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Borges (DayZ)

Kamenka spawn pretty please.

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Can you guys please add a kamenka shore spawn like in the mod? It was one of my favorite spawn points. Currently there's no western map spawn and it's a bit of a pity since that always adds to a different experience. 

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I liked the Kamenka spawn back in the mod too, but they've been putting a lot of stuff in the Western ,side that way it's a journey for us "Easterners" to get to, giving us a reason to go trek across the map. If we spawn in Kamenka (Or any Western Spawn) the whole "balance" they've been working towards is gone, and fresh spawns will soon be running rampant with AK's in the name of Talos and all that nonsense. This is no longer the mod, and time for change has arrived. Good luck bud, and keep warm :)

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Can you guys please add a kamenka shore spawn like in the mod? It was one of my favorite spawn points. Currently there's no western map spawn and it's a bit of a pity since that always adds to a different experience. 

Oh the irony.


I can taste it. 


Its delicious

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No. Too close to Bloter, too close to the other military spawns. Thos is supposed to be a sutvival sim, what the Vanilla mod was before Epuke and Overdump ruined it (I like the base and new guns... I hate the weapon spawn rate)

Frankly, I dont get BIs angle on this. They want a survival sim, so they add in roughly a city per update, created new military areas, and essentially cut the amoint of forests in half... Sounds like what Arma 2 wanted to be.

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Oh the irony.


I can taste it. 


Its delicious

Lol, it was one of my favorite spawn points in the mod because of the venture from kamenka through zeleno. There was nothing of significant value through that whole entire west section besides nwaf, so I'm struggling to find the irony here.


I guess since they added that one "military spawn" in between kamenka and zeleno completely killed the idea of ever having a spawn down there.

Edited by Borges

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No. Too close to Bloter, too close to the other military spawns. Thos is supposed to be a sutvival sim, what the Vanilla mod was before Epuke and Overdump ruined it (I like the base and new guns... I hate the weapon spawn rate)

Frankly, I dont get BIs angle on this. They want a survival sim, so they add in roughly a city per update, created new military areas, and essentially cut the amoint of forests in half... Sounds like what Arma 2 wanted to be.

Balota is no closer to kamenka than it is to cherno, and there is a cherno spawn point.

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The problem with a Kamenka spawn as many point out is that it's too close to the military belt, It would be fine if that forest base just north of kamenka wasn't there, and IMO maybe it shouldn't, that base needs a redesign badly, it looks like something out of a user made mod just made by plonking buildings down in the forest using an editor.

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I loved that spawn aswell but it wouldn't work now. Think about it this way in the mad you could hit every town on the way to NWA....that was the first mill spawn.


Now in SA its....


Mill base just north of Kamenke....2 Baracks

Zelen.....2 barracks + jail


And that's before you are even halfway to NWA lol


IMO get rid of all what I listed, Have only baracks on map at NWA again, then reinstate full costal spawns.


Give us back the dynamic of pushing to the NW  corner from any costal spawn, Also keep medical stuff on the coast to give us a reason to head south again....then north for ammo....then south for meds....then...you get the idea. It worked so well il never understand why they messed with that flow :(

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I agree with you guys,


but I think Zeleno should keep a military spawn. Maybe not 2 barracks but atleast a firestation, or a jail. The military base above kamenka is just in a stupid spot and ruins more opportunities than it provides for newspawns. It should be re-located like somewhere near green mountain maybe.


The mod was so dry up the west coast because there were no hotspots until the NWAF. 

Edited by Borges

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