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I was wondering if anyone has any like tips on how to notice a snipers postion, I was just playing then and i ran down some stairs and they was a another player with a gun so i killed him, but then i went up onto the roof only to be shot at by someone else and i could not see them, I saw another player and killed him thinking it was who was shooting at me it was not and then I saw another player and again killed him thinking it was the person who was shooting at me and once again it was not after beening shot at again i tryed to return to a safe postion but said person had broken a bone so i could only go prone so he killed me while i was trying to move and i looked around and just would not see him at all so if anyone has any tips on how to spot a sniper it would be much appreciated thanks =D

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You won't generally see a sniper, they tend to be well hidden. But, a good tip is just to be aware of where you are. If you are about to get on a roof, look around for higher places in the distance. The main factory in cherno has a pretty full view of the entire city for example.

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Alright cool thanks :P no idea where i was all i knew was that it was a fire station and alot of people where after the AK inside it :P

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You won't generally see a sniper' date=' they tend to be well hidden. But, a good tip is just to be aware of where you are. If you are about to get on a roof, look around for higher places in the distance. The main factory in cherno has a pretty full view of the entire city for example.


You can usually find snipers hiding behind their mommy's skirt.

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Snipers at the coastal towns tend to be in a couple places usually. Check the highest roofs/structures in the city first then check the surrounding hills around the town. Chances are you will never see the good snipers because they tend to stay out of the towns sniping from the hills at distances of +500m.

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The only way you'll generally see them easily is if they horizon themselves, so rooftop snipers and idiots standing on top of hills are usually easy to find. You'll need binoculars or a scope of your own, a camouflaged spot, and good eyes to find a good sniper.

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