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Gun on back and gun in hands fix

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I hate it when I have a rifle in my hands and a rifle on my back and when I go to switch to the weapon on my back, the gun in my hands drops to the floor. I think a fix needs to be made so when you have a rifle in your hands, and a gun on your back, when you go to switch to the gun on your back, the rifle in your hands swaps to your back rather than dropping to the floor. The only time you should drop your gun is if you're putting a pistol in your hands.

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Yeah that could work. Would be good to have a switching animation - occurring instantaneously would be jarring and I think there does need to be a trade off.

Also would be good to be able to climb ladders while holding something (e.g. a pistol or rifle) in one hand with the catch being that you move much slower in the ladder.

I had another idea in this vein - when you hold a second rifle in your hands - if you preform an action like eating an apple, then you put the weapon in the ground (or lay it on your knee) perform the action, and then automatically pick the rifle up again.

Edited by Roshi
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I actually don't like this idea. I think the penalty of having to drop your second long gun and then have to manually pick it up is a good way to discourage people from carrying around too much weaponry. If weapons automatically swapped back and forth, then in a firefight it would be extremely easy for you to use both a Mosin Nagant and a MP-133 shotgun, with very little swapping time in between them. 


Choosing a single primary weapon, I think, is part of the charm of the game. Plus, carrying around two weapons is cumbersome, so that should be represented in the game. A Mosin is heavy. Same with a shotgun or an SKS. Walking around with one on your back and another in your hands? Your arms will fall off. 

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I don't like the idea of fast gun swapping - it somewhat negates the drawbacks of carrying more than one longarm with you. But what should work is putting another gun on your back while you are holding one - basically "stealing the slot" because this action is extremely clunky right now:

  1. Situation: One gun in your hands and another on the ground
  2. Put gun from your hands on your back
  3. Put gun from the ground into your hands
  4. Put gun from your back on the ground
  5. Put gun from your hands on your back
  6. Put gun from the ground into your hands

With this system you would not mess with your inventory while putting things in your hands or on the ground making the above action much simpler:

  1. Situation: One gun in your hands (reserved storage) and another on the ground
  2. Cancel storage reservation
  3. Pick up gun on the ground (will be put on your back)

Currently the best way to change weapons is to drop the one on your back, put away the one in your hands and pick up the one on the ground as you will avoid clunky inventory management.

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