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Am I the only one?

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Am I the only player who loves this game a big deal but can't play it because of hackers? Not a troll post, really.

No need to express the feeling when you and your buddies have been looting and progressing for hours, and having fun together only to have the game ruined for us by another hacker.
I've been absent from this game for over a month hoping that new patch would deal with this enormous issue. No way. Again the same old hacks. Our weapons simultaneously drops (or holsters), we log off trying to escape the hacker... Nope, freshspawn.

Am I the only odd one out who has this contradictive and irreconcilable feeling towards DayZ?

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I love this game, Alpha and all.   I guess we get to choose between the hacking that is so prevaliant or the apathy from developers to address the issue. *shrug*

We're halfway there, right?

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Yeah, me too.


They said they would do the Great Wipe after they addressed some hacking and duping...


So they do the Great Wipe.   But there is still hacking.   So did they not lift a single finger to address hacking but they did the great wipe anyways, which did take old infinite mags out of game.  But all the hackers can purchase the same damn hacks as before .49?


Did a single hack get prevented at all?


If they did try to stop hacks from working, then are all the hacks we see now newly scripted... and thus brand new hacks technically?

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The only "hackers" I've run into were stripper clip dupers with 300+ round stripper clips. They can't aim though.


I'm not saying there aren't any but, there aren't tons out there. And I'm not seeing as many dupers as before.

Edited by escobert
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@OP, i feel the same. I wanna play but I can't

There ARE tons out there, I got killed by hackers 4 times yesterday and just now after 2min being logged in in cherno. My most recent death:

I logged into one of the big cherno buildings with doors at the front and back, blue outside doors and a shop, 3 floor building. I wanted to run out the backdoor that was already opened and right before I should step outside I stop because I wanted to take the raincoat Ive seen in the shop, in that moment I hear a mosinshot very close by and I'm like "mh....that seems like he knew I was coming, like he can see through walls." I take the raincoat and leave at the frontside of the building, standing behind an opened door, peeking outside. Mosinshot, dead.


At this point, if you don't hack in dayz, you are longing for frustration.

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If you believe you have found evidence of an unknown hack, submit the evidence to one of the Forum Staff and it will be looked into and verified. Posting a topic will result in it being locked.

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