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bad_mojo (DayZ)

Uptime? What's uptime?

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People keep screaming "its alpha" at you because that is the reason why .60 server up times are so low. They have repeatedly said that .60 is not for "playing", but for testing, as it is. Dont expect a strong user experience on the experimental branch. In order to fix the performance issues, they had to write a new renderer from scratch. Rewriting a new renderer is not bug fixing or balancing, which is done in beta mostly. So yes, this should happen in alpha. If you play .59, which is meant for playing and not just bug teating, unexpected crashes are pretty much non existent. If you had crashing issues a year ago, it was for a different version of the game and thus not applicable. The issue of being disconnected or servers crashing is real in .60, and it wikl be fixes by the time it hits stable. They have to run it as experimental to find the issues first before they can address them, which is the entire point of it. I am personally just tired of people not understanding what a work in progress/experimental/alpha means, then complain when it isnt a fully polished or great user experience. You have probably heard this before, but go play something else until .60 hits stable if it is bothering you that much. 

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Perhaps I have a tendency to pick bad servers, but even playing 0.59 I was seeing the red text all the time.


My issue with server restarts have nothing to do with crashing or the exp branch.

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But it has everything to do with "not understanding" what an alpha is.  The developers made it quite clear that YOU should not buy this game until it is finished.  You ignored the warning, and came here to complain about it.

As far as experiencing frequent restarts on .59 stable, perhaps you were on a clan server full of bad drivers who knew the admins; it can sometimes be common to restart the server to right a flipped car.

My advice, pick one or two servers that you like, and stick to them.  Having a bunch of KOS warriors constantly filling up the two-or-three most popular servers is kind-of a joke. And even those might get reset occasionally just to let somebody's friends into the server when it comes back online.

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5 hours ago, emuthreat said:

But it has everything to do with "not understanding" what an alpha is.  The developers made it quite clear that YOU should not buy this game until it is finished.  You ignored the warning, and came here to complain about it.


Why is constructive criticism of the game met with this type of response? You would think I was asking for polished content or something. I am critiquing a technical part of the game that I feel could use some improvement. I'm sharing the impact that it has had on my experience while testing the alpha.

How am I not understanding what an alpha is? The developers never said you should silence yourselves until DayZ hits 1.0, they actually said we shouldn't buy the game if we're not interested in supporting DayZs development. Here I am, supporting their development by testing the game and reporting my findings.

Is it just a knee jerk reaction at this point for you guys to scream alpha at anything that isn't in complete support of DayZ? I brought up the point about them fixing FPS in .60 because I bet you any money six months ago you guys would have screamed alpha at anyone who dared to suggest that be fixed before beta. I brought up the point to show how utterly wrong you alpha screamers can be. I understand what an alpha is? Do you?!? (hint: it's not a dismissal)

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You quoted the part of my response that did not contain the legitimate and common reasons that stable servers can go down; such as admins resetting for whatever personal reasons they may have.  Have you played on an "official" public server and experienced this often?  I spent most of .59 on a public server where I was in communication with the admins, and I cannot remember having a large number of server resets.  It was a pretty low populated server, but the time I spent on higher population servers never seemed to have much issue on .59 either.  This makes me wonder if you have any hardware or connection issues, if stable is "unplayable" due to server resets.

I urge you to go back and read the disclaimer that you agreed to upon purchase.  There is to be no guarantee of stable, playable servers during the alpha period; especially not on experimental.

I don't know what to tell ya.  Aside from a few hours of CTD when trying to log into exp. last week, I have had the same experience as most experienced players.  Experimental has been crashing sporadically, and sometimes very frequently, since .60 came out.  It's the first big push of the major technical integration stage, so I suppose that is to be expected for a while.


With regards to your "constructive feedback" about the crashes:  A quick perusal of the experimental patch forums will verify that this is a well-known issue, and has been since the day hour of the patch.  So yes, thank you for the input, Bohemia is well-aware of the problem.  I wouldn't expect stable servers until all the features have been added to the game, as each new addition has to be meshed into the existing machine on-the-fly.  There are still at least two major steps similar to this one that have to be taken, before you should expect anything resembling a polished and playable experience.  Sorry.  For what it's worth, .60 is the beez kneez.

Edited by emuthreat

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