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"your character has been reset" seriously?

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logged on to a server and in the "please wait" screen, i get a red text down the bottom saying something like "your game as run into an error, your character has been reset, please contact an administrator" and wipes my fully geared character, wtf is this something new? anyone else got this before?

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this has happened to a few people recently. I had a very well geared character for like 2 weeks. Server lost connection. I rejoined it and my guy was on the coast with nothing.

Changed servers, same.


Its alpha..so there will be character bugs unfortunately.. worst case scenario, report it in the proper section of the forum so they can attempt to narrow down these bugs. That's why people are allowed to play during alpha/beta developments, we essentially ARE the testers.

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Been happening since the beginning, welcome to alpha testing ..don't get attached. :)

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Welcome to DayZ ..don't get attached. :)

Fixed that for you ;)

Edited by Bakermensch
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It happened to me once and I am scared my ass off, but when I login another server, my character is back...

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Yeah, happened to me too. Happens when you get killed while you're logging off.
Your character usually stands there for a few seconds even though you're out of the server. Thats probably what happened.

Keyboards smashing is acceptable as we all understand it is a pain in the buttocks.

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