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New NE airstrip civilian Terminal. Bye ATC tower?

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Did a few searches, but was really surprised to not find a single topic about it. Maybe i'm not looking in the right place. oh well.


But yeah it seems like the ATC tower at the NE airfield in due for a replacement. There's a new structure already partly there, but you can't interact with it yet. and the current ATC tower has yet to be removed so they're fused together making it pretty hard to see inside it. This really surprised me when i first towards it two days ago.


i guess i just missed the devs saying this somewhere or is this news to anyone else? Looks like almost all form of military equipment will only be found on the west side of the map now. Aside from the police stations, i think all you have left is that one jail building up north.
















Edited by Chompster
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I'm actually excited for this, you shouldn't be able to find military gear EVERYWHERE, they need to make some civilian airfields and other areas where it wouldn't make sense if military loot was there. I can't wait till they add biplanes in the game and make civilian airfields a hot spawn point for them :P

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That structure is just an image and you can walk through it. The ACT is still there and still spawns loot. The new structure looks nice though.

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Making you travel west for military gear would be awesome. No AK's or anything in the east. I hope they hurry with fixing the NEAF cause that building looks pretty neat.

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I think it is a poor decision, at least from a realism standpoint.


My city has a municipal airport that is roughly the same size as the NEAF. It only services small personal prop airplanes, as well as small (12 person) lines to the Cape and Islands. It has a full hangar section, maintenance yard, and ATC.




It also has its own security team.


Just because something is "civilian" doesn't mean it can't have able weaponry.

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Good move there are far too many military spawns as it is.


Zelo could use a good deletion too or at the very least moved further north and to the center of the map to promote map migration.

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Good move there are far too many military spawns as it is.


Zelo could use a good deletion too or at the very least moved further north and to the center of the map to promote map migration.

Zelenogorsk is one of the furthest western cities, it nor the base it accompanies need not be moved inland, They're already moving the Balota base, and you can't actually spawn further west than


Chernogorsk now, so I don't really see a reason for moving a base that's already fairly inland even further.


Instead of continuously moving military bases, the devs should actually focus on adding interesting & unique locations that spawn their own loot across the map. For example; having flare guns spawn pretty much nowhere but the Rify shipwreck (and maybe some dynamic crashsites or bases.)


I'd also like to see more development of the sea, although the devs have said that actually adding more islands is extremely unlikely.

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Instead of continuously moving military bases, the devs should actually focus on adding interesting & unique locations that spawn their own loot across the map. For example; having flare guns spawn pretty much nowhere but the Rify shipwreck (and maybe some dynamic crashsites or bases.)




Yea I always thought that would be a fantastic approach to the loot system.


Having certain cities be known to spawn certain items forcing people to migrate if they need a particular object.


As for Zelo I think it is still far too close to the shore thus an easy way to gear up once the spawns are further spread out. It would fit right in between novy and stary however  migrating people north.

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Yea I always thought that would be a fantastic approach to the loot system.


Having certain cities be known to spawn certain items forcing people to migrate if they need a particular object.


As for Zelo I think it is still far too close to the shore thus an easy way to gear up once the spawns are further spread out. It would fit right in between novy and stary however  migrating people north.


Yup since you can spawn next to Cherno, then Zeleno or Pavlovo military bases are pretty close.

Also with tent city moved next to Myshkino, there seems to be tons of military spawns in that area.


I just think it's too much in that area given that it is relatively close to cherno spawn (or Prigorodki).

Compare that to any other spawn point and it is pretty clear that most south-west spawns are best as they are close to most military installations.

So in my opinion, barracks the Zeleno and Pavlovo bases are a bit redundant and game would be better off iif they were removed.



Edited by Hombre

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Yea I always thought that would be a fantastic approach to the loot system.


Having certain cities be known to spawn certain items forcing people to migrate if they need a particular object.


As for Zelo I think it is still far too close to the shore thus an easy way to gear up once the spawns are further spread out. It would fit right in between novy and stary however  migrating people north.

If they put it right between Stary and Novy they'd essentially all just become one super large city.


I don't know whether they plan on putting spawns that far out, I think the whole intention was that people would spawn on the insides of the coast and have to travel outward or directly inland to get somewhere.

Balota still has the actual airstrip buildings, which can still yield some decent gear, and I have no idea where they'd move the buildings there. I say just no spawning further than Cherno anyway, because it's still quicker to go directly north rather than having to go all the way west for good gear.


Pavlovo base I'm fine with removing, but Zelenogorsk is no less of a walk than it was to get to far bases when the spawns were all at Berezino, and I feel that having SOME minor military installations that aren't across the map would attribute to the asymmetric experience, just as having police stations does.

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If they remove the ATC, then they should remove all the ATCs. I live in Dallas, and it has a huge airport.




As you can see, it is huge. But, it doesn't have any military installments, besides the TSA. Now, about 100 miles away, outside a town of 120,000, is Fort Hood. It has aa population of 50,000 over 214,000 acres.




Now let's put something of this size into Dayz, If you want realism. Dayz isn't meant to be realistic, as you can tell. I, for one, don't want the ATC removed, and especially don't want a real military base.

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