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Question about Fighting

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I appreciate the help as Ive only just begun to play this game. Anyway, I was playing the other day and I got my first axe. A zombie came towards me and I started swinging and trying to kill it. It appeared as if i was doing zero damage to it and Im not sure why? I had the weapon in my hand and equipped and I was standing right in front of it? I was fighting 3rd person not 1st person. Also, I didnt have the ax "raised" as some people say its not necessary. Im not sure if this is a bug or im doing something wrong?


Any help is much appreciated.




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First off, did you see the axe swinging?


If yes, then I recommend fighting in first person, and make sure you aim about where the zombie would be moving, as it seems that it counts where your aiming when it finishes it swing, not the start of it. If this doesn't help, tell me and I'll try again :)

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Sometimes it helps to sidestep the initial charge the zombie makes toward you. After you sidestep turn toward it and swing. Usually does the trick.

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A bit of a weird question. What was the outcome? Did you died? I find that almost always when I get followed in 3rd person it's best to fight in 1st person. More accurate. Head shots with axes work best and also what is the condition of your axe?

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Alright, OP, some tips from the Pr0.

If you have the axe equipped, press the space bar to raise your weapon. First person is highly recommended. If you want a tactical advantage over the zombie, circle around it swinging wildly. Not making that shit up, it sounds stupid but it works. Eventually you will learn to fine tune your assaults to suit you.

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As Budlime says side step as they charge and that will give you a couple of seconds to get a blow in.


If you miss keep moving out of their reach and wait for them to lunge again and side step.


You'll know you've made contact as you will hear the thud sound. I now go for a body shot with an axe as I was missing occasionally with a head shot in 3rd person.


Most Z's one hit with a fire axe. Soldier Z's two hits.

Edited by Jonah_Hobbes
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Sounds like you were not left clicking / swinging the axe(hard to tell, you say axe swinging but not raised?!?)...  with the axe IN your hands you should be able to just hammer away w/ left clicks when in range.


I also prefer 3rd person axing + the circle jerk method, very easy to kill many zombies with this method and they will even be hitting the other zombies in the middle of the circle jerk.  A little harder on the hardcore/1st person mode but still can axe many zombies at same time w/o getting hit at all.

Edited by Cptn_Miller
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First person view and then aiming a bit over the zombies head.

With an axe always a one hit wonder. ;)

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