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Objects don't load

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Hey I've recentley bought DayZ standalone and I played it for quite a while before this problem started bugging me.

When I play for about 30min-1hr this usually happens. It causes interiors to become transparent when I enter them and houses to look not loaded.

Here is a picture so you understand what I'm speaking about:


Any solutions please? Thank you!

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Hey I've recentley bought DayZ standalone and I played it for quite a while before this problem started bugging me.

When I play for about 30min-1hr this usually happens. It causes interiors to become transparent when I enter them and houses to look not loaded.

Here is a picture so you understand what I'm speaking about:


Any solutions please? Thank you!


Thanks for giving us a sneak peak of what the PS4 version of DayZ will look like. 

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Other than logging out and back in I can't think of one.  Only time things like this happens to me is if I log in and I'm in a building, but will go away fairly quickly when everything loads.  Verify your cache on Steam and see if it happens again.  If it does, search the bug tracker for similar bugs and if you don't see one post it.

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