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GhostDivision (DayZ)

Seasons in DayZ (+question for a dev [map related])

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I think that seasons in DayZ would introduce a whole new dimension to the game.


For example:

-Winter clothes would be useful in the winter season

-Cammo clothes for each season would make sense (i.e those very very white winter hunter pants)

-Things such as animals,fruit and water would be scarce (or frozen) in certain seasons

-Driving conditions (ok maybe I'm hoping for too much here, we all know how "sick" driving is, even on A3) would deteriorate in winter or autumn with leaves/ice on the road

-Hypothermia/frostbite in the winter



Now, you might think that this would be impossible to implement right? I mean we can't dynamically change Chernarus... Or might there be a work-around?!

While I can't guarantee this is the method that would work, it seems logical to me and perhaps the only obstacle would be transferring players, player structures and vehicles....

What am I talking about?


In order to make the seasons illusion work, there would have to be 4 versions of Chernarus - Spring, Summer (late summer already present), Autumn and Winter. Each map would be loaded in by the server upon the beginning of a particular season. Maps would only undergo cosmetic (or gameplay) tweaks - the actual map would have to remain the same (at least that's my guess) in order for characters/vehicles/camps to be transferred over (again, I'm not even sure if this is possible, but if it is...).


Basically, my entire idea hinges on one question. Can you export character data onto a different version of the map? My guess is.... maybe. While we've seen the landscape of Chernarus drastically change - new buildings, towns, roads etc - we're not really sure if each change is basically a new rendition of Chernarus - for example, is there a "different" version of chernarus for every landscape change?


Anyway, I hope you've read your way through this rather long winded post. If a dev (or someone who's messed around with arma 2/3 maps) could explain whether this idea is feasible or not, that would be greatly appreciated!



Edited by GhostDivision

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It's a great idea and dean (kinda) wants to do it. Though


1) Wait for the new engine

2) That just about triples their work (balancing/bugfixes/vehical physics etc)

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Please search these fancy ideas before you post, we don't need to see the same suggestion made every other day.


On the other hand, yeah, I like the idea, just wait awhile for the engine, and all the priorities done first.

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Seasons are a great idea, imagine if they had an engine that could do that....




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