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Respawn - Do you want to ?

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Hey ;/

I think there should a screen asking you if you really want to respawn ..

I just experienced the most terrible thing ever..

I had the perfect location had good weapons tools etc.

Then 2 guys started talking over the whole damn server and when i wanted to mute them i accidently pressed respawn ...

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I've done this, in a ghillie suit, with a silenced m4 and an m24 rifle. After 9 days. went to click on video settings and hit respawn! felt sick!

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Don't worry it only happens once.

If it happens twice, you deserve it.


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Haha Well I watched someone hit respawn 6 times on one server (he admitted he kept doing it by mistake) and I've almost done it a few times myself. I think I'd cry if i did it while i've got my as50

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If someone gets killed (on screen) more than twice in a matter of a few minutes they are likely spawn choosing abusers.

I used to have epic loot and lived for around 2 dayz.. then I hit respawn by mistake.

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If someone gets killed (on screen) more than twice in a matter of a few minutes they are likely spawn choosing abusers.

I used to have epic loot and lived for around 2 dayz.. then I hit respawn by mistake.

So pretty much about everyone is a spawn chooser. Every server, I see about 2-3 people suiciding.

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yep done that :D (was testing fraps that totally killed my fps. Tried to go options but my cursor was warping so much I got the fatal button instead lol) Yes its not bug or anything, but I agree whit first post. Just be careful where you click at the moment ^^

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Im victim of the "Respawn" too... I lost Ghillie suit, AS50, Range Finder, Coyote Backpack, NVG, GPS, M1911, Every tool and lots of basic medicine and food. Just simply remove the button and make some another way to respawn, some way that can't be mistaken.

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