hammy55 81 Posted October 21, 2014 I went ahead and started that blog: http://dayzretrospective.blogspot.com/ Will try and update as I go, but I'm not going to stress about it. Thanks for your replies 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BeaverProductions 441 Posted October 21, 2014 I was on experimental last night testing the new guns. Found the Repeater and the new pump action shotgun. The server restarted and I joined a new one. I was in the construction yard in Severograd and as I zoned in I could hear a zombie aggro someone. I waited for what seemed like an age then moved out on the hunt once I was sure I didn't hear movement near me. My previous few encounters had guided me down the dark path of banditry as when I had previously tried to be friendly to players, they had just killed me on sight. A dead zombie was to the east so I headed that way. Within 10 seconds I seen a dude about 100m away. I lined up a shot. I had a decent shot on him but waited as he was still quite far away and the repeater isn't a terribly strong gun as it takes 0.357 rounds. I tracked him to the jail. I stood behind a wall and watched him loot the jail then leave and head to the Fire station. I could have had 3 or 4 shots at him by this point but he was moving most of the time. I followed him to the fire station and took up position at one of the big main doors and waited. He stopped to loot something and I took my shot and hit him. It wasn't a head shot and he managed to avoid my second shot and leave the fire station by the back door to try and flank me round the back. I went round the other way and it was a stand off like a spaghetti western. Both of us with our guns raised, 30m apart....not shooting. It was weird.He eventually started talking to me and said "Whoa whoa whoa, don't shoot". I actually didn't shoot. We eventually stood down from our stand-off and we started chatting and I let him bandage. I apologized profusely for shooting him and we had a lovely conversation for a few minutes we said good bye and went our own way.That's 3 German guys I had met on Experimental and they have all been really nice and more passive than aggressive.It was a bit of a turning point for me and the banditing thing I had been edging towards in my game play. I'm not sure if i will ever shoot first again if I have the drop on a guy unless the dude has full military gear and AKs/M4s - those guys can die. I will probably shoot if I'm surprised and don't have time to assess a situation and I'm trapped in a building.About 2 minutes later, I spotted another guy running up the main street, bold as brass, gun on his shoulder. As he got near me I started talking to him. I had the opportunity to kill him easily. Strangely, he just kept running in a straight line up the road. I chased him while talking to him all the time. He eventually stopped, looked at me, said something incomprehensible, then ran off again like he didn't give a fuck :) Later, I was having a drink in a bush close to a main road. After I was finished, I popped out the bush and a player was within 10m of my position. Neither of us raised our guns and we greeted each other and had a brief chat. He hadnt seen me at all until I jumped out the bush. I was looking for a Mosin and had both a Long Range Scope and PU scope ready in my bag. The guy had an SKS so I gave him my PU scope and he tried to give me a Long Range Scope he had in his bag, but I already had a pristine one ready for my Mosin. Yet another German dude on Experimental who was totally friendly. About 20 minutes later I was in the jail in Vybor and heard zombie aggro outside. I took up position in one of the jail back rooms and waited to see what would happen. The jail door opened and he ran into my room. Again neither of us shot our guns and I told the guy I heard zombie aggro but he hand not seen any zombies. We worked together inside the jail to see if we could spot who else was outside. Unfortunately the server crashed. Why does it always crash once you meet someone nice :( Experimental is where its at for friendly encounters just now, especially if you are away from the coast. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hammy55 81 Posted October 21, 2014 (edited) Interesting read, Beav. I'm jealous for the friendly encounters as I've been shot at more than once now (will tell about it in the blog). Rather curious that German fellows are more friendly! I wonder why that is... coincidence, a general cultural tendency or some other factor? Do you think that your "dark road from banditry" has now turned towards a more compassionate play style after these experiences with our Bavarian friends? Edited October 21, 2014 by hammy55 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BeaverProductions 441 Posted October 21, 2014 I hope so. I started off as friendly, then as the assholes started shooting me for no reason at all, the dark side crept in and I was starting to become what I hated the most, a bandit. I'm not saying I will be some sort of saint, but I will try to communicate more with players I spot before I pull the trigger. Some days I might be a killer, other days I might be a hero. I think its probably just because I'm playing Experimental that people are friendlier. Most folks on those servers are there to experience the new stuff, not just murder random people. I am the generally the type of player who collects civilian clothes, makes my own Improvised Backpacks from Boar pelts, hunts for all the Mosin parts and survives outside the main cities. I occasionally take my Mosin and sit on the outskirts of Elektro, Cherno and Novo watching survivors run around. I try and locate bandits on rooftops who are just killing freshspawn and deal a certain kind of justice on them. