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Notes on paper

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Who here still diligently checks every piece of paper they find, in hopes that they actually find a message left by another player? I know I do. I've only found two written notes so far though. One simply said 'help yourself', found next to a pile of abandoned junk/ruined items. The other I found in a piano house in the middle of the floor downstairs, and read "I bet you were hoping to read something good here, huh? Tough shit, trooper!", which made me smile.


What are some of the best notes people have found?

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Who here still diligently checks every piece of paper they find, in hopes that they actually find a message left by another player? I know I do. I've only found two written notes so far though. One simply said 'help yourself', found next to a pile of abandoned junk/ruined items. The other I found in a piano house in the middle of the floor downstairs, and read "I bet you were hoping to read something good here, huh? Tough shit, trooper!", which made me smile.


What are some of the best notes people have found?

ive only found 1, and it might have led to my scariest experience ever in dayz. I was at Balota, and I walked into one of the hangars. there were 3 bodies in close vicinity of each other, all stripped of clothing and gear. piece of paper in the middle. all it said was "crazies were here."  I continued, and found tons of stored up loot in the top of the ATC. everything you could imagine was there. i heard some people talking, so i laid down and waited. eventually the voices faded away. I then heard gunshots. no normal mosins or nothing, these guys had multiple AK's and m4's. i waited for a break in the action, and ran off into the woods. The crazies were at Balota that day. And they were crazy.

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I've said it before but they should really make written notes have a different texture/graphic so you can tell at a glance they're written on.

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Aye, that would be nice indeed. Or at least rename the item to 'Written Note' or something.

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I've once killed a man and left him a note explaining that i just wanted his beans and was quite unimpressed that he had none.

Another time I found a mound of corpses and zombies, and left a note saying "One of these guys is still breathing, guess who? ;)'


For the most part i don't write or look, but haven't found any notes not left by me to date :(

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I found a note in the military jail, near the bunks. It just said "Fuck you".


Then I walked near the window, broke my legs and died.

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Killed a guy and found a note saying "You just got merked by the DayZ Mandem".



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always do.


once found a guy in ayopobka, he was leaving a note for his mate, i think he must have been stuck in the "writing" screen. because i was yelling "put your hands up, dont turn around etc" i axed him

read the note. it said. "hey man ive gone back down the road from where we were when we logged off, if you keep"  thats as far as he got before i destroyed him, so i picked up the pen and wrote teh rest of it for him 

"sorry your buddy didnt listen to me and now he is dead, good luck!." 

sometimes i leave notes like stuff in my signature, somewhat cryptic, somewhat philisphical.


last note i left @ NEAF front steps before u open doors,


"Our world is run by power-hungry 

Selfish, greedy pricks
They want us to divide
Unite and turn the tide
Kill the assholes! " - Sergeant D

tell me someone found it =D


Edited by R0B3RTF1SH3R

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Wouldn't be awesome to throw the flashlight, ON???

For example, you drop de flashlight at night in a corner in cherno, making someone to think that you are there, on the ground... like a tramp?

Must be really hard I belive, tough :/ to make that possible.-

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The Dayz Devs need to make the paper someone has written on become another color, or maybe fold them up so we can immediately tell that someone left a message. I've stopped checking paper because 999 out of 1000 have no message on them. If there was a visual change on paper that someone wrote on then I would stop and know there was going to be a message.


Apparently, when the SA came out a lot of morons were writing racially provocative statements so they stopped the whole note writing thing.

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I've said it before but they should really make written notes have a different texture/graphic so you can tell at a glance they're written on.


This 10x. I only paper with a note had visible writings over it, that would help a ton.

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