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DayZ engine performance! FFS!

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tbh now its not bad in Dayz. my fps is pretty decent all the time.


you cant compare crysis and this game totally different games. only a few certain engines can do what Dayz needs thats why its so hard to get right. crysis engine isnt one of them.

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Comparing apples to butt plugs...


Crysis was a very graphically demanding SP game that required a top-end machine to get a decent frame rate at anything above Medium graphics settings.


RV Engine games are CPU limited MP games due to the server off-loading all the AI path-finding etc. to the client. Many Mod and SA players on this very forum have high-end PCs that will approach 100 FPS in the woods with Very High graphics settings. We all get 30-40 FPS in cities which has nothing to do with GPU capability.


Optimising the RV Engine for multiple physical CPU cores and running a "headless" client to manage objects/AI on the server would make a big impact on this problem.

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The dayz engine is shit what it will be like when they finish rebuilding it is another thing , while i rekon it will be much better i cant see it being as good as many are hoping it to be , i await to be proved wrong !

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One engine is state of the art (or was at it's release), the other is held together with tape and glue and is only being used because Bohemia owns the engine and doesn't have to pay licensing fees. Its like comparing a luxury car to a lemon. Both are costly to maintain for their owners, the difference is one is pleasant to use,look at, and show off. The other shows it's age,has a new problem show up once one is corrected and replacement would be preferred.

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tbh now its not bad in Dayz. my fps is pretty decent all the time.


you cant compare crysis and this game totally different games. only a few certain engines can do what Dayz needs thats why its so hard to get right. crysis engine isnt one of them.

I can and i did. 

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Guys, just play some DoomZ until things in SA run better! DayZ on Dooms engine!

His reason? “I had had it with Zombies walking through walls and figured that Doom is a far more suitable engine to use.” Ouch




Edited by escobert

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I can and i did. 

and the outcome was failure :D


as said cryisis isnt like this engine. there is only a handful of engines that can do all that is needed crysis just isnt one of them.


blar blar look at the graphics...what about everything else ? :lol:

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But Crysis looks amazing. DayZ looks nice, but it isn't the prettiest game in the world. DayZ also runs on an engine that isn't even finished, and is being torn up from the inside out.


The comparison between Crysis and DayZ just doesn't work.

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I don't recall Crysis allowing you to snipe someone from 1km away. That's a very good point. If I read properly also the DayZ engine still renders the back side of buildings and such and there's a ton of optimization yet to happen. It's only going to get better boys! Hold on to your zucchini and potatoes!

Modern engine don't bother with "cigaret butt savings" like these, the small gain you may have in rendering will cost you more time to do the check than going ahead with it.


It's also understandable that crysis looked beautiful back then, Crytek has a pretty big art department budget since it's through pretty snapshots that they sell their technology.

Edited by Lady Kyrah
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