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Nature- Is It In The Final Plan?

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Frankly, I dont get BIs angle on this. They want a survival sim, so they add in roughly a city per update, created new military areas, and essentially cut the amount of forests in half... Sounds like what Arma 2 wanted to be.

So the added towns are meant to make survival and finding stuff easier... isnt that kinda the opposite of what a survival sim is? I thought it was supposed to be rough living, not add more towns so you can grab more stuff.

And the military areas, I know that theres a camp in the woods on the West side, and apparently a "secret" one that was im the Alpha release (if theyre the same, I dont read patch notes, it ruins the Wow New Toys effect) nd from what I heard that aspect isnt iver, and they want to add a prison and maybe an underground military area. If everyones running around with military gear because they added in like say 4 new military areas, wouldnt this game be a Wombified Wasteland Standalone? (Oh hey BI, theres your new game- Wasteland Standalone. Make it happen and Ill give you beans)

And the woods. Oh GOD the woods. Why is it that al of the "lush forests" are planted in near perfect rows. Really, it looks like a pine stand. Theres no underbrush, some kind of self cutting grass (wish I could get some of that, unless the infected can run a mower) and apparently all of Chernarus is a giant lumber stand that they planted the trees in. Not anyones fault, its the Arma 2 map.

So my point is that after all the stuffs added in (frankly I hope they dont add anymore towns or lootspawns, hell I wish theyd take some out) is that they should work on nature. If your gonna cut the amount of forests we have and shorten the distances between cities, at least thicken them up so we can hide, and maybe make it impair our speed in areas that are really overgrown. And hell, aff some farms. And I dont mean the house sitting on a hill in the middle of a barren field, I mean overgrown wheat and cornfields, actual farmhouses and barns, fenced in pastures, dont every one like Hershels Farm (but we need a replica:p) just make it look like there were actually people who lived in this "country".

Do basically Im adking for farms to live on, woods to hide in, and to stop adding in towns and military areas that with the luscious M4 and wild AK trees, make this into CoDZ (Yeahyeah, alpha whatever but having 10 military bases in alpha means that those 10 will be there on release if they keep goin down this path)

Now if youll excuse me, Im gonna go spam the Epuke forums ;)

And yes, I use grammar and paragraphs.

#nowalloftext #nofilter #grammer4lyfe

Edited by Owen.
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 If your gonna 


And yes, I use grammar 

Everyone uses grammar, some better than others ;)

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Everyone uses grammar, some better than others ;)

HEY! Nobody ever said it was proper, here in Georgia (US) your considered one of the literati if you talk like that :p

Now I coulda talked like one ah them there Rednecks I was browght up t` be. So howsyermommeranthem?

Edited by Owen.
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That pretty much sums it up!

Now if youll excuse me, Im gonna go spam the Epuke forums ;)

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And the military areas, I know that theres a camp in the woods on the West side, and apparently a "secret" one that was im the Alpha release (if theyre the same, I dont read patch notes, it ruins the Wow New Toys effect) nd from what I heard that aspect isnt iver, and they want to add a prison and maybe an underground military area. If everyones running around with military gear because they added in like say 4 new military areas, wouldnt this game be a Wombified Wasteland Standalone? (Oh hey BI, theres your new game- Wasteland Standalone. Make it happen and Ill give you beans)

And the woods. Oh GOD the woods. Why is it that al of the "lush forests" are planted in near perfect rows. Really, it looks like a pine stand. Theres no underbrush, some kind of self cutting grass (wish I could get some of that, unless the infected can run a mower) and apparently all of Chernarus is a giant lumber stand that they planted the trees in. Not anyones fault, its the Arma 2 map.

And yes, I use grammar and paragraphs.

#nowalloftext #nofilter #grammer4lyfe

Starting sentences with 'And', are you sure you use grammar?


I agree with the point you're making, all of the new settlements have made the map far too small.

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Yes, they could make the forest more dense with vegetation to make hiding things (and even camouflage) viable. We need better leaves on forest area you know, them forests needs to look more confusing then it is now imo.


This can be extended to urban areas aswell, but the devs already said that they will improve them, now we need to know about the natural side of Chernarus!

Edited by Avant-Garde

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