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Private and public ?

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Can someone please explain all this private and public stuff.


Im a bit confused, I only started playing DayZ on the SA so its quite confusing seeing talk of public hives and private hives and shards of servers and sub shards of hives and shards and WTF oO ??


So we have Public Servers atm.


Then they are releasing these Private Shards, so what does that mean, are they private servers connected to the same database so you can loot up on a private server then go PVP on a public server ?


Or will you have seperate characters for Private and Public like you do between hardcore and 3rd person servers ?



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Private Hives and Private Shards are different things (although similar), we do not have private hives in DayZ, although they were common in the mod.


A private hive uses the admins/servers own private database not managed by the devs, so a server admin can do whatever they want with the database. This is what we had in the mod and why admins could spawn in loot, change loot tables, see player locations, sell items etc as all that information is in the database which they controlled and could modify. 


A private shard operates on a separate shard of the central database (run by the devs), this allows communities to have their own private servers without it affecting the main public shard and without giving server owners direct access to the database.


The system is also flexible enough so that a group of servers could run on a single shard of the hive too (or just one single server). Fragnet is calling these additonal shard servers "slaves", slaves don't have their own shard itself but rather it's a server connecting to an already existing Shard you are renting. Eg Two servers using a single shard.


Private shards give the best of both having a database and having a private community, without those private communities affecting the main public shard (character are tied to each shard, just like hardcore/regular characters). Players will only be able to jump/persist between servers on that private shard and as such admins will be able to enforce their own rulesets and have a few more options available to them like being able to lock the server, implement whitelists, ban players, create PvE servers etc.

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Private Hives and Private Shards are different things (although similar), we do not have private hives in DayZ, although they were common in the mod.
A private hive uses the admins/servers own private database not managed by the devs, so a server admin can do whatever they want with the database. This is what we had in the mod and why admins could spawn in loot, change loot tables, see player locations, sell items etc as all that information is in the database which they controlled and could modify. 
A private shard operates on a separate shard of the central database (run by the devs), this allows communities to have their own private servers without it affecting the main public shard and without giving server owners direct access to the database.
The system is also flexible enough so that a group of servers could run on a single shard of the hive too (or just one single server). Fragnet is calling these additonal shard servers "slaves", slaves don't have their own shard itself but rather it's a server connecting to an already existing Shard you are renting. Eg Two servers using a single shard.
Private shards give the best of both having a database and having a private community, without those private communities affecting the main public shard (character are tied to that shard, just like hardcore/regular characters). Players will only be able to jump/persist between servers on that private shard and as such admins will be able to enforce their own rulesets and have a few more options available to them like being able to lock the server, implement whitelists, ban players etc.



Ok kool thanks for that info.


So the private shards will run on seperate database to the public servers so in other words you cant gear up on a private server then go PVP on public servers ?


All else you said makes sense but that for me, the private and puiblic servers should all be on the same database IMO, woudl be more fun. The way its going to be as you describe means only large communitys will benifit from it.


What would be the point of a small community renting a private shard ?

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The point of playing on private shards? Playing as a closed/controlled community: many clans/outfits are basically this. Or simply playing as an open community where people share a similar playstyle (ex. roleplaying communities, PvE or PvP only communities).

Generally speaking: renting private shards means you will be able to play with know people (clans) or people who play like you (Roleplayers, PvErs, PvPers). If you play on public servers, like now, you play with people that probably you'll never see again and/or people who have very different game priorities/interests than you. As an example, you can see that by the sheer amount of KoS ragers on the forum: player wanting to interact/collaborate meets player wanting to PvP...one of the two dies. The other one rages on the forum.

Edited by DocWolf
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So the private shards will run on seperate database to the public servers so in other words you cant gear up on a private server then go PVP on public servers ?

Technically it's the same database I believe but you can think of them as separate. Characters etc will not be able to transfer between them, you won't be able to gear up on a private server and then move to another server on a different shard as nothing will carry over. Just like hardcore and regular have different characters.


What would be the point of a small community renting a private shard ?

