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Put dayz on my new comp, can't get "Double tap W" to run fast anymore !?!

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Hello guys, I just bought a new comp at fry's and transferred all my steam games via removable hard drive to new comp.  Everything works somewhat the same, except now my settings are a bit different.  


To run fast, I have to hold shift.  I tried remapping it to double tap w, which it says under the keybinding section area, and it STILL doesn't respond.


Long story short, please give some detail regarding how on earth to get my hold w to run fast after I double tap it and hold it?!??!



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I think you have to bind it to "turbo", but I'm not sure. I am sure, however, that someone will correct me if I am wrong.

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I can't wait until they overhaul the controls settings menu.


The current version is mind-pickling, and I'm scared of it.

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I tried binding it to "turbo."  It says doulbe tap w in the description and i deleted the original one which was "shift."


Still, doesn 't work.



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Go into your key bindings and assign it to turbo or fast-forward or something. I always have to try one or two different assignments before I get it right.

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Same here, changed turbo to 2xW, but nope, still have to hold shift, which pisses me.

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Yeah on the latest exp. update it's set my sprint to shift + w and won't accept wx2 when I try and reconfigure the settings.

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To those who recommend we rebind TURBO...I have been trying to do that from the start.  It SEEMS like the interface/game won't allow it AT ALL now.


dang, so they changed it so it won't even work?  really?

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