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My favourite gripe is the wankers that scream about "leg break syndrome" or so they're labeling it.

Here's a thought, if you're experiencing it constantly, why not pack a few morphine before you go running around? You'd think people would realise that there is a need to carry that stuff around.

Poor little guys that can't think far enough ahead. Besides, its not like you can't crawl to a hospital.

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My favourite gripe is the wankers that scream about "leg break syndrome" or so they're labeling it.

Here's a thought' date=' if you're experiencing it constantly, why not pack a few morphine before you go running around? You'd think people would realise that there is a need to carry that stuff around.

Poor little guys that can't think far enough ahead. Besides, its not like you can't crawl to a hospital.


Hey moron. It's fresh spawns that have no morphine that complain about that. Hard to plan ahead when you are dead....

Go brush your teeth snaggle tooth.

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My favourite gripe is the wankers that scream about "leg break syndrome" or so they're labeling it.

Here's a thought' date=' if you're experiencing it constantly, why not pack a few morphine before you go running around? You'd think people would realise that there is a need to carry that stuff around.

Poor little guys that can't think far enough ahead. Besides, its not like you can't crawl to a hospital.


Hey moron. It's fresh spawns that have no morphine that complain about that. Hard to plan ahead when you are dead....

Go brush your teeth snaggle tooth.

Bahahaha, I'm a moron because the hospital and supermarket are the first place I go?

You run into town, collect a train of zeds, up the hospital ladder, then down the other side, collect a new z train and run through the supermarket, lose em by passing through. If you ain't doing that before you head out, then you are more evidently the moron

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It doesn't really matter if the game is really difficult when you first try it, the uncertainty is a large factor in why DayZ has become so popular.

when everyone spawned with the makarov, in the beginning I imagine lots of ppl were teaming up, once the influx of players reached critical mass, well it started getting very deathmatchy.

Now when you start a life/story in DayZ at least the initial 1hr, isn't met with noob on noob pistol duels, instead its more about survival in the initial stage, finding what you need to keep going, if you die its not that much of a loss, just respawn and try again.

if it were really easy, most of the appeal would be lost entirely. a lot of the fun comes from getting passed the starting point and getting armed getting meds and tools. once you do that at least for me now, i feel like just killing my current char so i can go back and do it all again.

Basically having the difficulty the way it is, contributes to the replayability.

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I'm currently skulking around the outskirts of Stary Sobor on my first character that I would consider 'successful'. I'm sure it's been said before, but the big thing that I think a lot of new players don't realize (keep in mind I've only been playing ~week) is that a gun really doesn't help all that much. I hardly ever fire mine at all, since anywhere where there are Zeds it'll likely attract more and I'll either have to run or become overwhelmed and die anyway. Guns are really only used to protect yourself from other players, and honestly, half the time it's better just to let them pass.

Also, the zeds aren't quite as aware as a lot of people on these forums seem to imply. When I first started, I thought I had to prone or slow-prone around everywhere, but really, slow-crouching is your best option (from what I've played) about 75% of the time. The zeds have extremely poor eyesight and slow-crouching makes very little noise.

Furthermore, people are right about staying away from the coast and the big cities. You -can- find good guns in the small outlining cities, but guns aren't really overly important to the main aspect of the game [survival]; food and water bottles are far more important. If you fire one off anywhere near loot (where players/zeds are likely to be) you're going to get swarmed and with how difficult zeds can be to hit, will likely die anyway.

Finally, use this map: http://dayzdb.com/map When coming up to one of the smaller towns (away from the coast), try and search primarily in the buildings that have a better chance of loot. Also, if you click on any of the loot spawns on the map, it shows you what the building looks like, which helps a lot in the learning of which buildings are enter-able. I know the game is hard now, but it's a gem once you get the hang of it, just stay out of the high pop servers (try a <30) and enjoy your first few days of gameplay purely as a learning experience.

Oh, and don't forget the golden rule: DON'T GET ATTACHED TO YOUR GEAR

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It's hard, but not impossible to survive for Noobs. I agree; if you don't know 'how' to play, it may seem impossible.

- The more you practice, the better you'll get at it. If something doesn't work, try a different approach.