Admins can ban players, admins can whitelist their servers, admins can implement specific rulesets for their servers like no PvP, players can't "ghost" in behind you from another server etc.

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This is a great topic!  I think private shards are a HUGE addition to Dayz Standalone!  It gives admins power and make renting a server more worth the costs.


Does anyone know if Admins have access to any types of logs?  For instance, if a hacker is going around killing people can he look at kill log and see who the hacker is and ban them? 

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Does anyone know if Admins have access to any types of logs?  For instance, if a hacker is going around killing people can he look at kill log and see who the hacker is and ban them?

You can view BEC logs.

You cannot access RPT logs (at this time)

I couldn't tell you what either contain though.

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Yeah I can see private shards being worth while for large communitys ect but for smaller ones its not much use really. Unless ofc you are using it to build a community or play as a group in a certain way. Must be more of that around than I thought.


I like the way it is at present, thats life you dont always like everyone or get along ect and theres different types of players/people to encounter. Thats been the big attraction of the game for me personally.


This way of doing it seems to me like it will just split the community up completely. Half the community will play on private shards doing role play or just farming for loot that they can only use in that server ?


The way it worked in WarZ was how I said, you could rent a private server with a password, get looted up in your own group then go PVP together ect.


Whats the point in say a clan renting a private shard, with no password no one would join cos the loot will be all gone and theres a clan in there waiting to kill you, other clans cant even join to fight you as they cant bring their own stuff they need to gear up on your server 1st which is going to be impossible cos the clan who own the server have looted it already ?


I see the ghosting thing then being an issue but thats easily worked around surley, in WarZ if you log out in the middle of a city/town for example then switch server it spanws you back in on the outskirts of the said city/town. And also maybe an exit timer so you cant just combat log or your character will be stood there for 30 seconds, you have to log out safely...


Just seems that option has not even been thought of and would of been nice, people who play for PVP mainly will just play the way we have been on this game all along now as private shards are useless to them...

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Have played a fair amount of hours since I bought earlier this week with a friend and we have, after many a painful death, become semi-established/geared on public servers.  I'm essentially loathe to risk that progression to bandits etc by playing alone when he's not available.


Just wanted some confirmation as to whether the hive system is completely safe enough so that I could play on a private shard with a new spawn without accidentally wiping my public character? 


I'd be much more aggrieved losing my character in this manner than to legitimately dying in game.


I realise that, by definition, a private shard should allow this and I just wanted to double check there's not a underlying bug that could cause my public character being wiped.


Thanks in advance and apologies for the stupid question

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I play on 2-3 private servers specifically when I want to goof around or solo-play. I've not had any trouble keeping my public-hive character in tact while doing this nor have I heard of any glitches or wipes related to this. Just whatever you do, don't get too attached to your character as you will eventually die or be wiped (whether intentional or unintentional). Characters are meant to live and die.

Edited by Maia
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Have played a fair amount of hours since I bought earlier this week with a friend and we have, after many a painful death, become semi-established/geared on public servers.  I'm essentially loathe to risk that progression to bandits etc by playing alone when he's not available.


Just wanted some confirmation as to whether the hive system is completely safe enough so that I could play on a private shard with a new spawn without accidentally wiping my public character? 


I'd be much more aggrieved losing my character in this manner than to legitimately dying in game.


I realise that, by definition, a private shard should allow this and I just wanted to double check there's not a underlying bug that could cause my public character being wiped.


Thanks in advance and apologies for the stupid question


Merged, your character will remain the same on the public hive unless there is an actual wipe.  Keep in mind each private shard you play on you will have a different character, so you will not have the same character across all private shards as you would across all public hive servers.

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Does that mean i can have 2 characters?

1 on Private and 1 on public without losing either

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Does that mean i can have 2 characters?

1 on Private and 1 on public without losing either

You can have as many characters as there are private servers, 1 on each.  


You can also have a public 3PP character and a public 1PP character


(and experimental 1PP and 3PP characters if you want to go down that route).

Edited by Beav

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Does that mean i can have 2 characters?

1 on Private and 1 on public without losing either


Yeah, you can potentially have hundreds of characters if you join enough private shards.

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