as to why those of you out there do this? You can see I am unarmed, and odds are since I am along the coast all I have is the starting gear of a bandage, a painkiller, and a flashlight. So, why does this happen?


To be honest the game is still kind of broken in the fact that direct comms still don't work for a lot of people...and well with the removal of side chat for 90% of servers it is nearly impossible to make friends....

If you want someone to play with hit me up on steam (same name as forum) i have supplies and knowledge...

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Because that player doesnt want to play in group, simple. You are basicly forcing them to play with you, dont complain then if you get shot after a while. If he was a true bandit, he would have killed you right away.

It's funny how it's always the people who get shot who go on the forums and cry about being killed and that bandits should be penalised, while at the same time talk about maturity. If you cant see the irony in this, then you have bigger problems than getting killed in a video game.

Killing players has been intended since day 1 since friendly fire is enabled, deal with it. It's not going to change.

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Lol thread about "why people don't team up and SoS"' date=' a few pages into it:

"Go die far away from everyone"

"Eat shit douchebag"

and so on, now i know why people don't team up, everyone is an asshole, even the one that try to be friendly and team up in the first place.


Anonymity is giving power to the powerless...humankind being the way they are abuses that power...

Its similar to the quote dealing with the oppressed becoming the new oppressors....and to simplify further, it is similar to a kid getting bullied then becoming the bully...violence begets more violence im sure the people who are assholes on the internet became that way cause some other asshole treated them like an asshole...or they were just assholes before the internet even then they were probably turned into an asshole IRL at a young age while still building their identity and personality....long story short people are the root of all evil....which begs the question....well never mind i went in a tangent...a relevant tangent...but still a tangent.

It sucks when you over analyze every thing....

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Because that player doesnt want to play in group' date=' simple. You are basicly forcing them to play with you, dont complain then if you get shot after a while. If he was a true bandit, he would have killed you right away.

It's funny how it's always the people who get shot who go on the forums and cry about being killed and that bandits should be penalised, while at the same time talk about maturity. If you cant see the irony in this, then you have bigger problems than getting killed in a video game.

Killing players has been intended since day 1 since friendly fire is enabled, deal with it. It's not going to change.


But they did shoot me straight away. I never scouted them, I ran right up to them exclaimed friendly while most of them were in a building pre-occupied with something else clearly unarmed. If they didn't want me they could easily say "Alright, now go away".

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How do you reconcile that with supporting PvE servers? Getting gear on a PvE server wouldn't be comparable in the SLIGHTEST to a PvP server. It completely breaks the game; and it breaks the PvP b/c the main driver for PvP in a sandbox game is the PvE. Knowing that you might encounter a hostile while getting food/water/meds/gear' date=' but going nonetheless because you HAVE TO drives the game's PvP. Otherwise you just have deathmatch with no points of interest on a giant 225km map, it's pointless.


how is it pvp when some fucking pimple face snot-nosed geek with a ghillie suit and sniper with WAY too much patience is sitting on a dick i mean hill just waiting for someone to pass by. that's not PvP, that's PvNF (nerd faggot). snipers are the worst in dayz and i honestly think they have no friends in real life. it sucks to be them.

no point in arguing over all this "pvp" bullshit because there's really nothing to do in the mod, yet. all the guys shooting on sight were once friendly people who kept getting killed everytime they saw another player so they just want vengeance; i don't blame them.

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