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Is it hard to find a gun in

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no its stupid easy, just goto a barn, and you will almost always find either a double barrel, winchester, or Lee.

ot goto balota and get an ak, or goto the firestation and get probly an auto shotty.

i think its waayyyy too easy to get guns right now.

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It's more of knowing where to look for what you are after, lots of places for weapons to be potentially spawned.

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Nope, not at all if you actually ook around properly.

Only problem i have had gun released was going like 2 or 3 in game days without a secondary, nothing all all spawned but found one eventually.

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Nope. There are many. Too many axes.

Finding room to keep all those I like & still keep a can of beans: that's hard.

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It's hard for noobies and not for anyone else. Kind of unfortunate like that.

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It's really hard. I scavenged several barns and 3 deer stands. I found sh** tons of ammo, but not a single weapon. Neither any food or drinks...

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It might be tough to find weapons if you're new to the game but once you've played for a few days you'll get to know what sort of weapon spawns where. What can be tricky sometimes is finding the right starter weapon for you. If you're looting barns and farms then you might have to settle for a Lee Enfield and run with that for a while, resisting the urge to actually use it unless it's absolutely necessary until you come across a Winchester 1866 or something better.

@ vanden1989 Head up to the New Player Discussion section and check out the Index of helpful threads post. It has a load of useful guides including a video tutorial on installing DayZ. If you're just upgrading from an earlier version of DayZ then download the update and unpack the contents into your existing @dayz folder overwriting the current contents.

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Alright. Updated the game and played. You guys were right. Spawned in Elektro and within a few minutes already got a Winchester with tons of ammo. Too bad I got sniped.

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Heading into electro or Cherno during the day when the servers are populated isn't a good idea, unless you have some weird fetish for getting killed a lot. Heading to those places in the dead of night when people are generally too scared to play is a totally different story. I was in Cherno for a good 30 to 45 minutes last night. I got a camo suit, a main weapon, a side arm, a 16 slot bag, tons of ammo, food, water and medical supplies. I also got nearly all the basic tools, map, compass, watch and matches and got the hatchet soon after I left Cherno and headed north. All that and I didn't get shot at once. I managed to loot every single major building there is in cherno with the exception of the firehouse as some noob had sealed it off with barbed wire and the hospital as I'd already raided the medical tents.

You might or rather you *will* have to alter your looting strategies depending on when time of day (server time that is) and how populated the server is but it can easily be done. Patience and not being afraid of the dark is the key to looting those big cities, which is probably why all those COD playing death match kiddies play during the day :p

Mommy, it's dark and scary and... And... There are zombies! *sniffles* Hold my hand please.

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Sometimes difficult, sometimes very easy. Depends on the day. Deer stands are fairly reliable, and relatively isolated, although I high population servers they are well used.

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