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Turning positive paid off

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So after I turned more positive about the alpha here I happened to load into server and make my way from Cherno towards NWAF. I am new to going there and get lost at some point. I come to a great view of what I think is still the South Coast ( did a circle on a trail), so Im standing in the middle of the road in middle of nowhere enjoying the view. I grab my phone to check the izurvive map and to my disbelief I hear the close sound of a dude running by me. My back was to him. I turn around and see a fully geared bloke passing me within feet and he is not even concerned enough to turn around and watch me. He was fully automatic and I just had a lrs mosin. I take this as karma for not hating on the mod anymore that he didnt knife me in the back Counter Strike style. What a cool dude.

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I suspect he ate a bad zuchini and was running towards the only outside toilet he could remember.  At that point you could have had a SHOOT ME sign in ascii hanging around your neck and he wouldn't have seen you.


Digitalrea.  Gets em every time.

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Karma is an illusion. It's mere luck and has nothing to do with your attitude. If you'd be even luckier, he wouldve missed you by a kilometer and you wouldn't tell us this story.


I recommend this: 


The only real effect is that you might feel better about the game, which worked for me in the past, and therefore enjoy the game more.



I ran into a guy yesterday outside the wall of the NWA, he looked right at me but didn't see me. I opened fire.... people sometimes just fail.

Edited by Khanarac

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So after I turned more positive about the alpha here I happened to load into server and make my way from Cherno towards NWAF. I am new to going there and get lost at some point. I come to a great view of what I think is still the South Coast ( did a circle on a trail), so Im standing in the middle of the road in middle of nowhere enjoying the view. I grab my phone to check the izurvive map and to my disbelief I hear the close sound of a dude running by me. My back was to him. I turn around and see a fully geared bloke passing me within feet and he is not even concerned enough to turn around and watch me. He was fully automatic and I just had a lrs mosin. I take this as karma for not hating on the mod anymore that he didnt knife me in the back Counter Strike style. What a cool dude.

Hoth, the sun is always brighter when you think it is. I've noticed a little slippage here and there. It takes a while to fully change an outllook. Took me a while to realize KOS wasn't ruining my game. I was.

      There are a lot of cool dudes. You just gotta be willing to see them.

Edited by RAM-bo4250
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I dont think he was auto running because he turned a bend with the road. But it is odd that he didnt use his mic. When he was so close.

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Turning positive paid off eh? 



Face reality much?

If Valve or Bohemia really cared about hacking at all they could write software that takes a "snap shot" or "finger print" of a computer's operating system ID and then never allow them to install a second DayZ or Steam account. Or the 12 other ways they could prevent hacking in the first place.

What's unacceptable is the amount of hacking in this Alpha. It's a level of hacking I've never seen before in 20 years of playing video games.

Pure logic based on all of our facts say it's a business decision at this stage to just let BE ban people every now and then rather than devote resources to preventing hacks in the first place. It's a fact that you can cheat your ass off, pretty much anonymously, then simply purchase another Steam and Dayz account.

So how can you say the fellow you are responding to is being slanderous? These are all facts that Bohemia and Valve could care less about hacking and purchasing new accounts. In fact, it might be a business model as I mentioned before. I'm not saying they wont try to prevent hacking in final release, I pray to God they will, but for now, it's a business model to not prevent hacks and it's very insulting to legit players.

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Turning positive paid off eh?

I am only being negative about hacking. I can't help that.

I'm not complaining about glitches and broken core. That is something we should have patience for.

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I am only being negative about hacking. I can't help that.

I'm not complaining about glitches and broken core. That is something we should have patience for.

So complaining about hacking is saying that "Bohemia and Valve could care less"?  Quit your shit posting and take a break.  Come back when this game is in beta or even full release because you obviously cannot handle it being in development.

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If you think pointing out how hacking is getting worse and very little has done about it is "shit posting".

Then that's your opinion. I'm still way more constructive about everything else. I really don't see how anyone's feelings are getting hurt or their panties in a bunch except yours. I don't get why you like to start arguments with people. You sound like a misreable person to be around.

Yes, I think Bohemia is not concerned with hacking in the Alpha. There are numerous facts that prove this. I never said they will always never care. I believe they might care in the final release. If you can't see that then I'd like to equally distract you and sell you some swamp land down here in Florida. Instead of taking offsense to what people say, why don't you ignore it?

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Instead of taking offsense to what people say, why don't you ignore it?

I ignore most and respond to the shit posts.  Has it ever occurred to you that there are some of us here who are trying to help with the development of the game and are sick and tired of trying wade through the shit posts on this forum to find a thread that has any relevance to the game development?   A good majority of us also try to educate people like you about the process of this alpha project who then respond in kind with their fingers in their ears going, "la la la la la"

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i gotta hand it to you Caboose, your derailing skills are sure helping out development.

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i gotta hand it to you Caboose, your derailing skills are sure helping out development.

And what does this thread have to do with development? ;).  I'm just pointing out that a leopard can't change it's spots

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Yes, I think Bohemia is not concerned with hacking in the Alpha. There are numerous facts that prove this. I never said they will always never care. I believe they might care in the final release. If you can't see that then I'd like to equally distract you and sell you some swamp land down here in Florida. Instead of taking offsense to what people say, why don't you ignore it?



If it was me creating this game I would love people to hack it in alpha as then I could see what they are up to and by the time the game is released I would have them bang to rights. The one thing I would not do is tell anyone that I was using a honey pot to see what the hackers were doing and the plan I had to defeat them when I released the game.


I see you are trying to second guess a company that have more combined experience than you could accumulate in a lifetime, they/we know they have a problem hackers (what popular game does not?) but remember just because they are not shouting about it does not mean they are not doing anything about it.


BTW have you noticed that 1st exp servers are not full of hackers? The hackers know Bis monitor those servers a lot so they avoid them (most of the time) have you tried those servers?

Edited by SlimPikins69

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I ignore most and respond to the shit posts.  Has it ever occurred to you that there are some of us here who are trying to help with the development of the game and are sick and tired of trying wade through the shit posts on this forum to find a thread that has any relevance to the game development?   A good majority of us also try to educate people like you about the process of this alpha project who then respond in kind with their fingers in their ears going, "la la la la la"


But bro, shit posts are setups for awesome posts.  Circle of life.  

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And what does this thread have to do with development? ;).  I'm just pointing out that a leopard can't change it's spots

He made a topic before this, stating that he now will be more positive and apologized to the forum for being bitter. I told him there that he won't change, just like you did now. I give you beans just for pissing this guy off because I dislike him AND you happen to be right.


I also don't understand why topics like this or his apology to the forum are even made to begin with. Who the hell cares when some guy passed you by and you attribute it to superstitious karma or that you are more positive now. I come here to see info about the damn game, stuff I didn't know before about the mechanics and to give counterweight to people who spew nonesense all day in this forum while having nearly no playinghours whatsoever, like this http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/210714-beware-of-tktso-bug-maybe/


I'm scared shitless than anyone of the devteam will ever actually listen to one of those people, on any matter.

Edited by Khanarac

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