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If you're buying the game then you should know what you should expect.

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Wwhen I bought the game a lot of my friends told me to not buy it, or If I'm gonna buy it, then to not play it. However I wanted the game as It's going to get expensive in the future. I didn't listen any of them but bought it and installed it.


Before running DayZ, I sat and tought "Okay, as soon as I click this launch button I must know what am I expecting:


" -I must be expecting bugs, lots of bugs, lots of lots of bugs which will make me rage.


 - I must expect a different atmosphere than the mod, new things to learn and take care about


 - I must expect to get killed anytime anywhere."


If you're buying this game, you must not take that fact out of your mind.


First 10 hours I felt like the game was a waste of money. 


You will get KoS'ed. You will get KoS'ed all and over again, you will be shot in the back, you will be asked if you're friendly, you will be told that they're friendly, they will shoot you in the face. They will axe you down while you're bandaging yourself because you were hit by a zombie whilst trying to save them. You will be robbed, you will be handcuffed and forced fed / drinked bad material. You will get teleported near to some bridge by a hacker, you will get killed by a Russian (no offence to my comrades) and you will be called a mother f**ker while you're laying on the ground, you will basically experience all these.


For what? You will experience all these for one thing: for fun. These are aspects of the game and it will be a part of it, this is no different than the mod, everybody was complaining about KoS on the mod too and people said "SA will not have KoS" hopefully my ass doesn't have KoS at the moment,  however SA does. But this will change by time!


Anyway to sum things up, you're gonna die over and over again.


I killed only 3 guys so far (2 of them asked me to kill them, one was a big threat to me so I had to take him down) and my playtime is 80 hours. Meanwhile I got killed like 50 times maybe.


I'm a CoD player, I am also a BF3 player, however my approach is friendly to everyone in the game, just for fun. I'm not gonna KoS..


We should not judge people by the game they play. Playing COD is fine, BF3 too, if your approach is friendly then It won't matter what kind of a game you play or not.




So if you're gonna buy the game, don't expect people which will hug you on sight, helping you out with stuff and giving you food, talking nice to you. Don't expect pink ponies at the fields or spongebob giving you a krabby patty. Expect to get killed and expect to kill after getting killed several times, hopefully I have not been that guy yet and will never be.

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KoS will always be prevalent, lets be honest we have all done it at one time or another.. i think someone always wants to either..


* Ensure that your gonna be staring at the 'You are Dead' screen for a few minutes contemplating your death.. what you shouldhave done differently, questioning your actions and beating yourself up about it and the other numerous things that pass your brain as you sit there mouse in one hand, forehead in the other (insert picard facepalm .gif here)


* OR, they do it for your 'shit' so they can have what you have in order to survive or to feel safe.


But never fear comrade, I have a tip for you.. When you first meet someone in the open world.. never stand completely still, or your fucked.


That's just from paragraph 34 and is number 231 of 500 things to 'NOT' do in DayZ.. of the DayZ 'Things 'Not' to do in DayZ' handbook.


(I will sell you a copy for 2 Million, British pounds sterling, YES.. its that helpful) 

Edited by NuckFuts
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It's really easy to avoid KoS in most cases.


My last 2 encounters on experimental I consider neutral as I was able to run away and survive.


The last guy I saw sounded honestly friendly but I have little interest in playing with randoms at this time and will likely have my roommate to play with in coming updates.


I do believe this game will eventually be balanced in such a way that KoS will be seen as less beneficial than it is now.

Edited by BioHaze

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KOS will never go away, nor should it. Discouraged, yes. But conflict is part of human nature. The best thing you can do is not put yourself in a situation to be killed. This can be accomplished many ways, primarily either avoidance or preparedness.

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If you are buying the game - heed the warnings saying that it will be buggy and it's an Alpha.


If you are not enjoying the game, change how you are playing it - after just under 700 hours logged in the game I had enough of the game despite enjoying all those hours. I took a break for a month or two and then came back to it, I still find every session in the game fun and interesting.


Dying is part of the game, it's inevitable be it at the hands of some guy who KoS, zombie, bug or from your own failings in surviving (no food/water). Don't be angry - as someone said above, think about how you died and what you could have done to provent it.


9/10 people complain they were KoS while in a place where they are likely to come across other players. There are two scenarios that run through a players mind when they meet another. 1. Are they going to kill me? 2. Do they have something I need to survive.


Even a bambi without weapons can at times be dangerous to keep near you.


This is a somewhat realistic representation of what could happen in real life. People go crazy when they are fighting each day to survive.


Each life you have is an experience be it good or bad. Take it as it is and learn from your mistakes.


If you still don't like it, comeback in a year and see how far it's developed (or possibly not developed by the going rate!) and try again.

Edited by .#KimoSabbi

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they make the bugs part clear when you buy it, this game will always have KOS... dont come on hear whining about it

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Hug on sight sounds like a fun playstyle. Dean, can we please get the proper animations? :D


Yes.....yes, yes, and yes. A *hug* animation would just be hilarious!!!!

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Why do people bitch and moan about KOS? It's fun to me to gun you down on sight. It's my fun, I couldn't care less about how much fun you have. It's even that much more fun to get the drop on two or more players. Survival game my ass. If I can survive long enough to get my kill to death ratio to 4 to 1 I'm a happy lil murderer. I don't even loot bodies. A dead body is the best sniper bait you could ask for

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