- Learn the interface and setup your controls. If you're new to Arma, practice the tutorialmissions first.

- The map is big enough to avoid other players; get a basic gear at some quiet village first.

- No weapon? Play even 'smarter'; use smoke if you have it, or trow tin cans etc.

Without some simple preperation dying may indeed be frequent and demoralizing.

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Run to the hills. If you can't figure it out after a few deaths then move on to something else. It's pretty simple stuff when you get right down to it. If you're able to log on to a forum and bitch about it you probably have enough brains to figure out that your current strategy isn't getting you anywhere. What else can anyone say?

Some of us are quite bored with the shlock that has been shoveled out to us in the last eight years. If this isn't your thing then go buy the latest and greatest. Have fun.

I'm amazed. You're not. Who cares? Some of us have something close to a real game for change. Let's keep it that way.

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Been reading a lot of stuff about "learning the map" in this thread...I hope people don't mean it as how they learn smaller maps by heart in other games. A better approach would be to learn how to "read the map". Learn how to find north without a compass, find your bearings by looking at how roads intersect and their proximity and angle to buildings, read elevations, etc...

In fact...Chernarus is big and divers enough, to be used as a primer for real life navigational skills for people without knowledge of it.

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I'm pretty bad at this game but I love it. I play to have fun, not to become the worlds best equipped player. If I found NVG's it wouldn't change my play style one bit. I enjoy running around big cities with the hatchet, slicing people up when they have their back turned. I also like throwing frag grenades at you and your buddies camping inside the fire station. I might even tell you I'm friendly, then shoot you in the back of the head and eat your beans.

I play for fun and its amazing. Maybe you should try it.

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Survival Simulation.

See that? That's what it states this mod is. Its going to give you hell whereever you go, where you start and whoever you play with. Shit will happen. The sooner you realise that and learn to live with it the more enjoyable the mod becomes. The things you wrote down in your ranting post are basically everyones starting experience and most people did not bother to make a post about it on the forums. Yes, we started with the makarov. Did it make things easier when we first started out? Nah we died in droves, all over the coast. But hey when we started the people spawning next to us weren't friendly either, we got shot... ALOT.

Really though, if you are really that bad at starting out then watch some youtube videos of peoples play sessions. The zombies are nothing, when i die now its always to other players.

(or that fucking ladder at the nw airfield)

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I usually get a gun and some key supplies after 25 minutes from respawning (assuming I'm in elektro).

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It takes a crapload of patience to get any stuff at the start. The game wouldn't be rewarding or challenging otherwise

IMO they should add a weak-ish starter melee weapon like a knife for everyone at start so they could fend off one zed after a brawl but not a horde. This would give them a fighting chance but no edge over anyone

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It takes a crapload of patience to get any stuff at the start. The game wouldn't be rewarding or challenging otherwise

IMO they should add a weak-ish starter melee weapon like a knife for everyone at start so they could fend off one zed after a brawl but not a horde. This would give them a fighting chance but no edge over anyone

It's not just patience though. It requires a crapload of knowledge and understanding of complex game systems to have a realistic go of it. It's hard as FUCK to lose zombies, and you really need to know where the likely weapon spawns are, meaning you have to memorize destinations for at least a few spawn points where you can semi-reliably find the survival necessary drops. A bandage is not a reasonable longterm survival starter.

This brings us back to the thread title. The knowledge I speak of is not intuitive, it's not easily available in game, infact, I'd argue there are VERY few players on these forums that naturally came to the realizations they have regarding these things. I know I had to read up a SHITTON of stuff on the wiki pages before I made a half decent run in the game. I REALLY would have liked at LEAST not having to spoil the maps for myself, as a map is an ingame item. I didn't half to do half the research I had to do for DayZ when I was learning to play Dwarf Fortress, and that game is legendary for it's learning curve.

It's hard enough learning to reliably sneak around zombies in DayZ. It's bothersome that the early game areas are so absurdly unforgiving if you don't know EXACTLY how to navigate them. EXACTLY where to go and not to go. It's no longer reasonable to expect players to figure that out via trial and error, because they don't have the forgiveness factor of a sidearm to save their ass in a pinch.

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