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BeaverProductions 441 Posted October 21, 2014 (edited) Where are you based? Would be good to meet up and have a journey together. I'm in the UK so play most nights for an hour or two after work. Edited October 21, 2014 by Beav Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hammy55 81 Posted October 21, 2014 I'm in Alaska... I think that's a 9 hour time difference? My hours are sporadic but we might be able to make a game happen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BeaverProductions 441 Posted October 21, 2014 (edited) I think you would need to be playing in the morning and I would be online at night. Server pings would probably be to incompatible though :( Edited October 21, 2014 by Beav Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hammy55 81 Posted October 21, 2014 Mayhaps yes, mayhaps no. Worth a shot, even though I declared on the blog I would avoid teamspeak/friending for sake of realism. I'd give it a go all the same Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hammy55 81 Posted October 23, 2014 and it happens... I made my way North to Верензино, a risky move in retrospect. I knew the area was dangerous but I figured I would at the very least finally get a good taste of humanity. Boy, did I ever. I moved slowly and cautiously, looting building to building. In doing so, I scored a Longhorn pistol/sawed off rifle which went nicely with the 20 or so 7.62 rounds I had been carrying around forever now. Berenzino is a scary place. I could easily hear frequent gunshots from some not-so-far off skirmish in the Northern part of the city. More than once I found myself diving the ground or dashing into the nearest building, my heart pounding. A sense of impending doom permeated every square block. I was starting to think that maybe this was a bad idea. I heard doors opening and closing and step outside to see that the other player had already spotted me. He had a shotgun out but he held up one hand. I reciprocated, my own SKS in my hands but aimed at the ground. "Hello," I shouted to him, "I don't want any trouble, are you friendly?" "Yes, friendly," he responded. He shouldered his gun and I reciprocated in kind. I slowly walked over. He was lightly geared with a mish-mash of oddities. A construction helmet, pickaxe, child's backpack. All in all, he looked pretty fresh. I was suspicious, but instincts were telling me he was okay. I've heard the, "I'm a bandit" tone in other's voices before. This guy didn't have it. "Do you have anything to trade?" I asked him, "I'm looking for empty clips, specifically 1911 mags." "No, I have... uhhh... let me see," he paused, presumably to open his inventory. This guy was definitely fresh off the boat. I felt relieved, "disinfectant spray, beans, bandages..." I stopped him, "its okay," I considered my own overflowing inventory, I saw my 9mm handgun, single round chambered that had been taking up way too much space for too long now. I decided to make a friendly gesture and dropped the gun + 19 bullets on the ground for him, "take it," I said. He was grateful and offered to share some beans, which I declined. I asked him which way he was heading and he said he wasn't sure, he had just got this game. I told him where he was, and that this was a dangerous city. I recommended heading South West. His compass was broken so I used mine and pointed him in the right direction. We wished each other luck and parted ways. It felt good to have had such a friendly interaction. The guy was genuinely friendly and I found that I really appreciated this having been shot at several times now. I started to plot my next move when I heard several rapid gun shots coming from the Southwest. "Oh no," I thought. I dashed behind a wall and a short time later saw two moderately geared (and armed) players heading towards me. They were freely chatting to one another. My heart is pounding again. My plan was to hide, but I think one of them spotted me in third-person. I shouted back, "BACK OFF, OR I SHOOT!" I realized I was beside a Piano-House opposite a machine shop. The two players responded with, "are you in the house?" Shit, they hadn't spotted me, "put your hands on your head and lie down on the floor. We are coming in." My initial reaction was to jump them