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Death By Crowbar

If duping & glitched mags are now in the past...

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My understanding is that .49 build along with the wipe both fixes/stops the duping exploit and also cleanses the world of duped items and glitched items such as infinite mags. What's everyone expectation on how this will impact game play? I have a few theories, and I'm excited to log in tonight to see if I'm right.


Changes I expect to see:

  1. Groups of players or clans completely kitted out in identical gear should be a thing of the past, or when they do happen they must be REALLY good or server hoppers.
  2. Players who would normally be extremely aggressive due to friends to re-dupe gear them OR having glitched unlimited mags will be a lot less aggressive.
  3. Teleporters with glitched infinite mags will be a thing of the past - but my concern with that is that they'll actually NEED your gear now, so they'll be less likely to mow you over and keep moving and more likely to loot your gear.

Basically - the economy of gear, ammo especially, will be smaller, and that should make an impact on play styles we see (and the frequency).

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My dream for the wipe, Was remove dupe mags, Atleast now we only have to fight hackers, instead of every 3rd person using an Inf mag..

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Basically - the economy of gear, ammo especially, will be smaller, and that should make an impact on play styles we see (and the frequency).

Agreed. Taking out these things in circulation should change some attitudes. But never the less I expect to see them again reguardless. Hackers will be hackers and get them somehow.

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My understanding is that .49 build along with the wipe both fixes/stops the duping exploit and also cleanses the world of duped items and glitched items such as infinite mags. What's everyone expectation on how this will impact game play?


My expectation is that since this game is still so early in development, it will only be a matter of time before someone finds a new way of glitching these items all over again. It happens with nearly every game...they patch it, and people find a new way around it. 


There already is very well known and popular hack that allows a player to spawn any item. So although this wipe will get rid of all infinite mags, it will not get rid of infinite ammunition. Everyone might as well expect to still find people with fully decked-out m4's and backpacks full of grenades and ammunition the moment the servers come online. Nothing will change until the solve the hacking problem.  

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