in the house, but I decided that hiding in the machine shop would be a safer move. I waited until they were inside before I made a dash and set up position behind a generator. I was close enough I could hear them talking the entire time, my scope fixed on the doorway. "We are coming upstairs," clearly, these guys would not have given me much of a choice. I decided that they had most likely killed the friendly noob and were looking to roll me too. I waited. They discussed for awhile something or another about gear. Eventually, I saw the door open. My heart skipped a beat as they stood single file in front of my cross hairs... BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG I unloaded into them, and while I clearly saw blood spray, neither one of them him the ground. FUCK. The friend closest to the door took off sprinting at random, he was shouting, "shit shit shit," while the other guy closed the door and hid in the house. I decided to duck and run myself since I had clearly lost the element of surprise. I wasted five bullets but maybe these guys will think twice next time they try to jump what they assume to be an easy mark. I hop through some gardens and make my way into a house where I am promptly disconnected by the server. I log back into another highly populated server, safe inside the room I was in. A player begins talking to me, "I know you are in there." This guy is completely new, he speaks with a gutteral lisp. He walks right up to my door, how the fuck did he spot me? I am completely cornered, I see his shadow approach. He can easily see me in third person, I try and move around a lot, throw him off. My heart pounds for what seems like an eternity. This punk opens and closes the door. Laughs. Taunts. All the usual bully shit. He eventually gets fed up and tries to take a shot. I blast three rounds in his direction, he unloads a double barrel in my direction. We both miss. I hear him reload and I decide to charge him. A zombie gets in our path and I'm forced to down him. Two rounds left in the SKS, I run around the corner and see his legs. I blast off a round. He dives up a staircase and I hear him fire. You are dead. Wtf? I think. How did he shoot me through the stairs? I guess it doesn't matter. I feel somewhat relieved, albeit annoyed to go out like this. The action was intense all around and within a half hour I had interacted with four players. I got exactly what I deserved. It was great. I jump into my next character, my next life. The mad dash begins, I recognize the spawn... south side, Электрозководск... shit... a dead player in front of me does not give me warm fuzzies. I check his corpse... Two 1911 handguns, one 9mm handgun, pistol holster, full size backback, beans, fire axe, and .22 rifle. Score!!! I hide... the next life has begun, and I want to inflict some pain on a bandit... 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BeaverProductions 441 Posted October 24, 2014 Hehe nice one....and now your ready for revenge :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex 1104 Posted October 24, 2014 I hide... the next life has begun, and I want to inflict some pain on a bandit... Wait until you kill yourself an innocent.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Calvin Candie 189 Posted October 26, 2014 (edited) @hammy55I was once in the phase where you are now. Same thoughts going through my head. Similar dillemas. Stay cool. Stay on the good side. Find a buddy to play with. Keep spreading the good vibe. P.S. you will die from bandits. People will betray you. Some even in the most evil ways. But do not give in to brutes. Stay friendly.P.S.2 if you are an EU based player, send me PM and I'll be happy to meet in Chernarus :) Edited October 26, 2014 by Calvin Candie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Geckofrog7 1169 Posted October 26, 2014 I don't wanna lose my black skull balaclava! :(Me neither, buddy...me neither.. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dedoolb 157 Posted October 27, 2014 This is now my favorite thread in the whole forum.Beav the Bandit-Turned-Bandit-Slayerhammy55-The-FNGMany feels, much amaze, such agree, opulent emote:Bookmarked http://dayzretrospective.blogspot.com/Thanks! \m/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dedoolb 157 Posted October 27, 2014 (edited) Oops, this post should've been made elsewhere; corrected. My apologies. Edited October 27, 2014 by whiskeytango Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
killerbyte12 29 Posted October 27, 2014 The best advice I ever got about this game was to not to fully trust anyone you couldn't personally walk up to and punch in the face in real life. LOL, best advice ever! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fern Baron 128 Posted October 27, 2014 You most definitely 'get' this game, at its very essence that Rocket and team intended. Very refreshing read here on the forums and I now will be following your blog. Keep it coming!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites